Denizen Script Commands

Commands are always written with a '-' before them, and are the core component of any script, the primary way to cause things to happen.
Learn about how commands work in The Beginner's Guide.

Showing all 184 commands...


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Category: core

Related Guide Page
Syntaxadjust [<ObjectTag>/def:<name>|...] [<mechanism>](:<value>)
Short DescriptionAdjusts an object's mechanism.
Full DescriptionMany object tag types contains options and properties that need to be adjusted.
Denizen employs a mechanism interface to deal with those adjustments.
To easily accomplish this, use this command with a valid object mechanism, and sometimes accompanying value.

Specify "def:<name>" as an input to adjust a definition and automatically save the result back to the definition.

You can optionally adjust a MapTag of mechanisms to values.

To adjust an item in an inventory, use Command:inventory, as '- inventory adjust slot:<#> <mechanism>:<value>'.
Note that that is only for items, not actual inventories.
To adjust an actual InventoryTag mechanism, you should still use the normal 'adjust' command, not 'inventory adjust'.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].result> returns the adjusted object.
<entry[saveName].result_list> returns a ListTag of adjusted objects.
Usage Example
# Use to set a custom display name on an entity.
- adjust <[some_entity]> custom_name:ANGRY!
Usage Example
# Use to set the skin of every online player.
- adjust <server.online_players> skin:Notch
Usage Example
# Use to modify an item held in a definition.
- adjust def:stick "display_name:Fancy stick"
Synonyms (Search Aid)mechanism

Related Guide Page
Syntaxadjustblock [<location>|...] [<mechanism>](:<value>) (no_physics)
Short DescriptionAdjusts a mechanism on the material of a block at the location.
Full DescriptionAdjusts a mechanism on the material of a block at the location.
That is, an equivalent to Command:adjust, but that directly applies a "MaterialTag" mechanism onto a block.

Input a location or list of locations, and the mechanism to apply.

Use the "no_physics" argument to indicate that the change should not apply a physics update.
If not specified, physics will apply to the block and nearby blocks.
Related Tags<LocationTag.material> Returns the material of the block at the location.
Usage Example
# Use to put snow on the block at the player's feet.
- adjustblock <player.location.below> snowy:true
Usage Example
# Use to switch on the lever that the player is looking at, without actually providing redstone power.
- adjustblock <player.cursor_on> switched:true no_physics

Syntaxcooldown [<duration>] (global) (script:<script>)
Short DescriptionTemporarily disables an interact script for the linked player.
Full DescriptionTemporarily disables an interact script for the linked player.

Cooldown requires a type (player or global), a script, and a duration.
It also requires a valid link to a PlayerTag if using a non-global cooldown.

To cooldown non-interact scripts automatically, consider Command:ratelimit.

Cooldown periods are persistent through a server restart as they are saved in the 'saves.yml'.
Related Tags<ScriptTag.cooled_down[player]> Returns whether the script is currently cooled down for the player. Any global (...)
<ScriptTag.cooldown> Returns the time left for the player to cooldown for the script.
Usage Example
# Use to keep the current interact script from meeting requirements.
- cooldown 20m
Usage Example
# Use to keep a player from activating a script for a specified duration.
- cooldown 11h script:bonus_script
- cooldown 5s script:hit_indicator
Usage Example
# Use the 'global' argument to indicate the script to be on cooldown for all players.
- cooldown global 24h script:daily_treasure_offering

Syntaxcustomevent [id:<id>] (context:<map>)
Short DescriptionFires a custom world script event.
Full DescriptionFires a custom world script event.

Input is an ID (the name of your custom event, choose a constant name to use), and an optional MapTag of context data.

Linked data (player, npc, ...) is automatically sent across to the event.

Use with Event:custom event
Related Tags<entry[saveName].any_ran> returns a boolean indicating whether any events ran as a result of this command.
<entry[saveName].was_cancelled> returns a boolean indicating whether the event was cancelled.
<entry[saveName].determination_list> returns a ListTag of determinations to this event. Will be an empty list if 'determine output:' is never used.
Usage Example
# Use to call a custom event with path "on custom event id:things_happened:"
- customevent id:things_happened
Usage Example
# Use to call a custom event with path "on custom event id:things_happened:" and supply a context map of basic data.
- customevent id:things_happened context:[a=1;b=2;c=3]
Usage Example
# Use to call a custom event with a path such as "on custom event id:things_happened data:item:stone:" and supply a context map of more interesting data.
- definemap context:
    waffle: hello world
    item: <player.item_in_hand>
- customevent id:things_happened context:<[context]>
Usage Example
# Use to call a custom event and allow cancelling or replacing a value.
- definemap context:
    message: hello world
- customevent id:custom_message context:<[context]> save:event
- if <entry[event].was_cancelled>:
    - stop
- define message <entry[event].determination_list.first.if_null[<[context.message]>]>
- narrate "Final message is: <[message]>"

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdebug [<type>] [<message>] (name:<name>)
Short DescriptionShows a debug message.
Full DescriptionUse to quickly output debug information to console.

Valid types include:
DEBUG: standard hideable debug.
HEADER: standard hideable debug inside a header line.
FOOTER: a footer line.
SPACER: a spacer line.
LOG: global output, non-hideable.
APPROVAL: "Okay!" output, non-hideable.
ERROR: "Error!" output, non-hideable.
REPORT: normally used to describe the arguments of a command, requires a name, hideable.
EXCEPTION: outputs a full java stacktrace.
RECORD: Use message 'start' to start recording, 'submit' to submit a recording, or 'cancel' to cancel a recording.

TODO: Should [<type>] be required? Perhaps default to 'debug' mode?
Related Tags<entry[saveName].submitted> returns the submit link (if any).
Usage Example
# Use to show an error.
- debug error "Something went wrong!"
Usage Example
# Use to add some information to help your own ability to read debug output from you script.
- debug debug "Time is currently <[milliseconds].div[1000].round> seconds!"
Usage Example
# Use to record a debug log of a certain script.
# NOTICE: Spamming debug recordings to the official Denizen Paste instance will result in you being blocked from the paste service.
- debug record start
- run myscript
- ~debug record submit save:mylog
- narrate "Recorded log as <entry[mylog].submitted||<red>FAILED>"

Related Guide Page
Syntaxflag [<object>|...] [<name>([<#>])](:<action>)[:<value>] (expire:<time>)
Short DescriptionSets or modifies a flag on any flaggable object.
Full DescriptionThe flag command sets or modifies custom data values stored on any flaggable object (the server, a player/NPC/entity, a block location, ...).
See also Language:flag system.

This command supports data actions, see Language:data actions.

Flags by default are added permanently (or for the lifetime of the object they're attached to).
You can optionally specify a system time the flag will expire at, using either a DurationTag or a TimeTag.
If a DurationTag is used, it will be equivalent to: <util.time_now.add[<your_duration_here>]>
Related Tags<FlaggableObject.flag[<flag_name>]> Returns the specified flag from the flaggable object. (...)
<FlaggableObject.has_flag[<flag_name>]> Returns true if the flaggable object has the specified flag, otherwise returns false. (...)
<FlaggableObject.flag_expiration[<flag_name>]> Returns a TimeTag indicating when the specified flag will expire. (...)
<FlaggableObject.list_flags> Returns a list of the flaggable object's flags. (...)
<server.online_players_flagged[<flag_name>]> Returns a list of all online players with a specified flag set. (...)
<server.players_flagged[<flag_name>]> Returns a list of all players (online or offline) with a specified flag set. (...)
<server.spawned_npcs_flagged[<flag_name>]> Returns a list of all spawned NPCs with a specified flag set. (...)
<server.npcs_flagged[<flag_name>]> Returns a list of all NPCs with a specified flag set. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to create or set a flag on a player.
- flag <player> playstyle:aggressive
Usage Example
# Use to set a temporary flag for five minutes on a player.
- flag <player> just_did_something expire:5m
Usage Example
# Use to flag an npc with a given tag value.
- flag <npc> location:<npc.location>
Usage Example
# Use to apply mathematical changes to a flag's value on a unique object.
- flag <context.damager> damage_dealt:+:<context.damage>
Usage Example
# Use to add an item to a server flag as a new value without removing existing values.
- flag server cool_people:->:<[player]>
Usage Example
# Use to add multiple items as individual new values to a server flag that is already a list.
- flag server cool_people:|:<[player]>|<[someplayer]>
Usage Example
# Use to remove an entry from a server flag.
- flag server cool_people:<-:<[someplayer]>
Usage Example
# Use to completely remove a flag.
- flag server cool_people:!
Usage Example
# Use to modify a specific index in a list flag.
- flag server myflag[3]:HelloWorld

Syntaxmongo [id:<ID>] [connect:<uri> database:<database> collection:<collection>/disconnect/command:<map>/find:<map> (by_id:<id>)/insert:<map>/update:<update> new:<new> (upsert:true/{false})/use_database:<database>/use_collection:<collection>]
Short DescriptionInteracts with a MongoDB server.
Full DescriptionThis command is used to interact with a MongoDB server.

MongoDB is a NoSQL database which uses concepts such as Documents and Collections to store data. MongoDB uses a form of JSON to represent its data.
It can interact with localhost connections as well as hosted connections (such as MongoDB's Atlas) via a connection URI.
Store your connection URI in the Denizen secrets file at 'plugins/Denizen/secrets.secret'. Refer to ObjectType:SecretTag for usage info.

Mongo works as a document-oriented database, where data is stored in Documents. Documents are stored inside Collections. Collections can contain many Documents. Collections are then stored inside Databases.

Usage of the mongo command should almost always be used as ~waitable (see Language:~waitable), as large queries and insertions can take a while to retrieve or send.

You can open a mongo connection with connect:<uri>. You must specify a database and collection to connect to with the database:<database> and collection:<collection> options.
You can change the database or collection you are connected to with use_database:<database> and use_collection:<collection>
If a Database or Collection you connect to does not exist, once you insert some data then the Database or Collection will be created automatically.

To insert Documents, use insert:<map>.
To find a specific document from fragments of data, use find:<map>. You can include MongoDB's special query filters to further refine your query. If you want to search by a Document's ID, use by_id:id.

To update a Document's data, use update:<update> with the old data, and new:<new> for the new data being updated. This will update every Document matched with the provided data.
You can also include the upsert flag, to create a new Document if the Document you are trying to update does not already exist.

As MongoDB offers a variety of commands, to run a command not wrapped here you can use command:<map>.

TODO: When opening a connection, Mongo will output a lot of data to the console. There currently is not a way to turn this off.

The mongo command is merely a wrapper, and further usage details should be gathered from an official MongoDB command reference rather than from Denizen command help.
You can view the official mongo documentation here: 🔗
You can view a list of commands that MongoDB supports here: 🔗
Related Tags<util.mongo_connections> returns a ListTag of all the current Mongo connections.
<entry[saveName].result> returns the text result sent back from Mongo in a JSON format. JSON can be in an ElementTag or a ListTag depending on the action run.
<entry[saveName].inserted_id> returns the ID of the item that has been inserted via the `insert` action.
<entry[saveName].ok> returns the 'ok' value from the result. Used with the `command` action.
<entry[saveName].upserted_id> returns the ID the upserted item. Returned if the `upsert` bool is true when updating.
<entry[saveName].updated_count> returns the amount of Documents updated via the `update` action.
Usage Example
# Use to connect to a Mongo instance.
- ~mongo id:name connect:<secret[uri]>
Usage Example
# Use to disconnect from a Mongo instance.
- mongo id:name disconnect
Usage Example
# Run a simple command.
- ~mongo id:name command:[dbStats=1]
Usage Example
# Run more complex commands.
- definemap commands:
     count: my_collection
     skip: 4
 - ~mongo id:name command:<[commands]>
Usage Example
# Simple find query.
- ~mongo id:name find:[name=Bob]
Usage Example
# Complex find query with query filters.
- definemap filters:
         - number_greater_than:
             $gt: 2
         - number_less_than:
             $lt: 5
- ~mongo id:name find:<[filters]>
Usage Example
# Insert data into a Collection.
- definemap data:
     name: Pluto
     order_from_sun: 9
     has_rings: false
         - N2
         - CH4
         - CO
- ~mongo id:name insert:<[data]> save:mg
Usage Example
# Update data.
- definemap old_data:
     name: Pluto
- definemap new_data:
         name: Pluto (A Dwarf Planet)
- ~mongo id:name update:<[old_data]> new:<[new_data]>
Usage Example
# Change Databases.
- ~mongo id:name use_database:my_new_database
Usage Example
# Change Collections.
- ~mongo id:name use_collection:my_new_collection

Related Guide Page
Syntaxnote [<object>/remove] [as:<name>]
Short DescriptionAdds or removes a named note of an object to the server.
Full DescriptionAdd or remove a 'note' to the server, persistently naming an object that can be referenced in events or scripts.
Only works for object types that are 'notable'.
Noted objects are "permanent" versions of other ObjectTags. (See: Language:ObjectTags)
Noted objects keep their properties when added.

Notable object types: CuboidTag, EllipsoidTag, PolygonTag, LocationTag, InventoryTag
Related Tags<server.notes[<type>]> Deprecated in favor of Tag:util.notes
<CuboidTag.note_name> Gets the name of a noted CuboidTag. If the cuboid isn't noted, this is null.
<EllipsoidTag.note_name> Gets the name of a noted EllipsoidTag. If the ellipsoid isn't noted, this is null.
<PolygonTag.note_name> Gets the name of a noted PolygonTag. If the polygon isn't noted, this is null.
<InventoryTag.note_name> Gets the name of a noted InventoryTag. If the inventory isn't noted, this is null.
<LocationTag.note_name> Gets the name of a noted LocationTag. If the location isn't noted, this is null.
Usage Example
# Use to note a cuboid.
- note <[some_cuboid]> as:mycuboid
Usage Example
# Use to remove a noted cuboid.
- note remove as:mycuboid
Usage Example
# Use to note a location.
- note <context.location> as:mylocation
Synonyms (Search Aid)notable

Syntaxredis [id:<ID>] [connect:<host> (auth:<secret>) (port:<port>/{6379}) (ssl:true/{false})/disconnect/subscribe:<channel>|.../unsubscribe/publish:<channel> message:<message>/command:<command> (args:<arg>|...)]
Short DescriptionInteracts with a Redis server.
Full DescriptionThis command is used to interact with a redis server. It can run any standard redis commands as well as subscribe for pub/sub redis channel notifications.

Redis is a simple key/value data store that is typically used for caching and sending data between servers.
The redis server runs in memory, meaning requests are insanely fast. If you run redis locally, you can expect responses to take under a millisecond.
It is normally advised to run commands as ~waitable (see Language:~waitable), but because of the usual fast responses when the server is on localhost, you can also run commands without ~waiting.

When running commands, make sure to escape unpredictable values such as player input.
Alternatively, include the main redis command as the 'command' input and further arguments as a ListTag input for 'args'.

This command supports subscribing to pub/sub redis channels. This allows you to listen to published messages to redis from any source, including other servers.
When you subscribe to a channel, matching messages sent to the channel will trigger the Event:redis pubsub message event.
Connections that are subscribed to channels get tied up listening for messages and are unavailable to run redis commands.
The channels you subscribe to support wildcard (*) matchers and other patterns, defined by the redis docs: 🔗

Note: Make sure there are at least a few ticks between opening a subscription and closing it, otherwise strange behavior will occur.

You can publish messages to listening subscribers via publish:<channel> message:<message>.
Note that this has to be done on a separate redis connection if it is already subscribed.
Saving the result of this call returns the number of connected subscribers the message was sent to.

The redis command is merely a wrapper, and further usage details should be gathered from an official redis command reference rather than from Denizen command help.
You can view the official redis documentation and the supported commands here: 🔗
Related Tags<entry[saveName].result> returns an ElementTag or ListTag of the results of your command, depending on the redis command you ran.
<util.redis_connections> Returns a list of all Redis connections opened by Command:redis.
Usage Example
# Use to connect to a Redis server.
- ~redis id:name connect:localhost
Usage Example
# Use to connect to a Redis server with a secret auth key.
- ~redis id:name connect:localhost auth:<secret[my_redis_secret]>
Usage Example
# Use to connect to a Redis server over ssl.
- ~redis id:name connect:localhost port:6380 ssl:true
Usage Example
# Set a key/value pair in the Redis server.
- ~redis id:name "command:set my_key my_value"
Usage Example
# Delete the "foo" key.
- ~redis id:name "command:del my_key"
Usage Example
# Set a key that auto-expires in 60 seconds.
- ~redis id:name "command:setex my_key 60 'value with spaces'"
Usage Example
# Run a command with unpredictable input.
- ~redis id:name command:set args:<list[my_key].include_single[<context.message>]>
Usage Example
# Get a key's value.
- ~redis id:name "command:get my_key" save:result
Usage Example
# Get a key's value in the background via a waitable.
- ~redis id:name "command:get my_key" save:result
Usage Example
# Append values to the front or back of a redis list.
- ~redis id:name "command:rpush my_list a"
- ~redis id:name "command:rpush my_list b"
- ~redis id:name "command:lpush my_list c"
Usage Example
# Retrieve a ListTag of the members stored in a redis list (0 is the start of the list, -1 is the end).
- ~redis id:name "command:lrange my_list 0 -1"
Usage Example
# Subscribe to a redis channel. This will match published messages to channel_1, channel_foo, etc.
- ~redis id:name subscribe:channel_*
Usage Example
# Subscribe to multiple redis channels. Supports wildcards for any list entry.
- ~redis id:name subscribe:a|b*|c|d
Usage Example
# Publish a message to a redis channel. This will trigger the <@link event redis pubsub message> event for any subscribed connections for any server.
- ~redis id:name publish:channel_1 "message:hey look something happened"
Usage Example
# Unsubscribe from a redis channel. Leaves the connection intact.
- redis id:name unsubscribe
Usage Example
# Disconnect from redis.
- redis id:name disconnect

Syntaxreflectionset [object:<object>] [field:<name>] (value:<value>)
Short DescriptionSets a field on an object to a given value, or null.
Full DescriptionGive a ObjectType:JavaReflectedObjectTag as the object, a field name, and a value (or leave off for null) to set the value of a field on that object.

Uses reflection to set, and so can bypass 'private' or 'final' field limits if permitted by config.

If the value is fed as a general ObjectTag, automatic conversion will be attempted.
If automatic conversion is not possible, you must pass a ObjectType:JavaReflectedObjectTag with the appropriate type as the value.

Requires config setting "Reflection.Allow set command".
Related Tags<ObjectTag.reflected_internal_object> Returns the reflected internal Java object for a given ObjectTag.
Usage Example
# Use to change Bukkit's reference to a world's environment to the_end.
- narrate <world[world].environment>
- define obj <world[world].reflected_internal_object>
- narrate <[obj].reflect_field[environment].interpret>
- reflectionset object:<[obj]> field:environment value:the_end
- narrate <world[world].environment>
- narrate <[obj].reflect_field[environment].interpret>

Syntaxreload ({scripts}/scripts_now/config/saves/notes)
Short DescriptionReloads all Denizen scripts. Primarily for use as an in-game command.
Full DescriptionReloads all Denizen scripts.
Primarily for use as an in-game command, like "/ex reload".

By default, reloads scripts in a way that may delay a few ticks to avoid interrupting the server on large reloads.

Optionally, specify "scripts_now" to force a locked reload (server freezes until reloaded).

You can specify "config", "saves", or "notes" to reload that data instead of scripts.

When using 'scripts' (default), the reload command is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to reload scripts automatically
- reload

Syntaxreset (<player>|...) [cooldown/global_cooldown] (<script>)
Short DescriptionResets various parts of Denizen's interact save data, including a script's cooldowns.
Full DescriptionThis command can reset save data for a player, or globally.

The "cooldown" argument removes the player's cooldown for a specific script,
as set by Command:cooldown.

The "global_cooldown" argument removes all cooldowns for the specified script (not player-specific).
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to reset all cooldowns for a script when an event that limits usage completes.
- reset global_cooldown MyScriptName

Syntaxsql [id:<ID>] [disconnect/connect:<server> (username:<username>) (password:<secret>) (ssl:true/{false})/query:<query>/update:<update>]
Short DescriptionInteracts with a MySQL server.
Full DescriptionThis command is used to interact with a MySQL server. It can update the database or query it for information.

This commands exists primarily for interoperability with pre-existing databases and external services.
It should never be used for storing data that only Denizen needs to use. Consider instead using Command:flag.

The general usage order is connect -> update/query -> disconnect.
It is not required that you disconnect right after using, and in fact encouraged that you keep a connection open where possible.

When connecting, the server format is IP:Port/Database, EG 'localhost:3306/test'.
You can also append options to the end, like 'localhost:3306/test?autoReconnect=true'
Store your password in the Denizen secrets file at 'plugins/Denizen/secrets.secret'. Refer to ObjectType:SecretTag for usage info.

You can switch whether SSL is used for the connection (defaults to false).

Note that when using tag, it is recommended you escape unusual inputs to avoid SQL injection.

The SQL command is merely a wrapper for SQL queries, and further usage details should be gathered from an official MySQL query reference rather than from Denizen command help.

SQL connections are not instant - they can take several seconds, or just never connect at all.
It is recommended you hold the command by doing "- ~sql ..." rather than just "- sql ..."
as this will delay the commands following the SQL command until after the SQL operation is complete.

If you have an SQL database server other than MySQL, be sure to include the driver prefix (defaults to "mysql://" when unspecified).
Related Tags<entry[saveName].result_list> returns a ListTag of all row ListTags from a query or update command. That's a ListTag of ListTags, so for example to get the second entry of the first row you'd use "result_list.get[1].get[2]"
<entry[saveName].affected_rows> returns how many rows were affected by an update command.
<util.sql_connections> Returns a list of all SQL connections opened by Command:sql.
Usage Example
# Use to connect to an SQL server.
- ~sql id:name connect:localhost:3306/test username:space password:<secret[sql_pw]>
Usage Example
# Use to connect to an SQL server over an SSL connection.
- ~sql id:name connect:localhost:3306/test username:space password:<secret[sql_pw]> ssl:true
Usage Example
# Use to connect to an SQL server with a UTF8 text encoding.
- ~sql id:name connect:localhost:3306/test?characterEncoding=utf8 username:space password:<secret[sql_pw]>
Usage Example
# Use to update an SQL server.
- ~sql id:name "update:CREATE table things(id int,column_name1 varchar(255),column_name2 varchar(255));"
Usage Example
# Use to update an SQL server.
- ~sql id:name "update:INSERT INTO things VALUES (3, 'hello', 'space');"
Usage Example
# Use to query an SQL server.
- ~sql id:name "query:SELECT id,column_name1,column_name2 FROM things;" save:saveName
- narrate <entry[saveName].result_list>
Usage Example
# Use to query an SQL server.
- ~sql id:name "query:SELECT id,column_name1,column_name2 FROM things WHERE id=3;" save:saveName2
- narrate <entry[saveName2].result_list>
Usage Example
# Use to disconnect from an SQL server.
- sql disconnect id:name

Syntaxwebget [<url>] (data:<data>) (method:<method>) (headers:<map>) (timeout:<duration>/{10s}) (savefile:<path>) (hide_failure)
Short DescriptionGets the contents of a web page or API response.
Full DescriptionConnects to a webpage or API and downloads its contents, to be used via the save argument and corresponding entry tags.

This should almost always be ~waited for. Refer to Language:~waitable.

Note that while this will replace URL spaces to %20, you are responsible for any other necessary URL encoding.
You may want to use the Tag:ElementTag.url_encode tag for this.

Optionally, use "data:<data>" to specify a set of data to send to the server (changes the default method from GET to POST).
A BinaryTag input will be used directly - any other input will be treated as a String and encoded as UTF-8.

Optionally, use "method:<method>" to specify the HTTP method to use in your request.

Optionally, use "headers:" to specify a MapTag of headers.

Optionally, use "savefile:" to specify a path to save the retrieved file to.
This will remove the 'result' entry savedata.
Path is relative to server base directory.

Optionally, specify the "timeout:" to set how long the command should wait for a webpage to load before giving up. Defaults to 10 seconds.

Optionally, specify 'hide_failure' to indicate that connection errors are acceptable and shouldn't display in logs.

This command accepts secret inputs via ObjectType:SecretTag as the URL or as the value of any header.
Note that you cannot mix secret with non-secret - meaning, "webget <secret[my_secret]>" and "webget" are both valid, but "webget<secret[my_secret]>" is not.
Similarly, for headers, each individual header value can either be a secret or not a secret.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].failed> returns whether the webget failed. A failure occurs when the status is not 2XX/3XX or webget failed to connect.
<entry[saveName].result> returns the text of the result of the webget. This is null only if webget failed to connect to the url.
<entry[saveName].result_binary> returns the raw binary data of the result of the webget. This is null only if webget failed to connect to the url.
<entry[saveName].result_headers> returns a MapTag of the headers returned from the webserver. Every value in the result is a list.
<entry[saveName].status> returns the HTTP status code of the webget. This is null only if webget failed to connect to the url.
<entry[saveName].time_ran> returns a DurationTag indicating how long the web connection processing took.
<ElementTag.url_encode> Encodes the element using URL encoding.
Usage Example
# Use to download the google home page.
- ~webget save:google
- narrate <entry[google].result>
Usage Example
# Use to save a webpage to your server's base directory
- ~webget savefile:google.html
Usage Example
# Use to post data to a server.
- ~webget 'data:{"metricKeys":["item_sold_minecraft"]}' headers:<map.with[Content-Type].as[application/json]> save:request
- narrate <entry[request].result>
Usage Example
# Use to retrieve and load an API response into yaml.
- ~webget<> save:request
- yaml loadtext:<entry[request].result> id:player_data
Synonyms (Search Aid)wget

Syntaxwebserver [start/stop] (port:<#>) (ignore_errors)
Short DescriptionCreates a local HTTP web-server within your minecraft server.
Full DescriptionCreates a local HTTP web-server within your minecraft server.

The server does not provide SSL (HTTPS) security or functionality.
The server does not provide active abuse-prevention or routing control or etc.

If your webserver is meant for public connection, it is very strongly recommended you put the webserver behind a reverse-proxy server, such as Nginx or Apache2.

The port, if unspecified, defaults to 8080. You should usually manually specify a port.

The "ignore_errors" option can be enabled to silence basic connection errors that might otherwise spam your console logs.

You can only exactly one webserver per port.
If you use multiple ports, you can thus have multiple webservers.

When using the stop instruction, you must specify the same port you used when starting.

The webserver only does anything if you properly handle Event:webserver web request

Most webserver processing is done in the event, and thus is synchronous with the minecraft thread, and thus may induce lag if not done with care.
Note per the event's meta, "file:" is handled async, and "cached_file:" only runs sync once per file.

This command must be enabled in the Denizen/config.yml before it can be used.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to start a webserver on port 8081.
- webserver start port:8081
Usage Example
# Use to stop the webserver on port 8081.
- webserver stop port:8081

Related Guide Page
Syntaxzap (<script>) [<step>] (<duration>)
Short DescriptionChanges the current interact script step.
Full DescriptionChanges the current interact script step for the linked player.

The step name input should match the name of a step in the interact script.
The step name can be '*' to automatically zap to the default step.

If used inside an interact script, will default to the current interact script.
If used elsewhere, but there is a linked NPC with an assignment and interact, that NPC's interact script will be used.
For anywhere else, you must specify the script by name.

Optionally specify a duration. When the duration is up, the script will zap back to the step it was previously on.
If any zap commands are used during the duration, that duration will be discarded.

The command's name was inspired by a command in the language "ZZT-OOP", from a 1991 DOS game enjoyed by the original developer of Denizen.
Related Tags<ScriptTag.step[<player>]> Returns the name of a script step that the player is currently on. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to change the step to 2.
- zap 2
Usage Example
# Use to return to the default step.
- zap *
Usage Example
# Use to change the step to 3 in a script called Interact_Example.
- zap 3 Interact_Example
Usage Example
# Use to change the step to 1 for the defined player in a script called InteractScript.
- zap 1 InteractScript player:<[player]>
Synonyms (Search Aid)step

Category: entity

Syntaxage [<entity>|...] (adult/baby/<age>) (lock)
Short DescriptionSets the ages of a list of entities, optionally locking them in those ages.
Full DescriptionSome living entity types are 'ageable' which can affect an entities ability to breed, or whether they appear as a baby or an adult.
Using the 'age' command allows modification of an entity's age.
Specify an entity and either 'baby', 'adult', or an integer age to set the age of an entity.
Using the 'lock' argument will keep the entity from increasing its age automatically.
NPCs which use ageable entity types can also be specified.
Related Tags<EntityTag.age> (Property) Returns the entity's age. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to make an ageable entity a permanant baby.
- age <[some_entity]> baby lock
Usage Example
# ...or a mature adult.
- age <[some_entity]> adult lock
Usage Example
# Use to make a baby entity an adult.
- age <[some_npc]> adult
Usage Example
# Use to mature some animals so that they are old enough to breed.
- age <player.location.find_entities.within[20]> adult

Syntaxattach [<entity>|...] [to:<entity>/cancel] (offset:<offset>) (relative) (yaw_offset:<#.#>) (pitch_offset:<#.#>) (sync_server) (no_rotate/no_pitch) (for:<player>|...)
Short DescriptionAttaches a list of entities to another entity, for client-visible motion sync.
Full DescriptionAttaches a list of entities to another entity, for client-visible motion sync.

You must specify the entity or list of entities to be attached.
You must specify the entity that they will be attached to, or 'cancel' to end attachment.

Optionally, specify an offset location vector to be a positional offset. This can include a yaw/pitch to offset those as well.
Note that setting an offset of 0,0,0 will produce slightly different visual results from not setting any offset.

Optionally, specify 'relative' to indicate that the offset vector should rotate with the target entity.
If relative is used, optionally specify yaw_offset and/or pitch_offset to add an offset to rotation of the target entity when calculating the attachment offset.

Optionally, specify 'for' with a player or list of players to only sync motion for those players.
If unspecified, will sync for everyone.

Optionally, specify 'sync_server' to keep the serverside position of the attached entities near the target entity.
This can reduce some visual artifacts (such as entity unloading at distance), but may produce unintended functional artifacts.
Note that you should generally only use 'sync_server' when you exclude the 'for' argument.

Optionally specify 'no_rotate' to retain the attached entity's own rotation and ignore the target rotation.
Optionally instead specify 'no_pitch' to retain the attached entity's own pitch, but use the target yaw.

Note that attaches involving a player will not be properly visible to that player, but will still be visible to *other* players.

It may be ideal to change setting "Packets.Auto init" in the Denizen config to "true" to guarantee this command functions as expected.
Related Tags<EntityTag.attached_entities[(<player>)]> Returns the entities attached to this entity by Command:attach. (...)
<EntityTag.attached_to[(<player>)]> Returns the entity that this entity was attached to by Command:attach. (...)
<EntityTag.attached_offset[(<player>)]> Returns the offset of an attachment for this entity to another that was attached by Command:attach. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to attach random NPC to the air 3 blocks above a linked NPC.
- attach <server.list_npcs.random> to:<npc> offset:0,3,0

Syntaxattack [<entity>|...] (target:<entity>/cancel)
Short DescriptionMakes an entity, or list of entities, attack a target.
Full DescriptionThe attack command causes a mob entity to attack a target mob entity or player.

This technically can be used on an NPC, but it will trigger the Citizens internal punching-pathfinder.
This attack mode doesn't work well. If you want NPC combat, consider using Sentinel instead: 🔗

To cancel an attack, use the 'cancel' argument instead of specifying a target.
Related Tags<NPCTag.is_fighting> Returns whether the NPC is currently targeting an entity for the Citizens internal punching pathfinder. (...)
<NPCTag.attack_strategy> Returns the NPC's current navigator attack strategy. (...)
<NPCTag.target_entity> Returns the entity being targeted by the NPC's current navigation (if any).
Usage Example
# Use to make the player's target entity attack a nearby entity.
- attack <> target:<npc.location.find.living_entities.within[10].random>
Usage Example
# Use to make a random nearby entity attack a player.
- attack <player.location.find.living_entities.within[10].random> target:<player>
Usage Example
# Use to stop an entity from attacking.
- attack <[entity]> cancel

Syntaxburn [<entity>|...] (duration:<value>)
Short DescriptionSets a list of entities on fire.
Full DescriptionBurn will set a list of entities on fire.
Just specify a list of entities (or a single entity) and optionally, a duration.
Normal mobs and players will see damage afflicted, but NPCs will block damage from a burn unless 'vulnerable'.
Since this command sets the total time of fire, it can also be used to cancel fire on a burning entity by specifying a duration of 0.
Specifying no duration will result in a 5 second burn.
Related Tags<EntityTag.fire_time> Returns the duration for which the entity will remain on fire
<EntityTag.on_fire> Returns whether the entity is currently ablaze or not.
Usage Example
# Use to set an entity on fire.
- burn <player> duration:10s
Usage Example
# Use to cancel fire on entities.
- burn <player.location.find.living_entities.within[10]> duration:0
Synonyms (Search Aid)ignite, fire, torch

Syntaxcast [<effect>] (remove) (duration:<value>) (amplifier:<#>) (<entity>|...) (no_ambient) (hide_particles) (no_icon) (no_clear)
Short DescriptionCasts a potion effect to a list of entities.
Full DescriptionCasts or removes a potion effect to or from a list of entities.

The effect type must be from 🔗

If you don't specify a duration, it defaults to 60 seconds.
An infinite duration will apply an infinite duration potion effect, refer to ObjectType:DurationTag for more details.

The amplifier is how many levels to *add* over the normal level 1.
If you don't specify an amplifier level, it defaults to 1, meaning an effect of level 2 (this is for historical compatibility reasons).
Specify "amplifier:0" to have no amplifier applied (ie effect level 1).

If no entity is specified, the command will target the linked player.
If there isn't one, the command will target the linked NPC. If there isn't one either, the command will error.

Optionally, specify "no_ambient" to hide some translucent additional particles, while still rendering the main particles.
"Ambient" effects in vanilla come from a beacon, while non-ambient come from a potion.

Optionally, specify "hide_particles" to remove the particle effects entirely.

Optionally, specify "no_icon" to hide the effect icon in the corner of your screen.

Optionally use "no_clear" to prevent clearing any previous effect instance before adding the new one.
Related Tags<EntityTag.has_effect[<effect>]> Returns whether the entity has a specified effect. (...)
<server.potion_effect_types> Returns a list of all potion effects known to the server. (...)
<EntityTag.effects_data> Returns the active potion effects on the entity, in the MapTag format of the mechanism.
Usage Example
# Use to cast a level 1 effect onto the linked player or NPC for 50 seconds.
- cast speed duration:50s amplifier:0
Usage Example
# Use to cast an effect onto the linked player or NPC for an infinite duration with an amplifier of 3 (effect level 4).
- cast jump duration:infinite amplifier:3
Usage Example
# Use to remove an effect from a specific entity.
- cast jump remove <[entity]>
Synonyms (Search Aid)potion, magic

Syntaxequip (<entity>|...) (hand:<item>) (offhand:<item>) (head:<item>) (chest:<item>) (legs:<item>) (boots:<item>) (saddle:<item>) (horse_armor:<item>)
Short DescriptionEquips items and armor on a list of entities.
Full DescriptionThis command equips an item or armor to an entity or list of entities to the specified slot(s).
Set the item to 'air' to unequip any slot.
Related Tags<> Returns a ListTag containing the entity's equipment. (...)
<> Returns the equipment of an inventory as a list of items. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to equip a stone block on the player's head.
- equip <player> head:stone
Usage Example
# Use to equip an iron helmet on two defined players.
- equip <[player]>|<[someplayer]> head:iron_helmet
Usage Example
# Use to unequip all armor off the player.
- equip <player> head:air chest:air legs:air boots:air
Usage Example
# Use to equip a saddle on the horse the player is riding.
- equip <player.vehicle> saddle:saddle
Usage Example
# Use to equip a saddle on all nearby pigs.
- equip <player.location.find_entities[pig].within[10]> saddle:saddle

Syntaxfakeequip [<entity>|...] (for:<player>|...) (duration:<duration>/reset) (hand:<item>) (offhand:<item>) (head:<item>) (chest:<item>) (legs:<item>) (boots:<item>)
Short DescriptionFake-equips items and armor on a list of entities for players to see without real change.
Full DescriptionThis command fake-equips items and armor on a list of entities.

The change doesn't happen on-server, and no armor effects will happen from it.

The equipment can only be seen by certain players. By default, the linked player is used.

The changes will remain in place for as long as the duration is specified (even if the real equipment is changed).
The changes can be manually reset early by using the 'reset' argument.
If you do not provide a duration, the fake equipment will last until manually reset.
This does not persist across server restarts.

Set the item to 'air' to unequip any slot.
Related Tags<> Returns a ListTag containing the entity's equipment. (...)
<> Returns the equipment of an inventory as a list of items. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to fake-equip a stone block on the player's head.
- fakeequip <player> head:stone duration:10s
Usage Example
# Use to fake-equip an iron helmet on two defined players.
- fakeequip <[player]>|<[someplayer]> head:iron_helmet duration:1m
Usage Example
# Use to fake-unequip all armor off the player.
- fakeequip <player> head:air chest:air legs:air boots:air duration:5s
Usage Example
# Use to make all players within 30 blocks of an entity see it permanently equip a shield.
- fakeequip <[entity]> offhand:shield for:<[entity].find_players_within[30]> duration:0

Syntaxfakeinternaldata [entity:<entity>] [data:<map>|...] (for:<player>|...) (speed:<duration>)
Short DescriptionSends fake entity data updates, optionally animating them with sub-tick precision.
Full DescriptionSends fake internal entity data updates, optionally sending multiple over time.
This supports sub-tick precision, allowing smooth/high FPS animations.

The input to 'data:' is a list of ObjectType:MapTags, with each map being a frame to send; see Language:Internal Entity Data for more information.

Optionally specify a list of players to fake the data for, defaults to the linked player.

'speed:' is the amount of time between each frame getting sent, supporting sub-tick delays.
Note that this is the delay between each frame, regardless of their content (see examples).
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Animates an item display entity's item for the linked player, and slowly scales it up.
- fakeinternaldata entity:<[item_display]> data:[item=iron_ingot;scale=0.6,0.6,0.6]|[item=gold_ingot;scale=0.8,0.8,0.8]|[item=netherite_ingot;scale=1,1,1] speed:0.5s
Usage Example
# Changes an item display's item, then its scale a second later, then its item again another second later.
- fakeinternaldata entity:<[item_display]> data:[item=stone]|[scale=2,2,2]|[item=waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab] speed:1s
Usage Example
# Animates a rainbow glow on a display entity for all online players.
- define color <color[red]>
- repeat 256 from:0 as:hue:
  - define frames:->:[glow_color=<[color].with_hue[<[hue]>].argb_integer>]
- fakeinternaldata entity:<[display]> data:<[frames]> for:<server.online_players> speed:0.01s

Syntaxfeed (<entity>) (amount:<#>) (saturation:<#.#>)
Short DescriptionFeed the player or npc.
Full DescriptionFeeds the player or npc specified.

By default targets the player attached to the script queue and feeds a full amount.

Accepts the 'amount:' argument, which is in half bar increments, up to a total of 20 food points.
The amount may be negative, to cause hunger instead of satiating it.

You can optionally also specify an amount to change the saturation by.
By default, the saturation change will be the same as the food level change.
This is also up to a total of 20 points. This value may also be negative.

Also accepts the 'target:<entity>' argument to specify the entity which will be fed the amount.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.food_level> Returns the current food level (aka hunger) of the player.
<PlayerTag.formatted_food_level> Returns a 'formatted' value of the player's current food level. (...)
<PlayerTag.saturation> Returns the current food saturation of the player. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to feed the player for 5 foodpoints (or 2.5 bars).
- feed amount:5
Usage Example
# Use to feed an NPC for 10 foodpoints (or 5 bars).
- feed <npc> amount:10
Usage Example
# Use to feed a player from a definition fully without refilling saturation.
- feed <[player]> saturation:0

Syntaxfly (cancel) [<entity>|...] (controller:<player>) (origin:<location>) (destinations:<location>|...) (speed:<#.#>) (rotationthreshold:<#.#>)
Short DescriptionMake an entity fly where its controller is looking or fly to waypoints.
Full DescriptionMake an entity fly where its controller is looking or fly to waypoints.
This is particularly useful as a way to make flying entities rideable (or make a non-flying entity start flying).

Optionally specify a list of "destinations" to make it move through a series of checkpoints (disabling the "controller" functionality).

Optionally specify an "origin" location where the entities should teleport to at the start.

Optionally specify the "speed" argument to set how fast the entity should fly.

Optionally specify the "rotationthreshold" to set the minimum threshold (in degrees) before the entity should forcibly rotate to the correct direction.

Use the "cancel" argument to stop an existing flight.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.can_fly> Returns whether the player is allowed to fly. (...)
<PlayerTag.fly_speed> Returns the speed the player can fly at. (...)
<PlayerTag.is_flying> Returns whether the player is currently flying.
Usage Example
# Use to make a player ride+fly a newly spawned dragon.
- fly <player>|ender_dragon

Syntaxfollow (followers:<entity>|...) (stop/target:<entity>) (lead:<#.#>) (max:<#.#>) (speed:<#.#>) (allow_wander) (no_teleport)
Short DescriptionCauses a list of entities to follow a target.
Full DescriptionCauses a list of entities to follow a target.

Specify the list of followers or just one. If no follower is specified, will use the linked NPC.

Specify either the target to follow, or 'stop'. If no target is specified, will use the linked player.

Use 'speed' to set the movement speed multiplier.
Use 'lead' to set how far away the follower will remain from the target (ie, it won't try to get closer than the 'lead' distance).
Use 'max' to set the maximum distance between the follower and the target before the follower will automatically start teleporting to keep up.
Use 'no_teleport' to disable teleporting when the entity is out of range (instead, the entity will simply give up).
Use 'allow_wander' to allow the entity to wander randomly.

The 'max' and 'allow_wander' arguments can only be used on non-NPC entities.
Related Tags<NPCTag.navigator.target_entity> returns the entity the npc is following.
Usage Example
# To make an NPC follow the player in an interact script.
- follow
Usage Example
# To make an NPC stop following.
- follow stop
Usage Example
# To explicitly make an NPC follow the player.
- follow followers:<npc> target:<player>
Usage Example
# To make an NPC follow the player, slowly and at distance.
- follow speed:0.7 lead:10

Syntaxglow (<entity>|...) ({true}/false/toggle/reset) (for:<player>|...)
Short DescriptionSets whether an NPC or entity is glowing.
Full DescriptionSets whether the specified entities glow, defaults to the linked player/NPC if none were specified.

Optionally specify 'for:' with a list of players to fake the entities' glow state for these players.
When using 'toggle' with the 'for:' argument, the glow state will be toggled for each player separately.
If unspecified, will be set globally.
'for:' players remain tracked even when offline/reconnecting, but are forgotten after server restart.

When not using 'for:', the glow is global / on the real entity, which will persist in that entity's data until changed.

To reset an entity's fake glow use the 'reset' state.
A reset is global by default, use the 'for:' argument to reset specific players.
Related Tags<EntityTag.glowing> Returns whether this entity is glowing.
Usage Example
# Use to make the linked player (or NPC, if there isn't one) glow.
- glow
Usage Example
# Use to toggle whether the linked NPC is glowing.
- glow <npc> toggle
Usage Example
# Use to make an entity glow for specific players, without changing the way other players see it.
- glow <[entity]> for:<[player1]>|<[player2]>
Usage Example
# Use to reset an entity's fake glow state for the linked player.
- glow <[entity]> reset for:<player>

Syntaxheal (<#.#>) ({player}/<entity>|...)
Short DescriptionHeals the player or list of entities.
Full DescriptionThis command heals a player, list of players, entity or list of entities.

If no amount is specified it will heal the specified player(s)/entity(s) fully.
Related Tags<> Returns the current health of the entity.
<EntityTag.health_max> Returns the maximum health of the entity.
Usage Example
# Use to fully heal a player.
- heal
Usage Example
# Use to heal a player 5 hearts.
- heal 10
Usage Example
# Use to heal a defined player fully.
- heal <[someplayer]>

Syntaxhealth ({npc}/<entity>|...) [<#>] (state:{true}/false/toggle) (heal)
Short DescriptionChanges the target's maximum health.
Full DescriptionUse this command to modify an entity's maximum health.

If the target is an NPC, you can use the 'state' argument to enable, disable, or toggle the Health trait
(which is used to track the NPC's health, and handle actions such as 'on death').
The Health trait will be enabled by default.

By default, this command will target the linked NPC but can be set to target any other living entity, such as a player or mob.

Optionally specify the 'heal' argument to automatically heal the entity to the new health value.
If not specified, the entity's health will remain wherever it was
(so for example a change from 20 max to 50 max will leave an entity with 20 health out of 50 max).

Additionally, you may input a list of entities, each one will calculate the effects explained above.
Related Tags<> Returns the current health of the entity.
<EntityTag.health_max> Returns the maximum health of the entity.
<NPCTag.has_trait[health]> Returns whether the NPC has a specified trait.
Usage Example
# Use to set the NPC's maximum health to 50.
- health 50
Usage Example
# Use to disable tracking of health value on the NPC.
- health state:false
Usage Example
# Use to change a player's health limit and current health both to 50.
- health <player> 50 heal
Usage Example
# Use to change a list of entities' health limits all to 50.
- health <player.location.find.living_entities.within[10]> 50

Syntaxhurt (<#.#>) ({player}/<entity>|...) (cause:<cause>) (source:<entity>/<location>)
Short DescriptionHurts the player or a list of entities.
Full DescriptionDoes damage to a list of entities, or to any single entity.

If no entities are specified: if there is a linked player, the command targets that. If there is no linked
player but there is a linked NPC, the command targets the NPC. If neither is available, the command will error.

Does a specified amount of damage usually, but, if no damage is specified, does precisely 1HP worth of damage (half a heart).

Optionally, specify (source:<entity>) to make the system treat that entity as the attacker.
If using a block-type cause such as "contact", you *must* specify (source:<location>) to set that block location as the attacker. The block can be any block, even just "<player.location>" (as long as the player in inside a world).

You may also specify a damage cause to fire a proper damage event with the given cause, only doing the damage if the event wasn't cancelled.
Calculates the 'final damage' rather than using the raw damage input number. See Language:damage cause for damage causes.

Using a valid 'cause' value is best when trying to replicate natural damage, excluding it is best when trying to force the raw damage through.
Note that using invalid or impossible causes may lead to bugs
Related Tags<> Returns the current health of the entity.
<EntityTag.last_damage.amount> Returns the amount of the last damage taken by the entity.
<EntityTag.last_damage.cause> Returns the cause of the last damage taken by the entity.
<EntityTag.last_damage.duration> Returns the duration of the last damage taken by the entity.
<EntityTag.last_damage.max_duration> Returns the maximum duration of the last damage taken by the entity.
Usage Example
# Use to hurt the player for 1 HP.
- hurt
Usage Example
# Use to hurt the NPC for 5 HP.
- hurt 5 <npc>
Usage Example
# Use to cause the player to hurt the NPC for all its health (if unarmored).
- hurt <> <npc> cause:CUSTOM source:<player>
Synonyms (Search Aid)damage, injure

Syntaxinvisible (<entity>|...) ({true}/false/toggle/reset) (for:<player>|...)
Short DescriptionSets whether an NPC or entity are invisible.
Full DescriptionSets whether the specified entities are invisible (equivalent to an invisibility potion), defaults to the linked player/NPC if none were specified.
If an NPC was specified, the 'invisible' trait is applied.

Optionally specify 'for:' with a list of players to fake the entities' visibility state for these players.
When using 'toggle' with the 'for:' argument, the visibility state will be toggled for each player separately.
If unspecified, will be set globally.
'for:' players remain tracked even when offline/reconnecting, but are forgotten after server restart.
Note that using the 'for:' argument won't apply the 'invisible' trait to NPCs.

When not using 'for:', the effect is global / on the real entity, which will persist in that entity's data until changed.

To reset an entity's fake visibility use the 'reset' state.
A reset is global by default, use the 'for:' argument to reset specific players.

NPCs can't be made invisible if not added to the playerlist (the invisible trait adds the NPC to the playerlist when set).
See Language:invisible trait
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to make the linked player (or NPC, if there isn't one) invisible.
- invisible
Usage Example
# Use to make the linked NPC visible if previously invisible, and invisible if not.
- invisible <npc> toggle
Usage Example
# Use to make an entity visible for specific players, without changing the way other players see it.
- invisible <[entity]> false for:<[player1]>|<[player2]>
Usage Example
# Use to reset an entity's fake visibility state for the linked player.
- invisible <[entity]> reset for:<player>

Syntaxkill ({player}/<entity>|...)
Short DescriptionKills the player or a list of entities.
Full DescriptionKills a list of entities, or a single entity.

If no entities are specified, the command targets the linked player.
If there is no linked player, the command targets the linked NPC.
If neither is available, the command errors.
Related Tags<EntityTag.is_spawned> Returns whether the entity is spawned.
Usage Example
# Use to kill the linked player.
- kill
Usage Example
# Use to kill the linked NPC.
- kill <npc>
Usage Example
# Use to kill all monsters within 10 blocks of the linked player.
- kill <player.location.find_entities[monster].within[10]>

Syntaxleash (cancel) [<entity>|...] (holder:<entity>/<location>)
Short DescriptionSticks a leash on target entity, held by a fence or another entity.
Full DescriptionAttaches a leash to the specified entity.
The leash may be attached to a fence, or another entity.
Players and Player NPCs may not be leashed.
Note that releasing a mob from a fence post may leave the leash attached to that fence post.

Non-player NPCs can be leashed if '/npc leashable' is enabled.
Related Tags<EntityTag.is_leashed> Returns whether the entity is leashed.
<EntityTag.leash_holder> Returns the leash holder of entity.
Usage Example
# Use to attach a leash to the player's target.
- leash <> holder:<player>
Usage Example
# Use to attach the closest cow in 10 blocks to the fence the player is looking at.
- leash <player.location.find_entities[cow].within[10].first> holder:<player.cursor_on>
Usage Example
# Use to release the target entity.
- leash cancel <>

Syntaxlook (<entity>|...) [<location>/cancel/yaw:<yaw> pitch:<pitch>] (duration:<duration>) (offthread_repeat:<#>)
Short DescriptionCauses the NPC or other entity to look at a target location.
Full DescriptionMakes the entity look towards the location.

You can specify either a target location, or a yaw and pitch.

Can be used on players.

If a duration is set, the entity cannot look away from the location until the duration has expired.
Use the cancel argument to end the duration earlier.

Optionally, you can use the "offthread_repeat:" option alongside "yaw:" and "pitch:"
to cause a player's rotation to be smoothed out with a specified number of extra async rotation packets within a single tick.
Related Tags<LocationTag.yaw> Returns the normalized yaw of the object at the location.
<LocationTag.pitch> Returns the pitch of the object at the location.
Usage Example
# Use to point an npc towards a spot.
- look <npc> <player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to force a player to stare at a spot for some time.
- look <player> <npc.location> duration:10s
Synonyms (Search Aid)turn, face

Syntaxmount (cancel) [<entity>|...] (<location>)
Short DescriptionMounts one entity onto another.
Full DescriptionMounts an entity onto another as though in a vehicle.
Can be used to force a player into a vehicle or to mount an entity onto another entity, for example a player onto an NPC.
If the entity(s) don't exist they will be spawned.
Accepts a location, which the entities will be teleported to on mounting.
Related Tags<EntityTag.vehicle> If the entity is in a vehicle, returns the vehicle as a EntityTag.
<EntityTag.is_inside_vehicle> Returns whether the entity is inside a vehicle.
<entry[saveName].mounted_entities> returns a list of entities that were mounted.
Usage Example
# Use to mount an NPC on top of a player.
- mount <npc>|<player>
Usage Example
# Use to spawn a mutant pile of mobs.
- mount cow|pig|sheep|chicken
Usage Example
# Use to place a diamond block above a player's head.
- mount falling_block,diamond_block|<player>
Usage Example
# Use to force an entity in a vehicle.
- mount <player>|boat

Syntaxpush [<entity>|...] (origin:<entity>/<location>) (destination:<location>) (speed:<#.#>) (duration:<duration>) (script:<name>) (def:<element>|...) (force_along) (precision:<#>) (no_rotate) (no_damage) (ignore_collision)
Short DescriptionPushes entities through the air in a straight line.
Full DescriptionPushes entities through the air in a straight line at a certain speed and for a certain duration,
triggering a script when they hit an obstacle or stop flying.

You must specify an entity to be pushed.

Usually, you should specify the origin and the destination. If unspecified, they will be assumed from contextual data.

You can specify the script to be run with the (script:<name>) argument,
and optionally specify definitions to be available in this script with the (def:<element>|...) argument.

Using the 'no_damage' argument causes the entity to receive no damage when they stop moving.

Optionally use the "ignore_collision" argument to ignore block collisions.

Optionally use "speed:#" to set how fast it should be pushed.

Optionally use "force_along" to cause the entity to teleport through any blockage.

Optionally use "no_rotate" to prevent entities being rotated at the start of the push.

Optionally use "duration:#" to set the max length of time to continue pushing.

The push command is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<EntityTag.velocity> Returns the movement velocity of the entity. (...)
<entry[saveName].pushed_entities> returns the list of pushed entities.
Usage Example
# Use to launch an arrow straight towards a target.
- push arrow destination:<player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to launch an entity into the air.
- push cow

Syntaxremove [<entity>|...] (world:<world>)
Short DescriptionDespawns an entity or list of entities, permanently removing any NPCs.
Full DescriptionRemoves the selected entity. May also take a list of entities to remove.

Any NPC removed this way is completely removed, as if by '/npc remove'.
For temporary NPC removal, see Command:despawn.

If a generic entity name is given (like 'zombie'), this will remove all entities of that type from the given world.
Optionally, you may specify a world to target.
(Defaults to the world of the player running the command)
Related Tags<EntityTag.is_spawned> Returns whether the entity is spawned.
Usage Example
# Use to remove the entity the player is looking at.
- remove <>
Usage Example
# Use to remove all nearby entities around the player, excluding the player itself.
- remove <player.location.find_entities.within[10].exclude[<player>]>
Usage Example
# Use to remove all dropped items in the world called cookies.
- remove dropped_item world:cookies

Syntaxrename [<name>/cancel] (t:<entity>|...) (per_player) (for:<player>|...) (list_name_only)
Short DescriptionRenames the linked NPC or list of entities.
Full DescriptionRenames the linked NPC or list of entities.
Functions like the '/npc rename' command.

Can rename a spawned or unspawned NPC to any name up to 256 characters.

Can rename a vanilla entity to any name up to 256 characters, and will automatically make the nameplate visible.

Can rename a player to any name up to 16 characters. This will affect only the player's nameplate.

Optionally specify 'per_player' to reprocess the input tags for each player when renaming a vanilla entity
(meaning, if you use "- rename <> t:<[someent]> per_player", every player will see their own name on that entity).
A per_player rename will remain active until the entity is renamed again or the server is restarted.
Rename to "cancel" per_player to intentionally end a per_player rename.
Optionally specify "for:" a list of players when using per_player.

Optionally specify 'list_name_only' to only change the tab list name for a player. Works with 'per_player'.
Related Tags<> Returns the name of the entity. (...)
<NPCTag.nickname> Returns the NPC's display name, as set by the Nickname trait (or the default NPC name).
Usage Example
# Use to rename the linked NPC to 'Bob'.
- rename Bob
Usage Example
# Use to rename a different NPC to 'Bob'.
- rename Bob t:<[some_npc]>
Usage Example
# Use to make an entity show players their own name for 10 seconds.
- rename <green><> t:<[some_entity]> per_player
- wait 10s
- rename cancel t:<[some_entity]> per_player

Syntaxrotate (cancel) (<entity>|...) (yaw:<#.#>) (pitch:<#.#>) (infinite/duration:<duration>) (frequency:<duration>)
Short DescriptionRotates a list of entities.
Full DescriptionInduces incremental rotation on a list of entities over a period of time.

The yaw and pitch arguments specify how much the entity will rotate each step. Default to 10 and 0 respectively.

The frequency argument specifies how long it takes between each rotation step. Defaults to 1t.

The duration argument specifies how long the whole rotation process will last. Defaults to 1s.
Alternatively, use "infinite" if you want the entity to spin forever.

You can use "cancel" to prematurely stop the ongoing rotation (useful when set to infinite)

The rotate command is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<EntityTag.location> Returns the location of the entity. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to rotate the player's yaw by 10 every tick for 3 seconds total
- rotate <player> duration:3s
Usage Example
# Use to rotate the player's pitch by 20 every 5 ticks for a second total
- rotate <player> yaw:0.0 pitch:20.0 frequency:5t
Usage Example
# Use to prematurely stop the player's rotation
- rotate cancel <player>
Synonyms (Search Aid)spin

Syntaxshoot [<entity>|...] (origin:<entity>/<location>) (destination:<location>) (height:<#.#>) (speed:<#.#>) (script:<name>) (def:<element>|...) (shooter:<entity>) (spread:<#.#>) (lead:<location>) (no_rotate)
Short DescriptionShoots an entity through the air, useful for things like firing arrows.
Full DescriptionShoots an entity through the air up to a certain height, optionally triggering a script on impact with a target.

The launch has three modes: arc, lead, and direct.

The "arc" mode calculates a launch arc to exactly hit the target location.
If you want to use this, specify the "height" argument as how high the arc should go, in blocks.
Do not specify "speed" or "lead".
You can optionally specify a custom "gravity" (hidden from syntax line intentionally) if you know what you're doing and really need to.

The "lead" mode calculates a modified arc intended to hit a target based on a lead factor (usually the entity's velocity).
To use, specify the "lead" argument as a vector and "speed" as a launch speed.
Do not specify "height".

Generally, most users should prefer direct mode: it just launches straight in the direction of the destination, at the speed you specify.
To use this, just input the "speed" argument, and don't specify "height" or "lead".

If the origin is not an entity, you can specify a "shooter" so the damage handling code knows who to assume shot the projectile.

Normally, a list of entities will spawn mounted on top of each other. To have them instead fire separately and spread out,
specify the "spread" argument with a decimal number indicating how wide to spread the entities.

Optionally, add "no_rotate" to prevent the shoot command from rotating launched entities.

Use the "script:<name>" argument to run a task script when the projectiles land.
When that script runs, the following definitions will be available:
<[shot_entities]> for all shot entities (as in, the projectiles),
<[last_entity]> for the last one (The controlling entity),
<[location]> for the last known location of the last shot entity, and
<[hit_entities]> for a list of any entities that were hit by fired projectiles.

The shoot command is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.

Note that for ~waiting or the "script" arg, tracking is only accurate for projectile entities (such as arrows). This will be inaccurately estimated for other entity types.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].shot_entity> returns the single entity that was shot (as in, the projectile) (if you only shot one).
<entry[saveName].shot_entities> returns a ListTag of entities that were shot (as in, the projectiles).
<entry[saveName].hit_entities> returns a ListTag of entities that were hit (if any). (Only works when you ~wait for the command).
<entry[saveName].location> returns the last known location of the last shot entity. (Only works when you ~wait for the command).
Usage Example
# Use to shoot an arrow from the NPC to perfectly hit the player.
- shoot arrow origin:<npc> destination:<player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to shoot an arrow out of the player with a given speed.
- shoot arrow origin:<player> speed:2
Synonyms (Search Aid)launch

Syntaxsneak [<entity>|...] ({start}/stop) (fake/stopfake) (for:<player>|...)
Short DescriptionCauses the entity to start or stop sneaking.
Full DescriptionCauses an entity to start or stop sneaking.
If the entity is NPC, adds the SneakingTrait to apply the sneak setting persistent.

Can optionally use the 'fake' argument to apply a fake sneak using packets, either globally or for specific players.
Use 'stopfake' to disable faking of sneak.
A fake sneak only affects the name plate, not the entity's pose.

Note: using this command on a player will only show to other players. You cannot alter a player in their own view.
Note that Property:EntityTag.is_sneaking is also available.
Related Tags<EntityTag.is_sneaking> (Property) Whether an entity is sneaking. (...)
Usage Example
# Make the linked NPC start sneaking.
- sneak <npc>
Usage Example
# Make the linked NPC stop sneaking.
- sneak <npc> stop
Synonyms (Search Aid)crouch, shift

Syntaxspawn [<entity>|...] (<location>) (target:<entity>) (persistent) (reason:<reason>)
Short DescriptionSpawns a list of entities at a certain location.
Full DescriptionSpawn an entity or list of entities at the specified location.

Accepts the 'target:<entity>' argument which will cause all spawned entities to follow and attack the targeted entity.

If the persistent argument is present, the entity will not despawn when no players are within range, causing the entity to remain until killed.

Optionally specify 'reason:<reason>' (Paper only) to specify the reason an entity is spawning for the 'entity spawns' event,
using any reason from 🔗

If the location isn't specified, will use either the linked NPC's location, or the linked player's location.
Related Tags<EntityTag.is_spawned> Returns whether the entity is spawned.
<server.entity_types> Returns a list of all entity types known to the server. (...)
<entry[saveName].spawned_entities> returns a list of entities that were spawned.
<entry[saveName].spawned_entity> returns the entity that was spawned (if you only spawned one).
Usage Example
# Use to spawn a spider at the player's location.
- spawn spider <player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to spawn a spider at the player's location which will automatically target the player.
- spawn spider <player.location> target:<player>
Usage Example
# Use to spawn a swarm of creepers around the npc, which will not despawn until killed.
- spawn creeper|creeper|creeper|creeper|creeper <npc.location> persistent
Synonyms (Search Aid)summon

Syntaxteleport (<entity>|...) [<location>] (cause:<cause>) (entity_options:<option>|...) (relative) (relative_axes:<axis>|...) (offthread_repeat:<#>) (offthread_yaw) (offthread_pitch)
Short DescriptionTeleports the entity(s) to a new location.
Full DescriptionTeleports the entity or entities to the new location.
Entities can be teleported between worlds using this command.
You may optionally specify a teleport cause for player entities, allowing proper teleport event handling. When not specified, this is "PLUGIN". See Language:teleport cause for causes.

Instead of a valid entity, an unspawned NPC or an offline player may also be used.

Optionally specify "relative" to use relative teleportation (Paper only). This is primarily useful only for players, but available for all entities.
Relative teleports are smoother for the client when teleporting over short distances.
Optionally, you may use "relative_axes:" to specify a set of axes to move relative on (and other axes will be treated as absolute), as any of "X", "Y", "Z", "YAW", "PITCH".
Optionally, you may use "offthread_repeat:" with the relative arg when teleporting a player to smooth out the teleport with a specified number of extra async packets sent within a single tick.
Optionally, specify "offthread_yaw" or "offthread_pitch" while using offthread_repeat to smooth the player's yaw/pitch to the new location's yaw/pitch.

Optionally, specify additional teleport options using the 'entity_options:' arguments (Paper only).
This allows things like retaining an open inventory when teleporting - see the links below for more information.
See 🔗 for all possible options.
Note that the API this is based on is marked as experimental in Paper, and so may change in the future.
Related Tags<EntityTag.location> Returns the location of the entity. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to teleport a player to the location their cursor is pointing at.
- teleport <player> <player.cursor_on>
Usage Example
# Use to teleport a player high above.
- teleport <player> <player.location.above[200]>
Usage Example
# Use to teleport to a random online player.
- teleport <player> <server.online_players.random.location>
Usage Example
# Use to teleport all players to your location.
- teleport <server.online_players> <player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to teleport the NPC to a location that was noted with the <@link command note> command.
- teleport <npc> my_prenoted_location
Usage Example
# Use to teleport a player to some location, and inform events that it was caused by a nether portal.
- teleport <player> <server.flag[nether_hub_location]> cause:nether_portal
Usage Example
# Use to teleport the player without closing their currently open inventory.
- teleport <player> <player.location.below[5]> entity_options:retain_open_inventory
Synonyms (Search Aid)tp

Syntaxwalk (<entity>|...) [<location>/stop] (speed:<#.#>) (auto_range) (radius:<#.#>) (lookat:<location>)
Short DescriptionCauses an entity or list of entities to walk to another location.
Full DescriptionCauses an entity or list of entities to walk to another location.

Specify a destination location to walk to, or 'stop' to stop all walking.

Optionally, specify a "speed:<#.#>" argument to control the speed of the NPCs.

Optionally, specify "auto_range" to automatically set the path range for the walk instruction
(if not specified, an NPC will not be able to walk to a location outside of its existing path range, by default 25 blocks).
(Does not apply to non-NPC entities).

Note that in most cases, the walk command should not be used for paths longer than 100 blocks.
For ideal performance, keep it below 25.

Optionally, specify a list of entities to give them all the same walk instruction at the same time.
If the list is of NPCs, optionally specify a "radius:<#.#>" argument to change the flocking radius.
('Radius' does not apply to non-NPC entities).

Optionally, specify "lookat:<location>" to cause the NPCs to stare at a specific location while walking (as opposed to straight ahead).
('Radius' does not apply to non-NPC entities).

The walk command is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<NPCTag.is_navigating> Returns whether the NPC is currently navigating.
<NPCTag.speed> Returns the current speed of the NPC.
<NPCTag.range> Returns the NPC's current maximum pathfinding range.
<NPCTag.target_location> Returns the location the NPC is currently navigating towards (if any).
Usage Example
# Use to make the NPC walk to an anchored position.
- walk <npc> <npc.anchor[spot1]>
Usage Example
# Use to make the NPC walk to an anchored position that may be far away.
- walk <npc> <npc.anchor[spot2]> auto_range
Usage Example
# Use to make the NPC walk to an anchored position while looking backwards.
- walk <npc> <npc.anchor[spot3]> lookat:<npc.anchor[spot2]>
Usage Example
# Use to make the NPC walk to an anchored position, and then say something after arrival, using ~waitable syntax.
- ~walk <npc> <npc.anchor[spot4]>
- chat "I'm here!"
Usage Example
# Use to make a list of NPCs stored in a flag all move together, with a flocking radius based on the number of NPCs included.
- walk <player.flag[squad]> radius:<player.flag[squad].size> <player.location>

Syntaxanimate [<entity>|...] [animation:<name>] (for:<player>|...)
Short DescriptionMakes a list of entities perform a certain animation.
Full DescriptionMinecraft implements several player and entity animations which the animate command can use, just
specify an entity and an animation.

Player animations require a Player-type entity or NPC. Available player animations include:

All entities also have available Bukkit's entity effect list:
These EntityEffect options can optionally be played only for specific players with the "for:" argument input.

In addition, Denizen adds a few new entity animations:

Note that the above list only applies where logical, EG 'WOLF_' animations only apply to wolves.

In versions 1.20+, to specify the direction of damage for the HURT animation, use Mechanism:EntityTag.play_hurt_animation
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to make a player appear to get hurt.
- animate <player> animation:hurt
Usage Example
# Use to make a wolf NPC shake.
- animate <npc> animation:wolf_shake

Category: file

Syntaxfilecopy [origin:<origin>] [destination:<destination>] (overwrite)
Short DescriptionCopies a file from one location to another.
Full DescriptionCopies a file from one location to another.

The starting directory is server/plugins/Denizen.

May overwrite existing copies of files.

Note that in most cases this command should be ~waited for (like "- ~filecopy ..."). Refer to Language:~waitable.

This command can be disabled by setting Denizen config option "Commands.Filecopy.Allow copying files" to false.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].success> returns whether the copy succeeded (if not, either an error or occurred, or there is an existing file in the destination.)
Usage Example
# Use to copy a custom YAML data file to a backup folder, overwriting any old backup of it that exists.
- ~filecopy o:data/custom.yml d:data/backup.yml overwrite save:copy
- narrate "Copy success<&co> <entry[copy].success>"

Syntaxfileread [path:<path>]
Short DescriptionReads the file at the given path.
Full DescriptionReads the file at the given path.

The starting directory is server/plugins/Denizen.

Note that in most cases this command should be ~waited for (like "- ~fileread ..."). Refer to Language:~waitable.

This command must be enabled by setting Denizen config option "Commands.File.Allow read" to true.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].data> returns a BinaryTag of the raw file content.
Usage Example
# Use to read 'myfile' and narrate the text content.
- ~fileread path:data/myfile.dat save:read
- narrate "Read data: <entry[read].data.utf8_decode>"

Syntaxfilewrite [path:<path>] [data:<binary>]
Short DescriptionWrites the given raw data to the file at the given path.
Full DescriptionWrites the given raw data to the file at the given path.

Will overwrite any existing file at the path.

The starting directory is server/plugins/Denizen.

Directories will automatically be generated as-needed.

Note that in most cases this command should be ~waited for (like "- ~filewrite ..."). Refer to Language:~waitable.

This command must be enabled by setting Denizen config option "Commands.File.Allow write" to true.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to write some simple text to 'myfile'
- ~filewrite path:data/myfile.dat data:<element[Hello].utf8_encode>

Syntaxlog [<text>] (type:{info}/severe/warning/fine/finer/finest/none/clear) [file:<name>]
Short DescriptionLogs some debugging info to a file.
Full DescriptionThis is a quick and simple way to store debugging information for admins to read.

You just input a file name and some text, and it will store that information in the file with a date/time stamp and the chosen type ('INFO' by default).
If you don't want the date/time stamp and type, you can set the type to 'none' and it will only add the message text.

Regardless of type, each usage of the log command will add a new line to the file, you can't just keep adding to one line.

You might choose to use this to record some important things,
for example, every time a player uses a dangerous command you might log the player's name and their location, so you'll know who to blame if you find something damaged.

Remember that the file location is inside the server's primary folder. You most likely want to prefix file names with a folder name, For example: 'file:logs/security.log'

If the file or folder path you input do not already exist, they will be automatically created.

Warning: Remember that file operations are dangerous! A typo in the filename could ruin your server.
It's recommended you use this command minimally.

This command can be disabled by setting Denizen config option "Commands.Log.Allow logging" to false.

This should almost always be ~waited for. Refer to Language:~waitable.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to log some information to a file.
- ~log "Security breach on level 3!" type:severe file:securitylog.txt
Usage Example
# Use to log a player's name and location when they did something dangerous.
- ~log "<> used the '/EXPLODE' command at <player.location.simple>!" type:warning file:security.log
Usage Example
# Use to write information directly to a file.
- ~log "This won't have a date or type" type:none file:example.log
Usage Example
# Use to clear a log file and write some text at the start.
- ~log "// Log File Generated by my Denizen script, do not edit!" type:clear file:myfile.log
Usage Example
# Use to clear a log file entirely.
- ~log "" type:clear file:myfile.log
Synonyms (Search Aid)textfile

Syntaxyaml [create]/[load:<file>]/[loadtext:<text> raw_format]/[unload]/[savefile:<file>]/[copykey:<source_key> <target_key> (to_id:<name>)]/[set <key>([<#>])(:<action>):<value> (data_type:{string}/integer/double/boolean/auto)] [id:<name>]
Short DescriptionEdits YAML data, especially for YAML files.
Full DescriptionEdits YAML configuration data.

This commands exists primarily for interoperability with pre-existing data files and other plugins.
It should never be used for storing data that only Denizen needs to use. Consider instead using Command:flag.

Use waitable syntax ("- ~yaml load:...") with load or savefile actions to avoid locking up the server during file IO.
Refer to Language:~waitable.

For loading and saving, the starting path is within 'plugins/Denizen'.
The file path follows standard system file path rules. That means '/' separators folders,
and '..' as a folder name means go-up-one folder, for example '../WorldGuard/config.yml' would load the WorldGuard plugin config.
Also be aware that some servers (Linux/Mac based) have case sensitive file systems while others (Windows based) don't.
Generally, when using existing paths, make sure your casing is correct. When creating new paths, prefer all-lowercase to reduce risk of issues.

Please note that all usages of the YAML command except for "load" and "savefile" arguments are purely in memory.
That means, if you use "set" to make changes, those changes will not be saved to any file, until you use "savefile".
Similarly, "create" does not create any file, instead it only creates a YAML object in RAM.

When loading, optionally specify 'raw_format' to indicate that this YAML file needs to maintain compatibility with some external system using raw YAML data
(for example, when altering YAML data files used by external plugins).
Note that this can have side effects of custom data disappearing (for example, the value "yes" gets magically converted to "true") or strange data parsing in.

In-memory changes to a loaded YAML object will mark that object as having changes. Before saving,
you can check whether the YAML object needs to be written to disk with the has_changes tag.

Note that the '.yml' extension is not automatically appended, and you will have to include that in filenames.

All usages of the YAML command must include the "id:" argument. This is any arbitrary name, as plaintext or from a tag,
to uniquely and globally identify the YAML object in memory. This ID can only be used by one YAML object at a time.
IDs are stored when "create" or "load" arguments are used, and only removed when "unload" is used.
If, for example, you have a unique YAML data container per-player, you might use something like "id:myscript_<player>".

For ways to use the "set" argument, refer to Language:data actions.

When setting a value directly, you can optionally specify "data_type" as "string", "integer", "double", "boolean", or "auto",
to force the input to a specific data type, which may be needed for compatibility with some external YAML files.
Only applicable when setting a single value, not lists/maps/etc.
'Auto' will attempt to choose the best type for the value.
Related Tags<yaml[<idname>].contains[<path>]> Returns true if the file has the specified path. (...)
<yaml[<idname>].read[<path>]> Returns the value from a data key on the YAML document as an ElementTag, ListTag, or MapTag.
<yaml[<idname>].list_keys[<path>]> Returns a ListTag of all the keys at the path (and not sub-keys). (...)
<yaml[<idname>].has_changes> Returns whether this YAML object has had changes since the last save or load.
Usage Example
# Use to create a new YAML file.
- yaml create id:myfile
Usage Example
# Use to load a YAML file from disk.
- ~yaml load:myfile.yml id:myfile
Usage Example
# Use to modify a YAML file similarly to a flag.
- yaml id:myfile set my.key:HelloWorld
Usage Example
# Use to save a YAML file to disk.
- ~yaml savefile:myfile.yml id:myfile
Usage Example
# Use to unload a YAML file from memory.
- yaml unload id:myfile
Usage Example
# Use to modify a YAML file similarly to a flag.
- yaml id:myfile set my.key:+:2
Usage Example
# Use to modify a YAML file similarly to a flag.
- yaml id:myfile set my.key[2]:hello
Usage Example
# Use to modify a copy the contents of one YAML key to a new owning key.
- yaml id:myfile copykey:my.first.key
Usage Example
# Use to modify a copy the contents of one YAML key to a new owning key on a different YAML file.
- yaml id:myfile copykey:my.first.key to_id:myotherfile

Category: image

Syntaxdraw [id:<id>] [pixel/rectangle/oval/image:<image>] (width:<width>) (height:<height>) (filled) [x:<x>] [y:<y>] (color:<color>)
Short DescriptionDraws on an image.
Full DescriptionDraws a pixel, shape, or image onto an image.

"id:" - the id of the image to draw on, see Command:Image.
"x:" and "y:" - the position that should be drawn on, see Language:Image positions.

For pixels or shapes:
"color:" - a ObjectType:ColorTag of the color to draw in.

For non-pixel shapes:
"width:" and "height:" - the size of the shape being drawn, required.
"filled" - whether the shape should be filled or just a border. optional, defaults to false.

And for images:
"image:" - the image to draw, required.
"width:" and "height:" - the size to rescale the image being drawn to, optional.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to draw a single red pixel in the top left corner of an image.
- draw id:image pixel x:0 y:0 color:red
Usage Example
# Use to draw a purple 100x100 filled circle in the top left of an image.
- draw id:image oval x:0 y:0 width:100 height:100 color:purple filled
Usage Example
# Use to draw the image with the id 'star' into the image with id 'sky'.
- draw id:sky image:star x:50 y:50

Syntaximage [id:<id>] [load [image:<image>/path:<path>]]/[save [path:<path>] [format:<format>]]/[unload]
Short DescriptionLoads, saves, and unloads images.
Full DescriptionLoads, saves, and unloads images.

With "load", specify either a file path to read from or an image object to load.
With "save", specify a file path to save the image to and a format to save the image in (e.g. "png", "jpg", "bmp"...), defaults to "png".
For both of these the starting path is "plugins/Denizen".
Use waitable syntax ("- ~image") when loading or saving from a file to avoid locking up the server during file IO, refer to Language:~waitable.

All uses of the image command must include the "id:" argument. This is any arbitrary name, as plaintext or from a tag,
to uniquely and globally identify the image object in memory. This ID can only be used by one image object at a time.
IDs are stored when "load" is used, and only removed when "unload" is used.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to load an image from a file into memory under the id "image".
- ~image id:image load path:data/image.png
Usage Example
# Use to load an image object from a definition, draw on it, then store it back into the definition.
- define image <image[width=50;height=50;background=blue]>
- image id:to_edit load image:<[image]>
- draw id:to_edit oval x:0 y:0 width:50 height:50 color:green
# Copy the image to avoid it auto-updating with the image loaded in under that id, can skip '.copy' if this doesn't matter for your use case.
- define image <image[to_edit].copy>
Usage Example
# Use to save an image into file and unload it.
- ~image id:image save path:data/image.png
- image id:image unload

Category: item

Syntaxdisplayitem [<item>] [<location>] (duration:<value>)
Short DescriptionMakes a non-touchable item spawn for players to view.
Full DescriptionThis command drops an item at the specified location which cannot be picked up by players.

It accepts a duration which determines how long the item will stay for until disappearing.
If no duration is specified the item will stay for 1 minute, after which the item will disappear.
Use "duration:infinite" to indicate that the item should never remove itself.
Related Tags<EntityTag.item> (Property) An entity's item, which can be: (...)
<entry[saveName].dropped> returns a EntityTag of the spawned item.
Usage Example
# Use to display a stone block dropped at a players location.
- displayitem stone <player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to display a diamond sword dropped at a relevant location.
- displayitem diamond_sword <context.location>
Usage Example
# Use to display redstone dust dropped at a related location disappear after 10 seconds.
- displayitem redstone <context.location> duration:10s
Usage Example
# Use to save the dropped item to save entry 'item_dropped'.
- displayitem redstone <context.location> duration:10s save:item_dropped

Syntaxfakeitem [<item>|...] [slot:<slot>] (duration:<duration>) (players:<player>|...) (raw)
Short DescriptionShow a fake item in a player's inventory.
Full DescriptionThis command allows you to display an item in an inventory that is not really there.

To make it automatically disappear at a specific time, use the 'duration:' argument.
Note that the reset can be unreliable, especially if the player changes their open inventory view. Consider using "- inventory update" after a delay instead.

By default, it will use any inventory the player currently has open.

Slots function as follows:
Player inventory is slots 1-36, same as normal inventory slot indices.
If the player has an open inventory, to apply the item to a slot in that inventory, add 36 to the slot index.
If the player does not have an open inventory, slots 36-40 are equipment, 41 is offhand, 42 is recipe result, 43-46 are recipe.

For modifying equipment, consider Mechanism:PlayerTag.fake_equipment instead.

The slot argument can be any valid slot, see Language:Slot Inputs.

Optionally specify 'raw' to indicate that the slow is a raw network slot ID.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to show a clientside-only pumpkin on the player's head.
- fakeitem pumpkin slot:head

Syntaxgive [<item>|...] (quantity:<#>) (unlimit_stack_size) (to:<inventory>) (slot:<slot>) (allowed_slots:<slot-matcher>) (ignore_leftovers)
Short DescriptionGives the player an item or xp.
Full DescriptionGives the linked player items.

Optionally specify a slot to put the items into. If the slot is already filled, the next available slot will be used.
If the inventory is full, the items will be dropped on the ground at the inventory's location.
For player inventories, only the storage contents are valid - to equip armor or an offhand item, use Command:equip.

Specifying "unlimit_stack_size" will allow an item to stack up to 64. This is useful for stacking items
with a max stack size that is less than 64 (for example, most weapon and armor items have a stack size of 1).

When giving an item, you can specify any valid inventory as a target. If unspecified, the linked player's inventory will be used.
You may optionally specify a "slot" as any valid slot input per Language:Slot Inputs to be the starting slot index.
You may optionally specify "allowed_slots" to forcibly restrict the item to only be given to certain specific slots that match a slot-matcher.
You may optionally specify "ignore_leftovers" to cause leftover items to be ignored. If not specified, leftover items will be dropped.

To give xp to a player, use Command:experience.
To give money to a player, use Command:money.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.inventory> Returns a InventoryTag of the player's current inventory. (...)
<entry[saveName].leftover_items> returns a ListTag of any item(s) that didn't fit into the inventory.
Usage Example
# Use to give an item to the player.
- give iron_sword
Usage Example
# Use to give an item and place it in a specific slot if possible.
- give WATCH slot:5
Usage Example
# Use to give an item to some other defined player.
- give diamond player:<[target]>

Syntaxinventory [open/close/copy/move/swap/set/keep/exclude/fill/clear/update/adjust <mechanism>:<value>/flag <name>(:<action>)[:<value>] (expire:<time>)] (destination:<inventory>) (origin:<inventory>/<item>|...) (slot:<slot>)
Short DescriptionEdits the inventory of a player, NPC, or chest.
Full DescriptionUse this command to edit the state of inventories.
By default, the destination inventory is the current attached player's inventory.

If you are copying, swapping, removing from (including via "keep" and "exclude"), adding to, moving, or filling inventories,
you'll need both destination and origin inventories.

Origin inventories may be specified as a list of ItemTags, but destinations must be actual InventoryTags.

Using "open", "clear", or "update" only require a destination.
"Update" also requires the destination to be a valid player inventory.

Using "close" closes any inventory that the currently attached player has opened.

The "adjust" option adjusts mechanisms on an item within a specific slot of an inventory (the "slot" parameter is required).
Note that this is only for items, it does NOT adjust the inventory itself. Use Command:adjust to adjust an inventory mechanism.

The "flag" option sets a flag on items, similar to Command:flag.
See also Language:flag system.

The "update" option will refresh the client's view of an inventory to match the server's view, which is useful to workaround some sync bugs.

Note that to add items to an inventory, you should usually use Command:give,
and to remove items from an inventory, you should usually use Command:take.

The slot argument can be any valid slot, see Language:Slot Inputs.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.inventory> Returns a InventoryTag of the player's current inventory. (...)
<PlayerTag.enderchest> Gets the player's enderchest inventory. (...)
<PlayerTag.open_inventory> Gets the inventory the player currently has open. If the player has no open (...)
<NPCTag.inventory> Returns the InventoryTag of the NPC.
<LocationTag.inventory> Returns the InventoryTag of the block at the location. If the (...)
Usage Example
# Use to open a chest inventory, at a location.
- inventory open d:<context.location>
Usage Example
# Use to open a virtual inventory with a title and some items.
- inventory open d:generic[size=27;title=BestInventory;contents=snowball|stick]
Usage Example
# Use to open another player's inventory.
- inventory open d:<[player].inventory>
Usage Example
# Use to remove all items from a chest, except any items in the specified list.
- inventory keep d:<context.location.inventory> o:snowball|ItemScript
Usage Example
# Use to remove all sticks and stones from the player's inventory.
- inventory exclude origin:stick|stone
Usage Example
# Use to clear the player's inventory entirely.
- inventory clear
Usage Example
# Use to swap two players' inventories.
- inventory swap d:<[playerOne].inventory> o:<[playerTwo].inventory>
Usage Example
# Use to adjust a specific item in the player's inventory.
- inventory adjust slot:5 "lore:Item modified!"
Usage Example
# Use to set a single stick into slot 10 of the player's inventory.
- inventory set o:stick slot:10
Usage Example
# Use to set a temporary flag on the player's held item.
- inventory flag slot:hand my_target:<player.cursor_on> expire:1d

Syntaxmap [<#>/new:<world>] (reset:<location>) (scale:<value>) (tracking) (image:<file>) (resize) (script:<script>) (dot:<color>) (radius:<#>) (x:<#>) (y:<#>) (text:<text>)
Short DescriptionModifies a new or existing map by adding images or text.
Full DescriptionThis command modifies an existing map, or creates a new one. Using this will override existing non-Denizen map renderers with Denizen's custom map renderer.

You must specify at least one of 'reset', 'script', 'image', 'dot', 'text'. You can specify multiple at once if you prefer.

When using 'reset', you can specify optionally 'scale' and/or 'tracking'.
When using 'image' you can optionally specify 'resize'.
When using 'dot', you can specify any valid ColorTag (it will be compressed to map's color space), and you can optionally also specify 'radius' as a number.
Use "radius:0" with dot to set on a single pixel. 1 or higher will make a circle centered on the x/y given.

You can reset this at any time by using the 'reset:<location>' argument, which will remove all
images and texts on the map and show the default world map at the specified location.
You can also specify 'reset' without a location.

The 'scale' argument takes input of one of the values listed here:

The 'tracking' argument determines if the map will track its location on the map it displays.
This is often the player holding the map's location.

Note that all maps have a size of 128x128.

The file path is relative to the 'plugins/Denizen/images/' folder.
Instead of a local file path, an http(s) URL can be used, which will automatically download the image from the URL given.
If the file path points to a .gif, the map will automatically be animated.

Use escaping to let the image and text arguments have tags based on the player viewing the map.

Custom maps will persist over restarts using the 'maps.yml' save file in the Denizen plugins folder.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].created_map> returns the map created by the 'new:' argument if used.
Usage Example
# Use to add an auto-resized background image to map 3.
- map 3 image:my_map_images/my_background.png resize
Usage Example
# Use to add an image with the top-left corner at the center of a new map.
- map new:WorldTag image:my_map_images/my_center_image.png x:64 y:64 save:map
- give filled_map[map=<entry[map].created_map>]
Usage Example
# Use to reset map 3 to be centered at the player's location.
- map 3 reset:<player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to remove any custom renderers on map 3 and then apply the contents of the named <@link language Map Script Containers> to map 3.
- map 3 script:Map_Script_Name

Syntaxtake [iteminhand/cursoritem/bydisplay:<name>/bycover:<title>|<author>/slot:<slot>/flagged:<flag>/item:<matcher>] (quantity:<#>) (from:<inventory>)
Short DescriptionTakes an item from the player.
Full DescriptionTakes items from a player or inventory.

If the player or inventory does not have the item being taken, nothing happens.

Using 'slot:' will take the items from that specific slot.

Using 'flagged:' with a flag name will take items with the specified flag name, see Language:flag system.

Using 'iteminhand' will take from the player's held item slot.

Using 'cursoritem' will take from the player's held cursor item (as in, one that's actively being picked up and moved in an inventory screen).

Using 'bydisplay:' will take items with the specified display name.

Using 'bycover:' will take a written book by the specified book title + author pair.

Using 'raw_exact:' (Intentionally undocumented) will compare all raw details of an item exactly. This is almost always a bad idea to use. DO NOT USE.

Using 'item:' will take items that match an advanced item matcher, using the system behind Language:Advanced Object Matching.

Flagged, Slot, ByDisplay, and Raw_Exact, all take a list as input to take multiple different item types at once.

If no quantity is specified, exactly 1 item will be taken.

Specifying a raw item without any matching method is considered unreliable and should be avoided.

Optionally using 'from:' to specify a specific inventory to take from. If not specified, the linked player's inventory will be used.

The options 'iteminhand' and 'cursoritem' require a linked player and will ignore the 'from:' inventory.

To take xp from a player, use Command:experience.
To take money from a player, use Command:money.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.item_in_hand> Returns the item the entity is holding, or air if none.
Usage Example
# Use to take an arrow from the player's enderchest
- take item:arrow from:<player.enderchest>
Usage Example
# Use to take the current holding item from the player's hand
- take iteminhand
Usage Example
# Use to take 5 emeralds from the player's inventory
- take item:emerald quantity:5

Category: npc

Syntaxnpcbossbar (remove) (color:<color>) (options:<option>|...) (range:<#>) (style:<style>) (title:<title>) (progress:<progress>) (view_permission:<permission>) (visible:<true/false>)
Short DescriptionControls or removes the linked NPC's bossbar.
Full DescriptionControls or removes the linked NPC's bossbar.

Progress can be a number between 1 and 100 or 'health' to make it track the NPC's health.
Placeholder API/Citizens placeholders are supported.

Optionally specify a range around the NPC where the bossbar is visible, and/or a permission required to view it.
Input an empty view permission to remove it ('view_permission:').

Valid colors: 🔗
Valid styles: 🔗
Valid options: 🔗
Usage Example
# Makes the linked NPC's bossbar green, and changes its title.
- npcbossbar color:green "title:This bossbar is green!"
Usage Example
# Makes it so the linked NPC's bossbar can only be visible 5 blocks away from it.
- npcbossbar range:5
Usage Example
# Removes a specific NPC's bossbar.
- npcbossbar remove npc:<[theNPC]>

Syntaxaction [<action name>|...] (<npc>|...) (context:<name>|<object>|...)
Short DescriptionManually fires an NPC action.
Full DescriptionThis command will trigger an NPC action (an action within an 'assignment' type script attached to the NPC) exactly the same
as if an actual serverside event had caused it.
You can specify as many action names as you want in the list, they will all be fired.
You may also specify as many NPCs as you would like to run the action on, in a list.
If no NPCs are specified, the NPC linked to the script will be assumed.
The script's linked player and the specified NPC will automatically be sent through to the action.
To add context information (tags like <context.location>) to the action, simply specify all context values in a list.
Note that there are some inherent limitations... EG, you can't directly add a list to the context currently.
To do this, the best way is to just escape the list value (see Language:Escaping System).
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to trigger a custom action
- action "custom action"
Usage Example
# Use to trigger multiple custom action with context on a different NPC
- action "player dances|target enemy" <[some_npc]> context:action|custom|target|<player.selected_npc>

Syntaxanchor [id:<name>] [remove/add <location>]
Short DescriptionControls an NPC's Anchor Trait.
Full DescriptionThe anchor system inside Citizens allows locations to be 'bound' to an NPC, saved by an 'id'.
The anchor command can add and remove new anchors.
The Anchors Trait can also be used as a sort of 'waypoints' system.
As the Anchor command is an NPC specific command, a valid npc object must be referenced in the script entry.
If none is provided by default, use the 'npc:<npc>' argument.
Related Tags<NPCTag.anchor[anchor_name]> Returns the location associated with the specified anchor, or null if it doesn't exist.
<NPCTag.list_anchors> Returns a list of anchor names currently assigned to the NPC.
<NPCTag.has_anchors> Returns whether the NPC has anchors assigned.
Usage Example
# Use to add and remove anchors to an NPC.
- define location_name <context.message>
- chat "I have saved this location as <[location_name]>.'
- anchor add <npc.location> id:<[location_name]>

Related Guide Page
Syntaxassignment [set/add/remove/clear] (script:<name>) (to:<npc>|...)
Short DescriptionChanges an NPC's assignment.
Full DescriptionChanges an NPC's assignment as though you used the '/npc assignment' command.

Uses the script: argument, which accepts an assignment-type script.

Optionally, specify a list of NPCs to apply the trait to. If unspecified, the linked NPC will be used.

'Set' is equivalent to 'clear' + 'add'.
Related Tags<NPCTag.script> Deprecated variant of Tag:NPCTag.scripts.
<server.npcs_assigned[<assignment_script>]> Returns a list of all NPCs assigned to a specified script.
Usage Example
# Use to assign an npc with exactly one assignment script named 'Bob_the_Builder'.
- assignment set script:Bob_the_Builder
Usage Example
# Use to give a different NPC an assignment.
- assignment set script:Bob_the_Builder npc:<[some_npc]>
Usage Example
# Use to clear an npc's assignments.
- assignment clear
Usage Example
# Use to add an extra assignment to the NPC.
- assignment add script:name_fix_assign
Usage Example
# Use to remove an extra assignment from the NPC.
- assignment add script:name_fix_assign

Syntaxbreak [<location>] (<npc>) (radius:<#.#>)
Short DescriptionMakes an NPC walk over and break a block.
Full DescriptionBy itself, the 'break' command will act as an NPC command in the sense that an attached
NPC will navigate to and break the block at the attached location. It can also accept a specified npc,
to fulfill the command, just specify a 'fetchable' npc object. It can also accept a radius to start
breaking the block from within. To specify the radius, prefix the radius with 'radius:'.

The break command is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<NPCTag.is_navigating> Returns whether the NPC is currently navigating.
<NPCTag.target_location> Returns the location the NPC is currently navigating towards (if any).
Usage Example
# Use to make the npc break a related block.
- ~break <context.location>
Usage Example
# Use to make a different NPC break a related block.
- ~break <context.location> <[some_npc]>
Usage Example
# Use to make a different NPC break a related block and start digging from 5 blocks away.
- ~break <context.location> <[some_npc]> radius:5

Syntaxcreate [<entity>] [<name>] (<location>) (traits:<trait>|...) (registry:<name>)
Short DescriptionCreates a new NPC, and optionally spawns it at a location.
Full DescriptionCreates an npc which the entity type specified, or specify an existing npc to create a copy.
If no location is specified the npc is created despawned.
Use the 'save:<savename>' argument to return the npc for later use in a script.

Optionally specify a list of traits to immediately apply when creating the NPC.

Optionally specify a custom registry to create the NPC into. (Most users, leave this option off).
Will generate a new registry if needed.
Related Tags<server.npcs> Returns a list of all NPCs.
<entry[saveName].created_npc> returns the NPC that was created.
Usage Example
# Use to create a despawned NPC for later usage.
- create player Bob
Usage Example
# Use to create an NPC and spawn it immediately.
- create spider Joe <player.location>

Syntaxdespawn (<npc>|...)
Short DescriptionTemporarily despawns the linked NPC or a list of NPCs.
Full DescriptionThis command will temporarily despawn either the linked NPC or a list of other NPCs.
Despawning means they are no longer visible or interactable, but they still exist and can be respawned.
Related Tags<NPCTag.is_spawned> Returns whether the NPC is spawned.
Usage Example
# Use to despawn the linked NPC.
- despawn
Usage Example
# Use to despawn several NPCs.
- despawn <npc>|<player.selected_npc>|<[some_npc]>

Syntaxdisengage (player)
Short DescriptionEnables an NPCs triggers that have been temporarily disabled by the engage command.
Full DescriptionRe-enables any toggled triggers that have been disabled by disengage.
Using disengage inside scripts must have an NPC to reference, or one may be specified by supplying a valid NPCTag object with the npc argument.

Engaging an NPC by default affects all players attempting to interact with the NPC.
You can optionally specify 'player' to only affect the linked player.

This is mostly regarded as an 'interact script command', though it may be used inside other script types.
This is because disengage works with the trigger system, which is an interact script-container feature.

NPCs that are interacted with while engaged will fire an 'on unavailable' assignment script-container action.

See Command:Engage
Related Tags<NPCTag.engaged> Returns whether the NPC is currently engaged. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to reenable an NPC's triggers, disabled via 'engage'.
- engage
- chat 'Be right there!'
- walk <player.location>
- wait 5s
- disengage

Syntaxengage (<duration>) (player)
Short DescriptionTemporarily disables an NPCs toggled interact script-container triggers.
Full DescriptionEngaging an NPC will temporarily disable any interact script-container triggers.
To reverse this behavior, use either the disengage command, or specify a duration in which the engage should timeout.
Specifying an engage without a duration will render the NPC engaged until a disengage is used on the NPC.

Engaging an NPC by default affects all players attempting to interact with the NPC.
You can optionally specify 'player' to only affect the linked player.

While engaged, all triggers and actions associated with triggers will not 'fire',
except the 'on unavailable' assignment script-container action, which will fire for triggers that were enabled previous to the engage command.

Engage can be useful when NPCs are carrying out a task that shouldn't be interrupted, or to provide a good way to avoid accidental 'retrigger'.

See Command:Disengage
Related Tags<NPCTag.engaged> Returns whether the NPC is currently engaged. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to make an NPC appear 'busy'.
- engage
- chat 'Give me a few minutes while I mix you a potion!'
- walk <npc.anchor[mixing_station]>
- wait 10s
- walk <npc.anchor[service_station]>
- chat 'Here you go!'
- give potion <player>
- disengage
Usage Example
# Use to avoid 'retrigger'.
- engage 5s
- take quest_item
- flag player finished_quests:->:super_quest

Syntaxfish [<location>/stop] (catch:{none}/default/junk/treasure/fish) (chance:<#>)
Short DescriptionCauses an NPC to begin fishing around a specified location.
Full DescriptionCauses an NPC to begin fishing at the specified location.
Setting catch determines what items the NPC may fish up, and the chance is the odds of the NPC fishing up an item.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Makes the NPC throw their fishing line out to where the player is looking, with a 50% chance of catching fish.
- fish <player.cursor_on> catch:fish chance:50
Usage Example
# Makes the NPC stop fishing.
- fish stop

Syntaxlookclose (<npc>) (state:<true/false>) (range:<#>) (realistic)
Short DescriptionInteracts with an NPCs 'lookclose' trait as provided by Citizens.
Full DescriptionUse this command with any NPC to alter the state and options of its 'lookclose' trait.
When an NPC's 'lookclose' trait is toggled to true, the NPC's head will follow nearby players.
Specifying realistic will enable a higher precision and detection of players, while taking into account 'line-of-sight', however can use more CPU cycles.
You may also specify a range integer to specify the number of blocks that will trigger the NPC's attention.
Related Tags<NPCTag.lookclose> Returns whether the NPC has lookclose enabled.
Usage Example
# Use to cause the NPC to begin looking at nearby players.
- lookclose true
Usage Example
# Use to cause the NPC to stop looking at nearby players.
- lookclose false
Usage Example
# Use to change the range and make the NPC more realistic
- lookclose true range:10 realistic

Syntaxpause [waypoints/activity] (<duration>)
Short DescriptionPauses an NPC's waypoint navigation or goal activity temporarily or indefinitely.
Full DescriptionThe pause command pauses an NPC's waypoint navigation or goal activity temporarily or indefinitely.
This works along side Command:resume.

"Waypoints" refers to the NPC's path navigation, usually set via "/npc path".

"Activity" refers to the Citizens AI Goal system, which may be used by some plugins but usually is not.

If no duration is specified, the resume command must be used to unpause it.
Related Tags<NPCTag.is_navigating> Returns whether the NPC is currently navigating.
Usage Example
# Use to pause an NPC's waypoint navigation indefinitely.
- pause waypoints
Usage Example
# Use to pause an NPC's goal activity temporarily.
- pause activity 1m
Usage Example
# Use to pause an NPC's waypoint navigation and then resume it.
- pause waypoints
- resume waypoints

Syntaxpose (add/remove/{assume}) [id:<name>] (player/{npc}) (<location>)
Short DescriptionRotates the player or NPC to match a pose, or adds/removes an NPC's poses.
Full DescriptionMakes a player or NPC assume the position of a pose saved on an NPC, removes a
pose with a specified ID from the current linked NPC, or adds a pose to the NPC
with an ID and a location, although the only thing that matters in the location
is the pitch and yaw.
Related Tags<NPCTag.has_pose[<name>]> Returns true if the NPC has the specified pose, otherwise returns false.
<NPCTag.pose[<name>]> Returns the pose as a LocationTag with x, y, and z set to 0, and the world set to the first (...)
Usage Example
# Make an NPC assume a pose.
- pose id:MyPose1
Usage Example
# Add a pose to an NPC. (Note that only the last 2 numbers matter)
- pose add id:MyPose2 0,0,0,-2.3,5.4
Usage Example
# Remove a pose from an NPC.
- pose remove id:MyPose1

Syntaxpushable (state:true/false/{toggle}) (delay:<duration>) (returnable:true/false)
Short DescriptionEdits the pushable trait for NPCs.
Full DescriptionEnables, disables, toggles, or edits the Pushable trait on the attached NPC.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to toggle the Pushable trait for a specified NPC.
- pushable npc:<[some_npc]>
Usage Example
# Use to enable the Pushable trait and return after 2 seconds.
- pushable state:true delay:2s returnable:true

Syntaxresume [waypoints/activity] (<duration>)
Short DescriptionResumes an NPC's waypoint navigation or goal activity temporarily or indefinitely.
Full DescriptionThe resume command resumes an NPC's waypoint navigation or goal activity temporarily or indefinitely.
This works along side Command:pause.
See the documentation of the pause command for more details.
Related Tags<NPCTag.is_navigating> Returns whether the NPC is currently navigating.
Usage Example
# Use to pause an NPC's waypoint navigation and then resume it.
- pause waypoints
- resume waypoints

Syntaxsit (<location>)
Short DescriptionCauses the NPC to sit. To make them stand, see Command:Stand.
Full DescriptionMakes the linked NPC sit at the specified location.
Use Command:Stand to make the NPC stand up again.
Related Tags<NPCTag.is_sitting> Returns true if the NPC is sitting. Relates to Command:sit.
Usage Example
# Make the linked NPC sit at the player's cursor location.
- sit <player.cursor_on>

Syntaxsleep (<location>)
Short DescriptionCauses the NPC to sleep. To make them wake up, see Command:Stand.
Full DescriptionMakes the linked NPC sleep at the specified location.
Use Command:Stand to make the NPC wake back up.
Related Tags<NPCTag.is_sleeping> Returns true if the NPC is sleeping. Relates to Command:sleep.
Usage Example
# Make the linked NPC sleep at the player's cursor location.
- sleep <player.cursor_on>

Short DescriptionCauses the NPC to stand up from sitting or sleeping.
Full DescriptionMakes the linked NPC stop sitting or sleeping.
To make them sit, see Command:Sit.
To make them sleep, see Command:Sleep.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Make the linked NPC stand up.
- stand

Syntaxtrait (state:true/false/{toggle}) [<trait>] (to:<npc>|...)
Short DescriptionAdds or removes a trait from an NPC.
Full DescriptionThis command adds or removes a trait from an NPC.

Use "state:true" to add or "state:false" to remove.
If neither is specified, the default is "toggle", which means remove if already present or add if not.

Note that a redundant instruction, like adding a trait that the NPC already has, will give an error message.

The trait input is simply the name of the trait, like "sentinel".

Optionally, specify a list of NPCs to apply the trait to. If unspecified, the linked NPC will be used.
Related Tags<NPCTag.has_trait[<trait>]> Returns whether the NPC has a specified trait.
<NPCTag.traits> Returns a list of all of the NPC's traits.
<server.traits> Returns a list of all available NPC traits on the server.
Usage Example
# Use to add the Sentinel trait to the linked NPC.
- trait state:true sentinel
Usage Example
# Use to toggle the MobProx trait on the linked NPC.
- trait mobprox

Related Guide Page
Syntaxtrigger [name:<trigger>] (state:{toggle}/true/false) (cooldown:<duration>) (radius:<#>)
Short DescriptionEnables or disables a trigger.
Full DescriptionThis command enables or disables an interact script trigger for the linked NPC.
This is generally meant to be used within the 'on assignment' action in an assignment script.
This might also be useful on timed activations or other special events (such as an NPC that "goes to bed" at the end of the day,
you might disable the proximity trigger that would otherwise normally show a greeting message).

The "name" argument is required, and can have any supported trigger name.
The 4 triggers available by default are chat, click, damage, and proximity.
For more details of the available trigger types, refer to Language:Interact Script Triggers.

The "state" argument can be 'true' (to enable it), 'false' (to disable it),
or unspecified to toggle it (that is, enable if it's currently off, or disable if it's currently on).

You can specify the "cooldown" argument to set how long the trigger must wait
after any firing before it can be fired again.

You can specify the "radius" argument to set how far away a player can be when activating it.
Note that the way this applies varies from trigger to trigger.
For the "chat" trigger, a large radius can be easily accidentally triggered by unrelated chatter.
For the "proximity" trigger, the radius argument should almost always be specified, as you generally want to control this with care.
For the "click" and "damage" trigger, the radius argument will be ignored.
Related Tags<NPCTag.has_trigger[<trigger>]> Returns whether the NPC has a specified trigger.
Usage Example
# Use to enable the click trigger.
- trigger name:click state:true
Usage Example
# Use to enable the chat trigger with a 10-second cooldown and a radius of 5 blocks.
- trigger name:chat state:true cooldown:10s radius:5
Usage Example
# Use to disable the proximity trigger.
- trigger name:proximity state:false

Syntaxvulnerable (state:{true}/false/toggle)
Short DescriptionSets whether an NPC is vulnerable.
Full DescriptionToggles whether an NPC can be hurt or not.
Related Tags<NPCTag.invulnerable> Returns whether the NPC is currently invulnerable. (...)
Usage Example
# Makes an NPC vulnerable.
- vulnerable state:true
Usage Example
# Makes an NPC vulnerable if it is not, and invulnerable if it is.
- vulnerable

Category: player

Syntaxactionbar [<text>] (targets:<player>|...) (format:<script>) (per_player)
Short DescriptionSends a message to a player's action bar.
Full DescriptionSends a message to the target's action bar area.
If no target is specified it will default to the attached player.
Accepts the 'format:<name>' argument, which will reformat the text according to the specified format script. See Language:Format Script Containers.

Optionally use 'per_player' with a list of player targets, to have the tags in the text input be reparsed for each and every player.
So, for example, "- actionbar 'hello <>' targets:<server.online_players>"
would normally show "hello bob" to every player (every player sees the exact same name in the text, ie bob sees "hello bob", steve also sees "hello bob", etc)
but if you use "per_player", each player online would see their own name (so bob sees "hello bob", steve sees "hello steve", etc).
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to send a message to the player's action bar.
- actionbar "Hey there <>!"
Usage Example
# Use to send a message to a list of players.
- actionbar "Hey, welcome to the server!" targets:<[thatplayer]>|<[player]>|<[someplayer]>
Usage Example
# Use to send a message to a list of players, with a formatted message.
- actionbar "Hey there!" targets:<[thatplayer]>|<[player]> format:ServerChat

Syntaxadvancement [id:<name>] (delete/grant:<players>/revoke:<players>/{create}) (parent:<name>) (icon:<item>) (title:<text>) (description:<text>) (background:<key>) (frame:<type>) (toast:<boolean>) (announce:<boolean>) (hidden:<boolean>) (x:<offset>) (y:<offset>) (progress_length:<#>)
Short DescriptionControls a custom advancement.
Full DescriptionControls custom Minecraft player advancements. You should generally create advancements manually on server start.
Currently, the ID argument may only refer to advancements added through this command.
The default action is to create and register a new advancement.
You may also delete an existing advancement, in which case do not provide any further arguments.
You may grant or revoke an advancement for a list of players, in which case do not provide any further arguments.
The parent argument sets the root advancement in the advancements menu, in the format "namespace:key".
If no namespace is specified, the parent is assumed to have been created through this command.
The icon argument sets the icon displayed in toasts and the advancements menu.
The title argument sets the title that will show on toasts and in the advancements menu.
The description argument sets the information that will show when scrolling over a chat announcement or in the advancements menu.
The background argument sets the image to use if the advancement goes to a new tab.
If the background is unspecified, defaults to "minecraft:textures/gui/advancements/backgrounds/stone.png".
The frame argument sets the type of advancement - valid arguments are CHALLENGE, GOAL, and TASK.
The toast argument sets whether the advancement should display a toast message when a player completes it. Default is true.
The announce argument sets whether the advancement should display a chat message to the server when a player completes it. Default is true.
The hidden argument sets whether the advancement should be hidden until it is completed.
The x and y arguments are offsets based on the size of an advancement icon in the menu. They are required for custom tabs to look reasonable.

When creating an advancement, optionally specify 'progress_length' to make it require multiple parts.
When granting an advancement, optionally specify 'progress_length' to only grant partial progress.

To award a pre-existing vanilla advancement, instead use Mechanism:PlayerTag.award_advancement

WARNING: Failure to re-create advancements on every server start may result in loss of data - use Event:server prestart.

If you mess with datapacks, you will also need to re-create advancements during Event:server resources reloaded
Related Tags<PlayerTag.has_advancement[<advancement>]> Returns whether the player has completed the specified advancement.
<PlayerTag.advancements> Returns a list of the names of all advancements the player has completed.
<server.advancement_types> Returns a list of all registered advancement names. (...)
Usage Example
# Creates a new advancement that has a potato icon.
- advancement id:hello_world icon:baked_potato "title:Hello World" "description:You said hello to the world."
Usage Example
# Creates a new advancement with the parent "hello_world" and a CHALLENGE frame. Hidden until it is completed.
- advancement id:hello_universe parent:hello_world icon:ender_pearl "title:Hello Universe" "description:You said hello to the UNIVERSE." frame:challenge hidden:true x:1
Usage Example
# Grants the "hello_world" advancement to the current player.
- advancement id:hello_world grant:<player>

Syntaxblockcrack [<location>] [progress:<#>] (stack) (players:<player>|...) (duration:<duration>)
Short DescriptionShows the player(s) a block cracking animation.
Full DescriptionYou must specify a progress number between 1 and 10, where 1 is the first stage and 10 is the last.
To remove the animation, you must specify any number outside of that range. For example, 0.
Optionally, you can stack multiple effects or set a duration for how long the effect should be shown.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to show a crack in a block to the currently attached player.
- blockcrack <context.location> progress:4
Usage Example
# Use to stop showing a crack in a block to all online players.
- blockcrack <context.location> progress:0 players:<server.online_players>
Usage Example
# Use to show all 10 layers of block cracking at the same time.
- repeat 10:
  - blockcrack <context.location> progress:<[value]> stack
Usage Example
# Use to show a crack in a block to the attached player for 5 seconds.
- blockcrack <context.location> progress:4 duration:5s

Syntaxclickable (<script>/cancel:<id>) (def:<element>|.../defmap:<map>/def.<name>:<value>) (usages:<#>) (for:<player>|...) (until:<duration>)
Short DescriptionGenerates a clickable command for players.
Full DescriptionGenerates a clickable command for players.

Generally, prefer to write a command script and simply "on_click[/yourcommandhere]" rather than using generated clickables.
Generated clickables are a utility intended to enable clickables that are restricted from being normally accessed without receiving a clickable message.

Specify a task script to run, or put an executable script section as sub-commands.

When running a task, optionally any definitions to pass.

When using a sub-section, the running commands will be in their own queue, but copy out the original queue's definitions and context source.

Optionally specify a maximum number of usages (defaults to unlimited).

Optionally specify a maximum duration it can be used for with 'until'.

If no duration is specified, the clickable will remain valid until the server stops or restarts.
WARNING: if you use clickables very often without a duration limit, this can lead to a memory leak.
Clickables that have a specified max duration will occasionally be cleaned from memory.

Optionally specify what players are allowed to use it. Defaults to unrestricted (any player that sees the click message may use it).
Note that it is possible for a player to find the generated command ID in their logs and send it to another player to "/" execute, so if you don't restrict player access it may be abused in that way.

This internally generates a command of the form "/denizenclickable <generated_id>".

Players will need the permission "denizen.clickable" to be able to use this.

You can cancel a clickable at any time via "cancel:<id>", where ID is the generated ID from saving the initial generated command.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].command> returns the command to use in "on_click".
<entry[saveName].id> returns the generate command's ID.
<ElementTag.on_click[<command>]> Adds a click command to the element, which makes the element execute the input command when clicked. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to generate a clickable that just narrates "hello there!" when clicked.
- clickable save:my_clickable:
    - narrate "Hello there!"
- narrate "Click <blue><element[here].on_click[<entry[my_clickable].command>]><reset>!"
Usage Example
# Use to generate a clickable message that will run a task script named 'test_script'.
- clickable test_script save:my_clickable
- narrate "Click <blue><element[here].on_click[<entry[my_clickable].command>]><reset>!"
Usage Example
# Use to generate a clickable message that will run a task script named 'reward_drop', that can be used by only the first person to click it.
- clickable reward_drop usages:1 save:reward
- announce "<blue><bold><element[Reward Here].on_click[<entry[reward].command>]><reset>!"
Usage Example
# Use to generate a clickable message exclusively for the linked player, that must be used within a minute.
- clickable your_secret def:quest3 for:<player> until:1m save:secretmessage
- narrate "Do you want to know the secret? <blue><element[Yes].on_click[<entry[secretmessage].command>]><reset> / No."
Usage Example
# Use to generate a clickable message and cancel it manually later.
- clickable test_script save:my_clickable save:myclickable
- narrate "Click <blue><element[here].on_click[<entry[my_clickable].command>]><reset> before you land!"
- waituntil rate:1s max:30s <player.is_on_ground>
- clickable cancel:<entry[myclickable].id>

Syntaxcompass [<location>/reset]
Short DescriptionRedirects the player's compass to target the given location.
Full DescriptionRedirects the compass of the player, who is attached to the script queue.

This is not the compass item, but the command is controlling the pointer the item should direct at.
This means that all item compasses will point the same direction but differently for each player.

To affect an individual compass item, use Mechanism:ItemTag.lodestone_location

The y-axis is not used but its fine to be included in the location argument.

Reset argument will turn the direction to default (spawn or bed)
Related Tags<PlayerTag.compass_target> Returns the location of the player's compass target.
Usage Example
# Use to reset the compass direction to its default.
- compass reset
Usage Example
# Use to point with a compass to the player's current location.
- compass <player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to point with a compass to the world's spawn location.
- compass <>

Syntaxdebugblock [<location>|.../clear] (color:<color>) (name:<name>) (players:<player>|...) (d:<duration>{10s})
Short DescriptionShows or clears minecraft debug blocks.
Full DescriptionShows or clears minecraft debug blocks, AKA "Game Test Markers".
These are block-grid-aligned markers that are a perfect cube of a single (specifiable) transparent color, and stay for a specified duration of time or until cleared.
Markers can optionally also have simple text names.

If arguments are unspecified, the default color is white, the default player is the linked player, the default name is none, and the default duration is 10 seconds.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to show a debug block where the player is looking.
- debugblock <player.cursor_on>
Usage Example
# Use to show a transparent green debug block in front of the player for five seconds.
- debugblock <player.eye_location.forward[2]> color:0,255,0,128 d:5s
Usage Example
# Use to remove all debug blocks,
- debugblock clear
Synonyms (Search Aid)gametestmarker

Syntaxdisguise [<entity>] [cancel/as:<type>] (global/players:<player>|...) (self)
Short DescriptionMakes the player see an entity as though it were a different type of entity.
Full DescriptionMakes the player see an entity as though it were a different type of entity.

The entity won't actually change on the server.
The entity will still visibly behave the same as the real entity type does.

Be warned that the replacement is imperfect, and visual or internal-client errors may arise from using this command.

If you disguise a player to themself, they will see a slightly-lagging-behind copy of the disguise entity.

The disguise will last until a server restart, or the cancel option is used.

Optionally, specify a list of players to show or cancel the entity to.
If unspecified, will default to the linked player.
Or, specify 'global' to make the disguise or cancel apply for all players. If using global, use "self" to show to the self-player.

To remove a disguise, use the 'cancel' argument.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.disguise_to_self[(<player>)]> Returns the fake entity used to disguise the entity in the player's self-view (only relevant to players), either globally (if no context input given), or to the specified player. (...)
<EntityTag.is_disguised[(<player>)]> Returns whether the entity is currently disguised, either globally (if no context input given), or to the specified player. (...)
<EntityTag.disguised_type[(<player>)]> Returns the entity type the entity is disguised as, either globally (if no context input given), or to the specified player. (...)
<EntityTag.disguise_to_others[(<player>)]> Returns the fake entity used to disguise the entity in other's views, either globally (if no context input given), or to the specified player. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to show a turn the NPC into a creeper for the linked player.
- disguise <npc> as:creeper
Usage Example
# Use to show a turn the NPC into a red sheep for the linked player.
- disguise <npc> as:sheep[color=red]

Syntaxexperience [set/give/take] (level) [<#>]
Short DescriptionGives or takes experience points to the player.
Full DescriptionThis command allows modification of a players experience points.

Experience can be modified in terms of XP points, or by levels.

This command works with offline players, but using it on online players is safer.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.xp> Returns the percentage of experience points to the next level.
<PlayerTag.xp_to_next_level> Returns the amount of XP the player needs to get to the next level. (...)
<PlayerTag.xp_total> Returns the total amount of experience points the player has. (...)
<PlayerTag.xp_level> Returns the number of XP levels the player has. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to set a player's total experience to 0.
- experience set 0
Usage Example
# Use to give a player 1 level.
- experience give level 1
Usage Example
# Use to take 1 level from a player.
- experience take level 1
Usage Example
# Use to give a player with the name steve 10 experience points.
- experience give 10 player:<[someplayer]>

Syntaxfakespawn [<entity>] [<location>/cancel] (players:<player>|...) (duration:<duration>{10s}) (mount_to:<entity>)
Short DescriptionMakes the player see a fake entity spawn that didn't actually happen.
Full DescriptionMakes the player see a fake entity spawn that didn't actually happen.
This means that the server will not track the entity, and players not included in the command will not see the entity.

You must specify an entity to spawn and a location to spawn it at, or to remove a fake entity, specify the fake entity object and 'cancel' instead of a location.

Optionally, specify a list of players to show the entity to. If unspecified, will default to the linked player.

Optionally, specify how long the fake entity should remain for. If unspecified, will default to 10 seconds.
After the duration is up, the entity will be removed from the player(s).

Optionally, specify an entity to mount the fake entity to via mount_to:<entity>.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.fake_entities> Returns a list of fake entities the player can see, as set by Command:fakespawn. (...)
<entry[saveName].faked_entity> returns the spawned faked entity.
Usage Example
# Use to show a fake creeper in front of the attached player.
- fakespawn creeper <player.location.forward[5]>
Usage Example
# Use to spawn and mount a fake armor stand to the player.
- fakespawn armor_stand <player.location> mount_to:<player>

Syntaxitemcooldown [<material>|...] (duration:<duration>)
Short DescriptionPlaces a cooldown on a material in a player's inventory.
Full DescriptionPlaces a cooldown on a material in a player's inventory.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.item_cooldown[<material>]> Returns the cooldown duration remaining on player's material.
Usage Example
# Places a 1 second cooldown on using an ender pearl.
- itemcooldown ender_pearl
Usage Example
# Places a 10 minute cooldown on using golden apples.
- itemcooldown golden_apple d:10m

Syntaxkick [<player>|...] (reason:<text>)
Short DescriptionKicks a player from the server.
Full DescriptionKick a player or a list of players from the server and optionally specify a reason.
If no reason is specified it defaults to "Kicked."
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to kick the player with the default reason.
- kick <player>
Usage Example
# Use to kick the player with a reason.
- kick <player> "reason:Because I can."
Usage Example
# Use to kick another player with a reason.
- kick <[player]> "reason:Because I can."

Syntaxnarrate [<text>] (targets:<player>|...) (format:<script>) (per_player) (from:<uuid>)
Short DescriptionShows some text to the player.
Full DescriptionPrints some text into the target's chat area. If no target is specified it will default to the attached player or the console.

Accepts the 'format:<script>' argument, which will reformat the text according to the specified format script. See Language:Format Script Containers.

Optionally use 'per_player' with a list of player targets, to have the tags in the text input be reparsed for each and every player.
So, for example, "- narrate 'hello <>' targets:<server.online_players>"
would normally say "hello bob" to every player (every player sees the exact same name in the text, ie bob sees "hello bob", steve also sees "hello bob", etc)
but if you use "per_player", each player online would see their own name (so bob sees "hello bob", steve sees "hello steve", etc).

Optionally, specify 'from:<uuid>' to indicate that message came from a specific UUID (used for things like the vanilla client social interaction block option).
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to narrate text to the player.
- narrate "Hello World!"
Usage Example
# Use to narrate text to a list of players.
- narrate "Hello there." targets:<[player]>|<[someplayer]>|<[thatplayer]>
Usage Example
# Use to narrate text to a unique message to every player on the server.
- narrate "Hello <>, your secret code is <util.random.duuid>." targets:<server.online_players> per_player

Syntaxopentrades [<entity>/<trade>|...] (title:<title>) (players:<player>|...)
Short DescriptionOpens the specified villager entity's trading inventory or a list of trades.
Full DescriptionForces a player to open a villager's trading inventory or a virtual trading inventory.
If an entity is specified, only one player can be specified.
Otherwise, if a list of trades is specified, more than one player can be specified.
If the title is not specified, no title will be applied to the virtual trading inventory.
If no player is specified, by default the attached player will be forced to trade.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.selected_trade_index> Returns the index of the trade the player is currently viewing, if any.
<EntityTag.is_trading> Returns whether the villager entity is trading.
<EntityTag.trades> Returns a list of the Villager's trade recipes.
<EntityTag.trading_with> Returns the player who is trading with the villager entity, or null if it is not trading.
Usage Example
# Use to open an unusable trade.
- opentrades trade
Usage Example
# Use to open a list of trades with an optional title.
- opentrades trade[result=stone;inputs=stone;max_uses=9999]|trade[result=barrier] "title:Useless Trades"
Usage Example
# Use to force a player to trade with a villager.
- opentrades <[villager_entity]>

Syntaxoxygen [<#>] (type:{remaining}/maximum) (mode:{set}/add/remove)
Short DescriptionGives or takes breath from the player.
Full DescriptionUsed to add to, remove from or set the amount of current oxygen of a player.
Also allows for the changing of the player's maximum oxygen level.
Value is in ticks, so 30 equals 1 bubble.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.oxygen> Returns the duration of oxygen the entity has left. (...)
<PlayerTag.max_oxygen> Returns the maximum duration of oxygen the entity can have. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to set the player's current oxygen level to 5 bubbles.
- oxygen 150
Usage Example
# Use to add 1 bubble to the player's current oxygen level.
- oxygen 30 mode:add
Usage Example
# Use to set the player's maximum oxygen level to 20 bubbles.
- oxygen 600 type:maximum

Syntaxresourcepack [url:<url>] [hash:<hash>] (forced) (prompt:<text>) (targets:<player>|...)
Short DescriptionPrompts a player to download a server resource pack.
Full DescriptionSets the current resource pack by specifying a valid URL to a resource pack.

The player will be prompted to download the pack, with the optional prompt text or a default vanilla message.
Once a player says "yes" once, all future packs will be automatically downloaded. If the player selects "no" once, all future packs will automatically be rejected.
Players can change the automatic setting from their server list in the main menu.

Use "hash:" to specify a 40-character (20 byte) hexadecimal SHA-1 hash value (without '0x') for the resource pack to prevent redownloading cached data.
Specifying a hash is required, though you can get away with copy/pasting a fake value if you don't care for the consequences.
There are a variety of tools to generate the real hash, such as the `sha1sum` command on Linux, or using the 7-Zip GUI's Checksum option on Windows.

Specify "forced" to tell the vanilla client they must accept the pack or quit the server. Hacked clients may still bypass this requirement.

"Forced" and "prompt" inputs only work on Paper servers.

Optionally specify players to send the pack to. If unspecified, will use the linked player.

See also Event:resource pack status.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to send a resource pack with a pre-known hash.
- resourcepack url: hash:0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f1112131415

Syntaxshowfake [<material>|.../cancel] [<location>|...] (players:<player>|...) (d:<duration>{10s})
Short DescriptionMakes the player see a block change that didn't actually happen.
Full DescriptionMakes the player see a block change that didn't actually happen.
This means that the server will still register the block being what it was before the command,
and players not included in the command will still see the original block.

You must specify a location (or list of locations), and a material (or list of materials).
The material list does not have to be of the same size as the location list (materials will be repeated automatically).

Optionally, specify a list of players to show the change to.
If unspecified, will default to the linked player.

Optionally, specify how long the fake block should remain for.
If unspecified, will default to 10 seconds.
After the duration is up, the block will revert back to whatever it really is (on the server-side).

Note that while the player will see the block as though it were real, the server will have no knowledge of this.
This means that if the player, for example, stands atop a fake block that the server sees as air, that player will be seen as flying.
The reverse applies as well: if a player walks through fake air (that is actually solid), the server will see a player walking through walls.
This can easily lead to players getting kicked by anti-cheat systems or similar results.
You can enable the player to walk through fake air via Mechanism:PlayerTag.noclip.
Note as well that some clientside block effects may occur (eg fake fire may appear momentarily to actually ignite things, but won't actually damage them).

Warning: extremely complex chunks (those with a significant variety of block types in a small area) might not be able to retain fake blocks over time properly.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.fake_block_locations> Returns a list of locations that the player will see a fake block at, as set by Command:showfake or connected commands.
<PlayerTag.fake_block[<location>]> Returns the fake material that the player will see at the input location, as set by Command:showfake or connected commands. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to place a fake gold block at where the player is looking
- showfake gold_block <player.cursor_on>
Usage Example
# Use to place a stone block right on player's head, that only stays for a second.
- showfake stone <player.location.add[0,1,0]> duration:1s
Usage Example
# Use to place fake lava that the player is standing in, for all the server to see
- showfake lava <player.location> players:<server.online_players>
Synonyms (Search Aid)fakeblock

Syntaxsidebar (add/remove/{set}/set_line) (title:<title>) (scores:<#>|...) (values:<line>|...) (start:<#>/{num_of_lines}) (increment:<#>/{-1}) (players:<player>|...) (per_player)
Short DescriptionControls clientside-only sidebars.
Full DescriptionThis command was created as a simpler replacement for using the Scoreboard command to display per-player sidebars.
By using packets and dummies, it enables you to have non-flickering, fully functional sidebars,
without wasting processing speed and memory on creating new Scoreboards for every single player.

Using this command, you can add, remove, or set lines on the scoreboard.

To set the title of the sidebar, use the 'title:' parameter in any case where the action is 'set'.

By default, the score numbers descend from the total line count to 1.
To customize the automatic score values, use the 'start:' and 'increment:' arguments in any case where the action is 'set'.
'Start' is the score where the first line will be shown with. The default 'start' value is determined by how many items are specified in 'values:'.
'Increment' is the difference between each score and the default is -1.

To instead set entirely custom numbers, use the 'scores:' input with a list of numbers,
where each number is the score to use with the value at the same place in the 'values:' list.

You can remove by line value text, or by score number.

The per_player argument is also available, and helps to reduce the number of loops required for updating multiple players' sidebars.
When it is specified, all tags in the command will fill based on each individual player in the players list.
So, for example, you could have <> on a line and it will show each player specified their name on that line.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.sidebar_lines> Returns the current lines set on the player's Sidebar via Command:sidebar.
<PlayerTag.sidebar_title> Returns the current title set on the player's Sidebar via Command:sidebar.
<PlayerTag.sidebar_scores> Returns the current scores set on the player's Sidebar via Command:sidebar, (...)
Usage Example
# Use to show all online players a sidebar.
- sidebar set "title:Hello World!" "values:This is|My Message!|Wee!" players:<server.online_players>
Usage Example
# Use to show a few players their ping.
- sidebar set title:Info "values:Ping<&co> <>" players:<[someplayer]>|<[player]>|<[aplayer]> per_player
Usage Example
# Use to set a sidebar with the score values indicating information to the user.
- sidebar set scores:<server.online_players.size>|<server.max_players> "values:Players online|Players allowed"
Usage Example
# Use to change a specific line of a sidebar.
- sidebar set_line scores:5 "values:Better message!"
Usage Example
# Use to add a line to the bottom of the sidebar.
- sidebar add "values:This is the bottom!"
Usage Example
# Use to remove multiple lines from the sidebar.
- sidebar remove scores:2|4|6
Usage Example
# Use to stop showing the sidebar.
- sidebar remove

Syntaxstatistic [<statistic>] [add/take/set] (<#>) (qualifier:<material>/<entity>)
Short DescriptionChanges the specified statistic value for a player.
Full DescriptionChanges the specified statistic for the player.
For more info on statistics, see 🔗
For statistic names, see 🔗

You can add, take, or set a numeric value to the statistic for the linked player.
Works with offline players.

Some statistics are unique per a material or entity - for those, use the "qualifier" argument.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.statistic[<statistic>]> Returns the player's current value for the specified statistic. (...)
<PlayerTag.statistic[<statistic>].qualifier[<material>/<entity>]> Returns the player's current value for the specified statistic, with the (...)
Usage Example
# Use to hide the evidence of all the animal breeding you've done.
- statistic animals_bred set 0
Usage Example
# Use to pretend you just ran a 5k.
- statistic walk_one_cm add 500000
Usage Example
# Use to make it look like that challenge course wasn't even hard for you at all.
- statistic deaths take 200

Syntaxtablist [add/remove/update] (name:<name>) (display:<display>) (uuid:<uuid>) (skin_blob:<blob>) (latency:<#>) (gamemode:creative/survival/adventure/spectator) (listed:true/false)
Short DescriptionModifies values in the player's tablist.
Full DescriptionAdds, removes, or updates a player profile entry in the player's tab-list view.

Using 'add' will add a new entry to the client's player list.
'name' must be specified.
'display' if unspecified will be the same as the name.
'uuid' if unspecified will be randomly generated.
'skin_blob' if unspecified will be a default Minecraft skin. Skin blob should be in format "texture;signature" (separated by semicolon).
'latency' is a number representing the players ping, if unspecified will be 0. 0 renders as full ping, -1 renders an "X", 500 renders orange (3 bars), 1000 renders red (1 bar).
'gamemode' if unspecified will be creative. 'spectator' renders as faded and is pushed below all non-spectator entries.
'listed' determines whether the entry will show up in the tab list, defaults to 'true'.

Using 'remove' will remove an entry from the tab list.
'uuid' must be specified.

Using 'update' will update an existing entry in the tab list.
'uuid' must be specified.
Only 'display', 'latency', 'gamemode', and 'listed' can be updated.

Usage of display names that are not empty requires enabling Denizen/config.yml option "Allow restricted actions".
Using this tool to add entries that look like real players (but aren't) is forbidden.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to add a new empty entry to the player's tab list to fill space.
- tablist add name:<empty> display:<empty> gamemode:spectator
Usage Example
# Use to update an existing entry
- tablist update uuid:<[uuid]> gamemode:spectator latency:200

Syntaxteam (id:<scoreboard>/{main}) [name:<team>] (add:<entry>|...) (remove:<entry>|...) (prefix:<prefix>) (suffix:<suffix>) (option:<type> status:<status>) (color:<color>)
Short DescriptionControls scoreboard teams.
Full DescriptionThe Team command allows you to control a scoreboard team.

Use the "prefix" or "suffix" arguments to modify a team's playername prefix and suffix.

The "entry" value can be a player's name to affect that player, or an entity's UUID to affect that entity.
You can alternately input a raw PlayerTag or EntityTag, and they will be automatically translated to the name/UUID internally.

Use the "color" argument to set the team color (for glowing, names, etc). Must be from 🔗

Use the "add" and "remove" arguments to add or remove players by name to/from the team.

Use the "option" and "status" arguments together to set a team option's status.
Option can instead be "FRIENDLY_FIRE" or "SEE_INVISIBLE", only allowing status "ALWAYS" or "NEVER".
Related Tags<server.scoreboard[(<board>)].team[<team>].members> Returns a list of all members of a scoreboard team. Generally returns as a list of names or text entries. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to add a player to a team.
- team name:red add:<player>
Usage Example
# Use to add some mob to a team.
- team name:blue add:<player.location.find_entities[monster].within[10]>
Usage Example
# Use to change the prefix for a team.
- team name:red "prefix:[<red>Red Team<reset>]"
Usage Example
# Use to hide nameplates for members of a team.
- team name:red option:name_tag_visibility status:never

Syntaxtitle (title:<text>) (subtitle:<text>) (fade_in:<duration>/{1s}) (stay:<duration>/{3s}) (fade_out:<duration>/{1s}) (targets:<player>|...) (per_player)
Short DescriptionDisplays a title to specified players.
Full DescriptionShows the players a large, noticeable wall of text in the center of the screen.
You can also show a "subtitle" below that title.
You may add timings for fading in, staying there, and fading out.
The defaults for these are: 1 second, 3 seconds, and 1 second, respectively.

Optionally use 'per_player' with a list of player targets, to have the tags in the text input be reparsed for each and every player.
So, for example, "- title 'title:hello <>' targets:<server.online_players>"
would normally say "hello bob" to every player (every player sees the exact same name in the text, ie bob sees "hello bob", steve also sees "hello bob", etc)
but if you use "per_player", each player online would see their own name (so bob sees "hello bob", steve sees "hello steve", etc).
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to alert players of impending server restart.
- title "title:<red>Server Restarting" "subtitle:<red>In 1 minute!" stay:1m targets:<server.online_players>
Usage Example
# Use to inform the player about the area they have just entered.
- title "title:<green>Tatooine" "subtitle:<gold>What a desolate place this is."

Syntaxtoast [<text>] (targets:<player>|...) (icon:<item>) (frame:{task}/challenge/goal)
Short DescriptionShows the player a custom advancement toast.
Full DescriptionDisplays a client-side custom advancement "toast" notification popup to the player(s).
If no target is specified it will default to the attached player.
The icon argument changes the icon displayed in the toast pop-up notification.
The frame argument changes the type of advancement.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Welcomes the player with an advancement toast.
- toast "Welcome <>!"
Usage Example
# Sends the player an advancement toast with a custom icon.
- toast "Diggy Diggy Hole" icon:iron_spade
Usage Example
# Sends the player a "Challenge Complete!" type advancement toast.
- toast "You finished a challenge!" frame:challenge icon:diamond

Syntaxchat [<text>] (no_target/targets:<entity>|...) (talkers:<entity>|...) (range:<#.#>)
Short DescriptionCauses an NPC/NPCs to send a chat message to nearby players.
Full DescriptionChat uses an NPC's speech controller provided by Denizen, typically inside 'interact' or 'task' script-containers.
Typically there is already player and NPC context inside a queue that is using the 'chat' command.
In this case, only a text input is required.
Alternatively, target entities can be specified to have any Entity chat to a different target/targets,
or specify 'no_target' to not send the message to any specific target.

Chat from an NPC is formatted by the settings present in Denizen's config.yml.
Players being chatted to see a slightly different message than surrounding players.
By default, a 'chat' will allow other players nearby to also see the conversation. For example:

- chat 'Hello!'

The player being chatted to, by default the attached Player to the script queue, will see a message 'Jack says to you, Hello!',
however surrounding entities will see something along the lines of 'Jack says to Bob, Hello!'.
The format for this is configurable via the "Denizen/config.yml" file.

If sending messages to the Player without any surrounding entities hearing the message is desirable,
it is often times recommended to instead use the 'narrate' command.
Alternatively, on a server-wide scale, the configuration node for the 'range' can be set to 0, however this is discouraged.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to emulate an NPC talking out loud to a Player within an interact script-container.
- chat "Hello, <>! Nice day, eh?"
Usage Example
# Use to have an NPC talk to a group of individuals.
- chat targets:<npc.location.find_players_within[6].filter[has_flag[clan_initiate]]> "Welcome, initiate!"
Synonyms (Search Aid)say, speak

Syntaxgroup [add/remove/set] [<group>] (<world>)
Short DescriptionAdds a player to, removes a player from, or sets a player's permissions group.
Full DescriptionControls a player's permission groups, which the ability to add, remove or set a player's groups.
The 'add' argument adds the player to the group and any parent groups,
and the 'remove' command does the opposite, removing the player from the group and any inheriting groups.
The set command removes all existing groups and sets the player's group.
Note: This requires a permissions plugin and Vault.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.in_group[<group>]> Returns whether the player is in the specified group. (...)
<PlayerTag.in_group[<group>].global> Returns whether the player has the group with no regard to the (...)
<PlayerTag.in_group[<group>].world> Returns whether the player has the group in regards to a specific world. (...)
<PlayerTag.groups[(<world>)]> Returns a list of all groups the player is in. (...)
<server.permission_groups> Returns a list of all permission groups on the server.
Usage Example
# Use to add a player to the Admin group.
- group add Admin
Usage Example
# Use to remove a player from the Moderator group.
- group remove Moderator
Usage Example
# Use to set a player to the Member group in the Creative world.
- group set Member Creative

Syntaxmoney [give/take/set] (quantity:<#.#>) (players:<player>|...)
Short DescriptionManage a player's money.
Full DescriptionGive money to, take money from, and set the balance of a player.
If no quantity is specified it defaults to '1'.
You can specify a list of players to give to or take from. If no player(s) are specified, defaults to the attached player.
NOTE: This requires an economy plugin or script, and Vault. May work for offline players depending on economy plugin.
Related Tags<> Returns the amount of money the player has with the registered Economy system. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to give 1 money to the player.
- money give
Usage Example
# Use to take 10 money from a player.
- money take quantity:10 players:<[player]>
Usage Example
# Use to give all players on the server 100 money.
- money give quantity:100 players:<server.players>
Usage Example
# Use to set the money of all online players to 250.
- money set quantity:250 players:<server.online_players>

Syntaxpermission [add/remove] [permission] (group:<name>) (<world>)
Short DescriptionGives or takes a permission node to/from the player or group.
Full DescriptionAdds or removes a permission node from a player or group.
Accepts a world for world-based permissions plugins.
By default changes the attached player's permissions.
Accepts the 'group:<name>' argument to change a group's permission nodes rather than a player's.
Note: This requires a permissions plugin and Vault.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.has_permission[permission.node]> Returns whether the player has the specified node. (...)
<PlayerTag.has_permission[permission.node].global> Returns whether the player has the specified node, regardless of world. (...)
<PlayerTag.has_permission[permission.node].world[<world>]> Returns whether the player has the specified node in regards to the (...)
<server.has_permissions> Returns whether the server has a known permission plugin loaded. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to give the player a permissions node.
- permission add bukkit.version
Usage Example
# Use to remove a permissions node from a player.
- permission remove bukkit.version
Usage Example
# Use to give the group 'Members' a permission node.
- permission add bukkit.version group:Members
Usage Example
# Use to remove a permissions node from the group 'Members' in the Creative world.
- permission remove bukkit.version group:Members Creative

Category: queue

Syntaxchoose [<option>] [<cases>]
Short DescriptionChooses an option from the list of cases.
Full DescriptionChooses an option from the list of cases.
Intended to replace a long chain of simplistic if/else if or complicated script path selection systems.
Simply input the selected option, and the system will automatically jump to the most relevant case input.
Cases are given as a sub-set of commands inside the current command (see Usage for samples).

Optionally, specify "default" in place of a case to give a result when all other cases fail to match.

Cases must be static text. They may not contain tags. For multi-tag comparison, consider the IF command.
Any one case line can have multiple values in it - each possible value should be its own argument (separated by spaces).
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to choose the only case.
- choose 1:
  - case 1:
    - debug LOG "Success!"
Usage Example
# Use to choose the default case.
- choose 2:
  - case 1:
    - debug log "Failure!"
  - default:
    - debug log "Success!"
Usage Example
# Use for dynamically choosing a case.
- choose <[entity_type]>:
  - case zombie:
    - narrate "You slayed an undead zombie!"
  - case skeleton:
    - narrate "You knocked the bones out of a skeleton!"
  - case creeper:
    - narrate "You didn't give that creeper a chance to explode!"
  - case pig cow chicken:
    - narrate "You killed an innocent farm animal!"
  - default:
    - narrate "You killed a <[entity_type].to_titlecase>!"

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdefine [<id>](:<action>)[:<value>]
Short DescriptionCreates a temporary variable inside a script queue.
Full DescriptionDefinitions are queue-level 'variables' that can be used throughout a script, once defined, by using the <[<id>]> tag.
Definitions are only valid on the current queue and are not transferred to any new queues constructed within the script,
such as by a 'run' command, without explicitly specifying to do so.

Definitions are lighter and faster than creating a temporary flag.
Definitions are also automatically removed when the queue is completed, so there is no worry for leaving unused data hanging around.

This command supports data actions, see Language:data actions.

Definitions can be sub-mapped with the '.' character, meaning a def named 'x.y.z' is actually a def 'x' as a MapTag with key 'y' as a MapTag with key 'z' as the final defined value.
In other words, "<[a.b.c]>" is equivalent to "<[a].get[b].get[c]>"
Related Tags<[<id>]> to get the value assigned to an ID
<QueueTag.definition[<definition>]> Returns the value of the specified definition. (...)
<QueueTag.definitions> Returns the names of all definitions that were added to the current queue.
Usage Example
# Use to make complex tags look less complex, and scripts more readable.
- narrate "You invoke your power of notice..."
- define range <player.flag[range_level].mul[3]>
- define blocks <player.flag[noticeable_blocks]>
- define count <player.location.find_blocks[<[blocks]>].within[<[range]>].size>
- narrate "<&[base]>[NOTICE] You have noticed <[count].custom_color[emphasis]> blocks in the area that may be of interest."
Usage Example
# Use to validate a player input to a command script, and then output the found player's name.
- define target <server.match_player[<context.args.get[1]>]||null>
- if <[target]> == null:
  - narrate "<red>Unknown player target."
  - stop
- narrate "You targeted <[target].name>!"
Usage Example
# Use to keep the value of a tag that you might use many times within a single script.
- define arg1 <context.args.get[1]>
- if <[arg1]> == hello:
    - narrate Hello!
- else if <[arg1]> == goodbye:
    - narrate Goodbye!
Usage Example
# Use to remove a definition.
- define myDef:!
Usage Example
# Use to make a MapTag definition and set the value of a key inside.
- define myroot.mykey MyValue
- define myroot.myotherkey MyOtherValue
- narrate "The main value is <[myroot.mykey]>, and the map's available key set is <[myroot].keys>"
Synonyms (Search Aid)definition

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdefinemap [<name>] [<key>:<value> ...]
Short DescriptionCreates a MapTag definition with key/value pairs constructed from the input arguments.
Full DescriptionCreates a MapTag definition with key/value pairs constructed from the input arguments.
Related Tags<[<id>]> to get the value assigned to an ID
Usage Example
# Use to make a MapTag definition with three inputs.
- definemap my_map count:5 type:Taco smell:Tasty
Usage Example
# Use to make a MapTag definition with complex input.
- definemap my_map:
    count: 5
    - a
    - b
        some_subkey: taco

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdetermine (passively) [<value>]
Short DescriptionSets the outcome of a script.
Full DescriptionSets the outcome of a script.
The most common use case is within script events (for example, to cancel the event).
This is also required for all procedure scripts.
It may be useful in other cases (such as a task script that returns a result, via the save argument).

By default, the determine command will end the queue (similar to Command:stop).
If you wish to prevent this, specify the "passively" argument.

To make multiple determines, simply use the determine command multiple times in a row, with the "passively" argument on each.
Related Tags<QueueTag.determination> Returns the values that have been determined via Command:Determine (...)
Usage Example
# Use to modify the result of an event.
- determine message:<context.message.to_lowercase>
Usage Example
# Use to cancel an event, but continue running script commands.
- determine passively cancelled
Synonyms (Search Aid)return

Related Guide Page
Syntaxelse (if <comparison logic>)
Short DescriptionHelper command for usage with the if command.
Full DescriptionA helper command to use with if commands.
See Command:if command documentation.
Related TagsSee IF command documentation.
Usage Example
# See IF command documentation.

Related Guide Page
Syntaxforeach [stop/next/<object>|...] (as:<name>) (key:<name>) [<commands>]
Short DescriptionLoops through a ListTag, running a set of commands for each item.
Full DescriptionLoops through a ListTag of any type. For each item in the ListTag, the specified commands will be ran for that list entry.

Alternately, specify a map tag to loop over the set of key/value pairs in the map, where the key will be <[key]> and the value will be <[value]>.
Specify "key:<name>" to set the key definition name (if unset, will be "key").

Specify "as:<name>" to set the value definition name (if unset, will be "value").
Use "as:__player" to change the queue's player link, or "as:__npc" to change the queue's NPC link.
Note that a changed player/NPC link persists after the end of the loop.

To end a foreach loop, do - foreach stop

To jump immediately to the next entry in the loop, do - foreach next

Note that many commands and tags in Denizen support inputting a list directly, making foreach redundant for many simpler cases.

Note that if you delay the queue (such as with Command:wait or Language:~waitable) inside a foreach loop,
the loop can't process the next entry until the delay is over.
This can lead to very long waits if you have a long list and a wait directly in the loop, as the total delay is effectively multiplied by the number of iterations.
Use Command:run if you want to run logic simultaneously for many entries in a list in a way that allows them to separately wait without delaying each other.
Related Tags<[value]> to get the current item in the loop
<[loop_index]> to get the current loop iteration number
Usage Example
# Use to run commands 'for each entry' in a manually created list of objects/elements.
- foreach <[some_entity]>|<[some_npc]>|<[player]> as:entity:
    - announce "There's something at <[entity].location>!"
Usage Example
# Use to iterate through entries in any tag that returns a list.
- foreach <player.location.find_entities[zombie].within[50]> as:zombie:
    - narrate "There's a zombie <[zombie].location.distance[<player.location>].round> blocks away"
Usage Example
# Use to iterate through a list of players and run commands automatically linked to each player in that list.
- foreach <server.online_players> as:__player:
    - narrate "Thanks for coming to our server, <>! Here's a bonus $50.00!"
    - money give quantity:50

Syntaxgoto [<name>]
Short DescriptionJump forward to a location marked by Command:mark.
Full DescriptionJumps forward to a marked location in the script.
For example:

- goto potato
- narrate "This will never show"
- mark potato

Most scripters should never use this. This is only for certain special cases.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to jump forward to a location.
- goto potato

Related Guide Page
Syntaxif [<value>] (!)(<operator> <value>) (&&/|| ...) [<commands>]
Short DescriptionCompares values, and runs a subset of commands if they match.
Full DescriptionCompares values, and runs a subset of commands if they match.
Works with the else command, which handles alternatives for when the comparison fails.
The if command is equivalent to the English phrasing "if something is true, then do the following".

Values are compared using the comparable system. See Language:operator for information.

Comparisons may be chained together using the symbols '&&' and '||' or their text equivalents 'and' and 'or'.
'&&' means "and", '||' means "or".
So, for example "if <[a]> && <[b]>:" requires both a AND b to be true.
"if <[a]> and <[b]>:" also requires both a AND b to be true.

The "or" is inclusive, meaning "if <[a]> || <[b]>:" will pass for any of the following:
a = true, b = true
a = true, b = false
a = false, b = true
but will fail when a = false and b = false.

Sets of comparisons may be grouped using ( parens ) as separate arguments.
So, for example "if ( <[a]> && <[b]> ) || <[c]>", or "if ( <[x]> or <[y]> or <[z]> ) and ( <[a]> or <[b]> or <[c]> )"
Grouping is REQUIRED when using both '&&' and '||' in one line. Otherwise, groupings should not be used at all.

Boolean inputs and groups both support negating with the '!' symbol as a prefix.
This means you can do "if !<[a]>" to say "if a is NOT true".
Similarly, you can do "if !( <[a]> || <[b]> )", though be aware that per rules of boolean logic,
that example is the exactly same as "if !<[a]> && !<[b]>".

You can also use keyword "not" as its own argument to negate a boolean or an operator.
For example, "if not <[a]>:" will require a to be false, and "if <[a]> not equals <[b]>:" will require that 'a' does not equal 'b'.

When not using a specific comparison operator, true vs false will be determined by Truthiness, see Tag:ObjectTag.is_truthy for details.
For example, "- if <player||null>:" will pass if a player is linked, valid, and online.
Related Tags<[<operator>].to[<element>]> Takes an operator, and compares the first object to the given second object. (...)
<[<operator>].than[<element>]> Takes an operator, and compares the first object to the given second object. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to narrate a message only if a player has a flag.
- if <player.has_flag[secrets]>:
    - narrate "The secret number is 3!"
Usage Example
# Use to narrate a different message depending on a player's money level.
- if <> > 1000:
    - narrate "You're rich!"
- else:
    - narrate "You're poor!"
Usage Example
# Use to stop a script if a player doesn't have all the prerequisites.
- if !<player.has_flag[quest_complete]> || !<player.has_permission[new_quests]> || <> < 50:
    - narrate "You're not ready!"
    - stop
- narrate "Okay so your quest is to find the needle item in the haystack build next to town."
Usage Example
# Use to perform a complicated requirements test before before changing some event.
- if ( poison|magic|melting contains <context.cause> and <context.damage> > 5 ) or <player.has_flag[weak]>:
    - determine <context.damage.mul[2]>

Related Guide Page
Syntaxinject [<script>] (path:<name>) (instantly)
Short DescriptionRuns a script in the current queue.
Full DescriptionInjects a script into the current queue.
This means this task will run with all of the original queue's definitions and tags.
It will also now be part of the queue, so any delays or definitions used in the injected script will be accessible in the original queue.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Injects the InjectedTask task into the current queue
- inject InjectedTask

Syntaxmark [<name>]
Short DescriptionMarks a location for Command:goto.
Full DescriptionMarks a location for the goto command. See Command:goto for details.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to mark a location.
- mark potato

Syntaxqueue (<queue>) [clear/stop/pause/resume/delay:<duration>]
Short DescriptionModifies the current state of a script queue.
Full DescriptionAllows queues to be modified during their run. This can also be used to modify other queues currently running.

Clearing a queue will remove any commands still queued within it, and thus end the queue.
When trying to clear the current queue, use Command:stop instead.

Using the "stop" argument will force the queue to immediately stop running.
When trying to stop the current queue, use Command:stop instead.

Using the "delay:<duration>" argument will cause the queue to wait for a specified duration.
When trying to delay the current queue, use Command:wait instead.

Using the "pause" argument will freeze the queue but keep it listed, waiting for a "resume" instruction.
It is of course not possible to resume the current queue (as if you're running a 'queue' command, the queue can't be paused).

Generally, the queue is considered a non-ideal way of doing things - that is, there's usually a better/cleaner way to achieve similar results.
It's most useful within the "/ex" command for quick problem solving
(eg if a script in testing gets caught in an infinite loop, you can do "/ex queue ID_HERE stop" to fix that).
Related Tags<queue> Returns a queue object constructed from the input value. (...)
<> Returns the full textual id of the queue.
<QueueTag.size> Returns the number of script entries in the queue.
<util.queues> Returns a list of all currently running queues on the server.
<ScriptTag.queues> Returns all queues which are running for this script.
Usage Example
# Use to force-stop a given queue.
- queue <server.flag[OtherQueue]> clear
Usage Example
# Use to delay the current queue (use <@link command wait> instead!)
- queue delay:5t
Usage Example
# Use to pause the given queue.
- queue <server.flag[OtherQueue]> pause
Usage Example
# Use to resume the given queue.
- queue <server.flag[OtherQueue]> resume

Syntaxrandom [<commands>]
Short DescriptionSelects a random choice from the following script commands.
Full DescriptionThe random command picks one of the following script command and skips all the other script commands that are in its section.
Commands like "repeat 1" or "if true" can be used to group together a sublisting of commands to execute together
(as a way to get around the 1-command limit).

If wanting to choose a random long set of commands,
consider instead using Command:choose with
Related Tags<entry[saveName].possibilities> returns an ElementTag of the possibility count.
<entry[saveName].selected> returns an ElementTag of the selected number.
Usage Example
# Use to choose randomly from a braced set of commands
- random:
  - narrate "hi"
  - narrate "hello"
  - narrate "hey"
Usage Example
# Use to perform multiple commands randomly
- random:
  - repeat 1:
    - narrate "Hello"
    - narrate "How are you?"
  - repeat 1:
    - narrate "Hey"
    - narrate "It is a nice day."

Syntaxratelimit [<object>] [<duration>]
Short DescriptionLimits the rate that queues may process a script at.
Full DescriptionLimits the rate that queues may process a script at.
If another queue tries to run the same script faster than the duration, that second queue will be stopped.

Note that the rate limiting is tracked based on two unique factors: the object input, and the specific script line.
That is to say: if you have a 'ratelimit <player> 10s', and then a few lines down a 'ratelimit <player> 10s',
those are two separate rate limiters.
Additionally, if you have a 'ratelimit <player> 10s' and two different players run it, they each have a separate rate limit applied.

Note that this uses game delta tick time, not system realtime.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to show a message to a player no faster than once every ten seconds.
- ratelimit <player> 10s
- narrate "Wow!"

Related Guide Page
Syntaxrepeat [stop/next/<amount>] (from:<#>) (as:<name>) [<commands>]
Short DescriptionRuns a series of braced commands several times.
Full DescriptionLoops through a series of braced commands a specified number of times.
To get the number of loops so far, you can use <[value]>.

Optionally, specify "as:<name>" to change the definition name to something other than "value".

Optionally, to specify a starting index, use "from:<#>". Note that the "amount" input is how many loops will happen, not an end index.
The default "from" index is "1". Note that the value you give to "from" will be the value of the first loop.

To stop a repeat loop, do - repeat stop

To jump immediately to the next number in the loop, do - repeat next
Related Tags<[value]> to get the number of loops so far
Usage Example
# Use to loop through a command five times.
- repeat 5:
    - announce "Announce Number <[value]>"
Usage Example
# Use to announce the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
- repeat 5 as:number:
    - announce "I can count! <[number]>"
Usage Example
# Use to announce the numbers: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
- repeat 5 from:21:
    - announce "Announce Number <[value]>"
Synonyms (Search Aid)for

Related Guide Page
Syntaxrun [<script>] (path:<name>) (def:<element>|.../defmap:<map>/def.<name>:<value>) (id:<name>) (speed:<value>/instantly) (delay:<value>)
Short DescriptionRuns a script in a new queue.
Full DescriptionRuns a script in a new queue.

You must specify a script object to run.

Optionally, use the "path:" argument to choose a specific sub-path within a script.

Optionally, use the "def:" argument to specify definition values to pass to the script,
the definitions will be named via the "definitions:" script key on the script being ran,
or numerically in order if that isn't specified (starting with <[1]>).

Alternately, use "defmap:<map>" to specify definitions to pass as a MapTag, where the keys will be definition names and the values will of course be definition values.

Alternately, use "def.<name>:<value>" to define one or more named definitions individually.

Optionally, use the "speed:" argument to specify the queue command-speed to run the target script at,
or use the "instantly" argument to use an instant speed (no command delay applied).
If neither argument is specified, the default queue speed applies (normally instant, refer to the config file).
Generally, prefer to set the "speed:" script key on the script to be ran, rather than using this argument.

Optionally, use the "delay:" argument to specify a delay time before the script starts running.

Optionally, specify the "id:" argument to choose a custom queue ID to be used.
If none is specified, a randomly generated one will be used. Generally, don't use this argument.

The run command is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].created_queue> returns the queue that was started by the run command.
Usage Example
# Use to run a task script named 'MyTask'.
- run MyTask
Usage Example
# Use to run a task script named 'MyTask' that isn't normally instant, instantly.
- run MyTask instantly
Usage Example
# Use to run a local subscript named 'alt_path'.
- run <script> path:alt_path
Usage Example
# Use to run 'MyTask' and pass 3 definitions to it.
- run MyTask def:A|Second_Def|Taco
Usage Example
# Use to run 'MyTask' and pass 3 named definitions to it.
- run MyTask def.count:5 def.type:Taco def.smell:Tasty
Usage Example
# Use to run 'MyTask' and pass a list as a single definition.
- run MyTask def:<list_single[<list[a|big|list|here]>]>
# MyTask can then get the list back by doing:
- define mylist <[1]>

Syntaxrunlater [<script>] (path:<name>) [delay:<duration>] (id:<id>) (def:<element>|.../defmap:<map>/def.<name>:<value>)
Short DescriptionCauses a task to run sometime in the future, even if the server restarts.
Full DescriptionCauses a task to run sometime in the future, even if the server restarts.

Script, path, and definition inputs work the exact same as with Command:run.

This command will store intended script runs to a file, so that even if the server restarts, they will still run.
Script runs are guaranteed to happen after the time is up - if the server is turned off at the scheduled time, they will run at next startup.
The guarantee can be broken if the server crashes or other errors occur.

The delay input is a DurationTag instance, that is relative to system time (not server delta time).

Definitions and queue object links will be preserved, so long as they remain valid at time of execution.
Objects that are lost before the delay is up (such as a linked NPC that is removed) may cause errors.

You can optionally specify the "id" argument to provide a unique tracking ID for the intended future run, which can then also be used to cancel it via Mechanism:system.cancel_runlater.
If you use IDs, they must be unique - you cannot have the same ID scheduled twice. Use Tag:util.runlater_ids if you need to dynamically check if an ID is in use.

Implementation note: the system that tracks when scripts should be ran is a fair bit more optimized than 'wait' commands or the 'run' command with a delay,
specifically for the case of very large delays (hours or more) - in the short term, 'wait' or 'run' with a delay will be better.
Related Tags<util.runlater_ids> Returns a list of all scheduled task IDs for Command:runlater. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to run a task script named 'example' 3 days later.
- runlater example delay:3d
Usage Example
# Use to run a task script named 'my_task' 5 hours later with definition 'targets' set to a list of all the players that were near the player before the delay.
- runlater my_task delay:5h def.targets:<player.location.find_players_within[50]>
Usage Example
# Use to plan to go for a jog tomorrow then change your mind after 5 seconds.
- runlater go_for_jog id:healthy_plan delay:1d
- wait 5s
- adjust system cancel_runlater:healthy_plan

Short DescriptionStops the current queue.
Full DescriptionThis will immediately stop the current queue, preventing it from processing any further.
Related Tags<queue> to get the current queue.
Usage Example
# Use to stop the current queue.
- stop

Syntaxwait (<duration>) (queue:<name>) (system/{delta})
Short DescriptionDelays a script for a specified amount of time.
Full DescriptionPauses the script queue for the duration specified. If no duration is specified it defaults to 3 seconds.
Accepts the 'queue:<name>' argument which allows the delay of a different queue.

Accepts a 'system' argument to delay based on system time (real-world time on a clock).
When that argument is not used, waits based on delta time (in-game time tracking, which tends to vary by small amounts, especially when the server is lagging).
Generally, do not use the 'system' argument unless you have a specific good reason you need it.
Related Tags<QueueTag.speed> Returns the speed of the queue as a Duration. A return of '0' implies it is 'instant'. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to delay the current queue for 1 minute.
- wait 1m
Usage Example
# Use to delay the current queue until 1 hour of system time passes.
- wait 1h system
Synonyms (Search Aid)delay

Syntaxwaituntil (rate:<duration>) (max:<duration>) [<comparisons>]
Short DescriptionDelays a script until the If comparisons return true.
Full DescriptionDelays a script until the If comparisons return true. Refer to Command:if for if command syntax information.

Optionally, specify an update rate (if unset, will update at queue speed).
The update rate controls how often the tag will be checked. This generally doesn't need to be set, unless you're concerned about script efficiency.
Never set this to faster than queue update rate.

Optionally specify a maximum duration to wait for (delta time).
Related Tags<QueueTag.speed> Returns the speed of the queue as a Duration. A return of '0' implies it is 'instant'. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to delay the current queue until the player respawns (useful in a death event, for example).
- waituntil <player.is_spawned>
Usage Example
# Use to delay the current queue until the player is healed, only checking once per second.
- waituntil rate:1s <> > 15

Related Guide Page
Syntaxwhile [stop/next/[<value>] (!)(<operator> <value>) (&&/|| ...)] [<commands>]
Short DescriptionRuns a series of braced commands until the tag returns false.
Full DescriptionRuns a series of braced commands until the if comparisons returns false. Refer to Command:if for if command syntax information.
To end a while loop, use the 'stop' argument.
To jump to the next entry in the loop, use the 'next' argument.
Related Tags<[loop_index]> to get the number of loops so far.
Usage Example
# Use to loop until a player sneaks, or the player goes offline. (Note: generally use 'waituntil' for this instead)
- while !<player.is_sneaking> && <player.is_online>:
    - narrate "Waiting for you to sneak..."
    - wait 1s

Category: server

Syntaxannounce [<text>] (to_ops/to_console/to_flagged:<flag_name>/to_permission:<node>) (format:<script>)
Short DescriptionAnnounces a message for everyone online to read.
Full DescriptionAnnounce sends a raw message to players.
Simply using announce with text will send the message to all online players using the Spigot broadcast system.
Specifying the 'to_ops' argument will narrow down the players in which the message is sent to ops only.
Alternatively, using the 'to_permission' argument will send the message to only players that have the specified permission node.
Or, using the 'to_flagged' argument will send the message to only players that have the specified flag.
You can also use the 'to_console' argument to make it so it only shows in the server console.

Announce can also utilize a format script with the 'format' argument. See Language:Format Script Containers.

Note that the default announce mode (that shows for all players) relies on the Spigot broadcast system, which requires the permission "bukkit.broadcast.user" to see broadcasts.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to send an important message to your players.
- announce 'Warning! This server will restart in 5 minutes!'
Usage Example
# Use to send a message to a specific 'group' of players.
- announce to_flagged:clan_subang '[<>] Best clan ever!'
Usage Example
# Use to easily send a message to all online ops.
- announce to_ops '<> requires help!'
Usage Example
# Use to send a message to just the console (Primarily for debugging / logging).
- announce to_console 'Warning- <> broke a mob spawner at location <player.location>'

Syntaxban ({add}/remove) [<player>|.../addresses:<address>|.../names:<name>|...] (reason:<text>) (expire:<time>) (source:<text>)
Short DescriptionBan or un-ban players or ip addresses.
Full DescriptionAdd or remove player or ip address bans from the server. Banning a player will also kick them from the server.
You may specify a list of player names instead of ObjectType:PlayerTags, which should only ever be used for special cases (such as banning players that haven't joined the server yet).

You may optionally specify both a list of players and list of addresses.

Additional options are:
reason: Sets the ban reason.
expire: Sets the expire time of the temporary ban, as a TimeTag or a DurationTag. This will be a permanent ban if not specified.
source: Sets the source of the ban.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.is_banned> Returns whether the player is banned.
<PlayerTag.ban_reason> Returns the reason for the player's ban, if they are banned.
<PlayerTag.ban_expiration_time> Returns the expiration of the player's ban, if they are banned. (...)
<PlayerTag.ban_created_time> Returns when the player's ban was created, if they are banned.
<PlayerTag.ban_source> Returns the source of the player's ban, if they are banned.
<server.is_banned[<address>]> Returns whether the given ip address is banned.
<server.ban_info[<address>].expiration_time> Returns the expiration of the ip address's ban, if it is banned. (...)
<server.ban_info[<address>].reason> Returns the reason for the ip address's ban, if it is banned.
<server.ban_info[<address>].created_time> Returns when the ip address's ban was created, if it is banned.
<server.ban_info[<address>].source> Returns the source of the ip address's ban, if it is banned.
<server.banned_addresses> Returns a list of all banned ip addresses.
<server.banned_players> Returns a list of all banned players.
Usage Example
# Use to ban a player.
- ban <[player]>
Usage Example
# Use to ban a list of players with a reason.
- ban <[player]>|<[someplayer]> "reason:Didn't grow enough potatoes."
Usage Example
# Use to ban a list of players for 10 minutes with a reason.
- ban <[player]>|<[someplayer]> "reason:Didn't grow enough potatoes." expire:10m
Usage Example
# Use to ban a player with a source.
- ban <[aplayer]> "reason:Grew too many potatoes." source:<>
Usage Example
# Use to ban an ip address.
- ban addresses:
Usage Example
# Use to temporarily ip ban all online players.
- ban addresses:<server.online_players.parse[ip]> expire:5m
Usage Example
# Use to unban a list of players.
- ban remove <[player]>|<[someplayer]>
Usage Example
# Use to unban an ip address.
- ban remove addresses:

Syntaxbossbar ({auto}/create/update/remove) [<id>] (players:<player>|...) (title:<title>) (progress:<#.#>) (color:<color>) (style:<style>) (options:<option>|...) (uuid:<uuid>)
Short DescriptionShows players a boss bar.
Full DescriptionDisplays a boss bar at the top of the screen of the specified player(s).
You can also update the values and remove the bar.

You can CREATE a new bossbar, UPDATE an existing one, or REMOVE an existing one.
The default 'auto' will either 'create' or 'update' depending on whether it already exists.

Requires an ID.

Progress must be between 0 and 1.


The UUID can optionally be specified, and will be sent to the client. Be careful to not overlap multiple bars with the same UUID.
If not specified, it will be random.
Related Tags<server.current_bossbars> Returns a list of all currently active boss bar IDs from Command:bossbar.
<server.bossbar_viewers[<bossbar_id>]> Returns a list of players that should be able to see the given bossbar ID from Command:bossbar.
<PlayerTag.bossbar_ids> Returns a list of all bossbars from Command:bossbar that this player can see. (...)
<entry[saveName].bar_uuid> returns the bossbar's UUID.
Usage Example
# Shows a message to all online players.
- bossbar MyMessageID players:<server.online_players> "title:HI GUYS" color:red
Usage Example
# Update the boss bar's color and progress.
- bossbar update MyMessageID color:blue progress:0.2
Usage Example
# Add more players to the boss bar.
- bossbar update MyMessageID players:<server.flag[new_players]>
Usage Example
# Remove a player from the boss bar.
- bossbar remove MyMessageID players:<[player]>
Usage Example
# Delete the boss bar.
- bossbar remove MyMessageID

Syntaxexecute [as_player/as_op/as_npc/as_server] [<Bukkit-command>] (silent)
Short DescriptionExecutes an arbitrary server command as if the player, NPC, or server typed it in.
Full DescriptionAllows the execution of server commands through a Denizen script.
Commands can be executed as the server, as an npc, as an opped player, or as a player, as though it was typed by the respective source.

Note that you should generally avoid using 'as_op', which is only meant for very specific special cases. 'as_server' is usually a better option.

Note: do not include the slash at the start. A slash at the start will be interpreted equivalent to typing two slashes at the front in-game.

Note that this is a Denizen script command that executes Bukkit commands.
This can be considered the inverse of '/ex' (a Bukkit command that executes Denizen script commands).

The 'silent' option can be specified with 'as_server' to hide the output. Note that 'silent' might or might not work with different plugins depending on how they operate.
It can also be used with 'as_player' or 'as_op' to use network interception to silence the command output to player chat.

Generally, you should never use this to execute a vanilla command, there is almost always a script command that should be used instead.
Usually the 'execute' command should be reserved for interacting with external plugins.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].output> returns the output to an as_server sender.
Usage Example
# Use to execute the save-all command as the server.
- execute as_server "save-all"
Usage Example
# Use to make the linked (non-op) player execute a command that normally only ops can use. Generally avoid ever doing this.
- execute as_op "staffsay hi"

Syntaxscoreboard ({add}/remove) (viewers:<player>|...) (lines:<player>/<text>|...) (id:<value>/player/{main}) (objective:<value>) (criteria:<criteria>/{dummy}) (score:<#>) (displayslot:<value>/{sidebar}/none) (displayname:<name>) (rendertype:<type>)
Short DescriptionAdd or removes viewers, objectives and scores from scoreboards.
Full DescriptionLets you make players see a certain scoreboard and then a certain objective in that scoreboard.
Please note that a 'scoreboard' is NOT a 'sidebar' - if you want that thing where text is on the right side of the screen, use Command:sidebar.
'Scoreboard' is the underlying internal system that powers sidebars, below_name plates, team prefixing, and a lot of other systems. Generally, you should avoid using this command directly.

The ID can be 'main' for the global default scoreboard, 'player' for the attached player's current scoreboard, or any other value for a custom named scoreboard.

There are currently three slots where objectives can be displayed:
in the sidebar on the right of the screen, below player names and in the player list that shows up when you press Tab.
The names of these slots can be found here: 🔗

Every objective has several lines of scores.
Technically, the lines track players, but fake player names can be used by Denizen to let you call the lines anything you want.

When using the sidebar as the display slot, all the scores set for an objective will be displayed there,
but you will need to put actual player names in the lines to be able to use
the below_name display slot (which displays each player's score underneath his/her name) and
the player_list display slot (which displays each player's score to the right of his/her name in the player list).

If you do not specify a display slot, the sidebar will be used. You can also use "none" as the
display slot if you want to add a hidden objective without automatically making it get displayed.
If the object already exists, and you don't specify the display slot, it will use the existing setting.

When setting an objective, you can also optionally set the display name by using the "displayname:" argument.

"Rendertype" can be "INTEGER" or "HEARTS". Defaults to integer.

You can set scores manually, or you can use different Minecraft criteria that set and update the scores automatically.
A list of these criteria can be found here: 🔗
If the object already exists, and you don't specify the criteria, it will use the existing setting.

You can use the "remove" argument to remove different parts of scoreboards.
The more arguments you use with it, the more specific your removal will be.
For example, if you only use the "remove" argument and the "id" argument, you will completely remove all the objectives in a scoreboard,
but if you specify an objective as well, you will only delete that one objective from that scoreboard,
and if you also specify certain lines, you will only delete those specific lines from that objective.
Similarly, if you use the "remove" argument along with the "id" and "viewers" arguments, you will only remove those viewers from the scoreboard, not the entire scoreboard.
Related Tags<server.scoreboard[(<board>)].exists> Returns whether a given scoreboard exists on the server.
<server.scoreboard[(<board>)].team[<team>].members> Returns a list of all members of a scoreboard team. Generally returns as a list of names or text entries. (...)
<PlayerTag.scoreboard_id> Returns the ID of the scoreboard from Command:scoreboard that a player is currently viewing, if any.
Usage Example
# Add a score for the defined player to the default scoreboard under the objective "cookies" and let him see it
- scoreboard add obj:cookies lines:joe score:1000 viewers:<[aplayer]>
Usage Example
# Add a new current objective called "food" to the "test" scoreboard with 3 lines that each have a score of 50:
- scoreboard add id:test obj:food lines:Cookies|Donuts|Cake score:50
Usage Example
# Make a list of players see the scoreboard that has the id "test":
- scoreboard add viewers:<[player]>|<[aplayer]>|<[thatplayer]> id:test
Usage Example
# Change the value of one of the scores in the "food" objective:
- scoreboard add id:test obj:food lines:Cake score:9000
Usage Example
# Remove one of the lines from the "food" objective in the "test" scoreboard
- scoreboard remove obj:food lines:Donuts
Usage Example
# Remove one of the viewers of the "test" scoreboard:
- scoreboard remove viewers:<[aplayer]>
Usage Example
# Make the defined player see the health of other players below their names
- scoreboard add viewers:<[player]> id:test obj:anything criteria:health displayslot:below_name
Usage Example
# Make all the players on the world "survival" see each other's number of entity kills in the player list when pressing Tab
- scoreboard add viewers:<world[survival].players> id:test obj:anything criteria:totalKillCount displayslot:player_list

Category: world

Syntaxanimatechest [<location>] ({open}/close) (sound:{true}/false) (<player>|...)
Short DescriptionMakes a chest appear to open or close.
Full DescriptionThis command animates a chest at a specified location in the world opening or closing.
By default, the chest will animate opening.
Optionally, specify whether to play a sound with the animation. By default this will play.
Optionally, specify a player or list of players that the animation should be visible to.
By default, only the linked player can see the animation.

Note that this uses a generic 'block action' packet internally,
which means other block types may also react to this command.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to animate a chest opening, which only the linked player will see.
- animatechest <context.location>
Usage Example
# Use to then animate a chest closing, which only the linked player will see.
- animatechest <context.location> close
Usage Example
# Use to animate a chest opening with no sound, which only the linked player will see.
- animatechest <context.location> sound:false
Usage Example
# Use to animate a chest opening that only a single specific player will see.
- animatechest <context.location> sound:false <[someplayer]>
Usage Example
# Use to animate a chest opening that only a list of specific players will see.
- animatechest <context.location> sound:false <[someplayer]>|<[player]>|<[thatplayer]>

Syntaxchunkload ({add}/remove/removeall) [<chunk>|...] (duration:<value>)
Short DescriptionKeeps a chunk actively loaded and allowing activity.
Full DescriptionForces a chunk to load and stay loaded in the world for the duration specified or until removed.
This will not persist over server restarts.
If no duration is specified it defaults to 0 (forever).
While a chunk is loaded all normal activity such as crop growth and npc activity continues,
other than activity that requires a nearby player.
Related Tags<WorldTag.loaded_chunks> Returns a list of all the currently loaded chunks.
<ChunkTag.is_loaded> Returns true if the chunk is currently loaded into memory.
<ChunkTag.force_loaded> Returns whether the chunk is forced to stay loaded at all times.
Usage Example
# Use to load a chunk.
- chunkload <[some_chunk]>
Usage Example
# Use to temporarily load a chunk.
- chunkload <player.location.add[5000,0,0].chunk> duration:5m
Usage Example
# Use to stop loading a chunk.
- chunkload remove <[some_chunk]>
Usage Example
# Use to stop loading all chunks.
- chunkload removeall

Syntaxcopyblock [<location>] [to:<location>] (remove_original)
Short DescriptionCopies a block to another location, keeping metadata when possible.
Full DescriptionCopies a block to another location.
You may also use the 'remove_original' argument to delete the original block.
This effectively moves the block to the target location.
Related Tags<LocationTag.material> Returns the material of the block at the location.
Usage Example
# Use to copy the block the player is looking at to their current location
- copyblock <player.cursor_on> to:<player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to move the block the player is looking at to their current location (removing it from its original location)
- copyblock <player.cursor_on> to:<player.location> remove_original

Syntaxcreateworld [<name>] (generator:<id>) (worldtype:<type>) (environment:<environment>) (copy_from:<world>) (seed:<seed>) (settings:<json>) (generate_structures:true/false)
Short DescriptionCreates a new world, or loads an existing world.
Full DescriptionThis command creates a new minecraft world with the specified name, or loads an existing world by that name.

Optionally specify a plugin-based world generator by its generator ID.
If you want an empty void world with a void biome, you can use "denizen:void".
If you want an empty void world with vanilla biomes, you can use "denizen:void_biomes".

Optionally specify additional generator settings as JSON input.

Optionally specify a world type which can be specified with 'worldtype:' (defaults to NORMAL).
For all world types, see: 🔗

Optionally specify an environment (defaults to NORMAL, can also be NETHER, THE_END).

Optionally choose whether to generate structures in this world.

Optionally specify an existing world to copy files from.
The 'copy_from' argument is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.

It's often ideal to put this command inside Event:server prestart.
Related Tags<server.world_types> Returns a list of all world types known to the server. (...)
<server.worlds> Returns a list of all worlds.
Usage Example
# Use to create a normal world with name 'survival'
- createworld survival
Usage Example
# Use to create a flat world with the name 'superflat'
- createworld superflat worldtype:FLAT
Usage Example
# Use to create an end world with the name 'space'
- createworld space environment:THE_END
Usage Example
# Use to create a new world named 'dungeon3' as a copy of an existing world named 'dungeon_template'.
- ~createworld dungeon3 copy_from:dungeon_template
Synonyms (Search Aid)loadworld

Syntaxdrop [<entity_type>/xp/<item>|...] (<location>) (quantity:<#>) (speed:<#.#>) (delay:<duration>)
Short DescriptionDrops an item, entity, or experience orb on a location.
Full DescriptionTo drop an item, just specify a valid item object. To drop an entity, specify a generic entity object.
Drop can also reward players with experience orbs by using the 'xp' argument.

For all three usages, you can optionally specify an integer with 'quantity:' prefix to drop multiple items/entities/xp.

For items, you can add 'speed:' to modify the launch velocity.
You can also add 'delay:' to set the pickup delay of the item.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].dropped_entities> returns a list of entities that were dropped.
<entry[saveName].dropped_entity> returns a single entity that was dropped (if only one).
<EntityTag.item> (Property) An entity's item, which can be: (...)
<EntityTag.experience> Returns the experience value of this experience orb entity.
Usage Example
# Use to drop some loot around the player.
- drop gold_nugget <cuboid[<player.location.add[-2,-2,-2]>|<player.location.add[2,2,2]>].spawnable_blocks.random>
Usage Example
# Use to reward a player with 500 xp.
- drop xp quantity:500 <player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to drop a nasty surprise (exploding TNT).
- drop primed_tnt <player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to drop an item with a pickup delay at the player's location.
- drop diamond_sword <player.location> delay:20s

Syntaxexplode (power:<#.#>) (<location>) (fire) (breakblocks) (source:<entity>)
Short DescriptionCauses an explosion at the location.
Full DescriptionThis command causes an explosion at the location specified (or the npc / player location).
By default, this will not destroy blocks or set fire to blocks within the explosion.

Specify the 'fire' argument to set blocks on fire within the explosion radius.

Specify the 'breakblocks' argument to cause the explosion to break blocks within the power radius.

If no power is specified, the default power will be 1.

If no location is given, the default will be the linked NPC or player's location.
It is highly recommended you specify a location to be safe.

Optionally specify a source entity that will be tracked as the damage cause.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to create an explosion at a player's location.
- explode <player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to create an explosion at a player, which breaks blocks and causes fire with a power of 5.
- explode power:5 <player.location> fire breakblocks
Usage Example
# Use to create an explosion with a power radius of 3 at an NPC's location.
- explode power:3 <npc.location>
Usage Example
# Use to create an explosion with a power radius of 3 at a related location which breaks blocks.
- explode power:3 <context.location> breakblocks
Synonyms (Search Aid)detonate, bomb, tnt

Syntaxfirework (<location>) (power:<#>) (<type>/random) (primary:<color>|...) (fade:<color>|...) (flicker) (trail) (life:<duration>)
Short DescriptionLaunches a firework with customizable style.
Full DescriptionThis command launches a firework from the specified location.

If no location is given, the linked NPC or player's location will be used by default.

The power option, which defaults to 1 if left empty, specifies the 'power' integer of the firework, which mainly controls how high the firework will go before exploding.
Alternately, the "life" option allows you to manually specify a specific duration.

The type option which specifies the shape the firework will explode with. If unspecified, 'ball' will be used.
Can be any of: ball, ball_large, star, burst, or creeper

The primary option specifies what color the firework explosion will start with, as a ColorTag. If unspecified, 'yellow' will be used.

The fade option specifies what color the firework explosion will fade into, as a ColorTag.

The trail option means the firework will leave a trail behind it.

The flicker option means the firework will explode with a flicker effect.
Related Tags<EntityTag.firework_item> If the entity is a firework, returns the firework item used to launch it.
<ItemTag.is_firework> Returns whether the item is a firework. (...)
<ItemTag.firework> Returns the firework's property value as a list, matching the non-MapTag format of the mechanism. (...)
<entry[saveName].launched_firework> returns a EntityTag of the firework that was launched.
Usage Example
# Use to launch a star firework which explodes yellow and fades to white afterwards at the player's location.
- firework <player.location> star primary:yellow fade:white
Usage Example
# Use to make the firework launch double the height before exploding.
- firework <player.location> power:2 star primary:yellow fade:white
Usage Example
# Use to launch a firework which leaves a trail.
- firework <player.location> random trail
Usage Example
# Use to launch a firework which leaves a trail and explodes with a flicker effect at related location.
- firework <context.location> random trail flicker

Syntaxgamerule [<world>] [<rule>] [<value>]
Short DescriptionSets a gamerule on the world.
Full DescriptionSets a gamerule on the world. A list of valid gamerules can be found here: 🔗
Note: Be careful, gamerules are CASE SENSITIVE.
Related Tags<WorldTag.gamerule[<gamerule>]> Returns the current value of the specified gamerule in the world. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to disable fire spreading in world "Adventure".
- gamerule Adventure doFireTick false
Usage Example
# Use to avoid mobs from destroying blocks (creepers, endermen...) and picking items up (zombies, skeletons...) in world "Adventure".
- gamerule Adventure mobGriefing false

Syntaxmidi [cancel/<file> (tempo:<#.#>) (volume:<#.#>)] (<location>/<entity>|...)
Short DescriptionPlays a midi file at a given location or to a list of players using note block sounds.
Full DescriptionThis will fully load a midi song file stored in the '../plugins/Denizen/midi/' folder.
The file must be a valid midi file with the extension '.mid'.
It will continuously play the song as noteblock songs at the given location or group of players until the song ends.
If no location or entity is specified, by default this will play for the attached player.

Also, an example Midi song file has been included: "Denizen" by Black Coyote. He made it just for us!
Check out more of his amazing work at:

The midi command is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to play a midi song file on the current player.
- midi file:Denizen
Usage Example
# Use to play a midi song file at a given location.
- midi file:Denizen <player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to play a midi song file at a given location to the specified player(s), and wait for it to finish.
- ~midi file:Denizen <server.online_players>
Synonyms (Search Aid)music

Syntaxmodifyblock [<location>|.../<ellipsoid>/<cuboid>] [<material>|...] (no_physics/naturally:<tool>) (delayed) (<script>) (<percent chance>|...) (source:<player>) (max_delay_ms:<#>)
Short DescriptionModifies blocks.
Full DescriptionChanges blocks in the world based on the criteria given.

Use 'no_physics' to place the blocks without physics taking over the modified blocks.
This is useful for block types such as portals or water. This does NOT control physics for an extended period of time.

Specify (<percent chance>|...) to give a chance of each material being placed (in any material at all).

Use 'naturally:' when setting a block to air to break it naturally, meaning that it will drop items. Specify the tool item that should be used for calculating drops.

Use 'delayed' to make the modifyblock slowly edit blocks at a time pace roughly equivalent to the server's limits.
Optionally, specify 'max_delay_ms' to control how many milliseconds the 'delayed' set can run for in any given tick (defaults to 50).

Note that specifying a list of locations will take more time in parsing than in the actual block modification.

Optionally, specify a script to be ran after the delayed edits finish. (Doesn't fire if delayed is not set.)

Optionally, specify a source player. When set, Bukkit events will fire that identify that player as the source of a change, and potentially cancel the change.
The source argument might cause weird interoperation with other plugins, use with caution.

The modifyblock command is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<LocationTag.material> Returns the material of the block at the location.
Usage Example
# Use to change the block a player is looking at to stone.
- modifyblock <player.cursor_on> stone
Usage Example
# Use to modify an entire cuboid to half stone, half dirt.
- modifyblock <player.location.to_cuboid[<player.cursor_on>]> stone|dirt
Usage Example
# Use to modify an entire cuboid to some stone, some dirt, and some left as it is.
- modifyblock <player.location.to_cuboid[<player.cursor_on>]> stone|dirt 25|25
Usage Example
# Use to modify the ground beneath the player's feet.
- modifyblock <player.location.add[2,-1,2].to_cuboid[<player.location.add[-2,-1,-2]>]> RED_WOOL
Synonyms (Search Aid)setblock, changeblock, placeblock, breakblock

Syntaxplayeffect [effect:<name>] [at:<location>|...] (data:<#.#>) (special_data:<data>) (visibility:<#.#>) (quantity:<#>) (offset:<#.#>,<#.#>,<#.#>) (targets:<player>|...) (velocity:<vector>)
Short DescriptionPlays a visible or audible effect at the location.
Full DescriptionAllows the playing of particle effects anywhere without the need of the source it comes from originally.
The particles you may use, can come from sources such as a potion effect or a portal/Enderman with their particles respectively.
Some particles have different data which may include different behavior depending on the data. Default data is 0
Specifying a visibility value changes the sight radius of the effect. For example if visibility is 15; Targeted players won't see it unless they are 15 blocks or closer.
You can add a quantity value that allow multiple of the same effect played at the same time. If an offset is set, each particle will be played at a different location in the offset area.
Everyone will see the particle effects unless a target has been specified.
See Language:Particle Effects for a list of valid effect names.

Version change note: The original PlayEffect command raised all location inputs 1 block-height upward to avoid effects playing underground when played at eg a player's location.
This was found to cause too much confusion, so it is no longer on by default. However, it will still happen for older commands.
The distinction is in whether you include the (now expected to use) "at:" prefix on your location argument.
If you do not have this prefix, the system will assume your command is older, and will apply the 1-block height offset.

Some particles will require input to the "special_data" argument. The data input is unique per particle.
- For REDSTONE particles, the input is of format: <size>|<color>, for example: "1.2|red". Color input is any valid ColorTag object.
- For DUST_COLOR_TRANSITION particles, the input is of format <size>|<from_color>|<to_color>, for example "1.2|red|blue". Color input is any valid ColorTag object.
- For BLOCK_MARKER, FALLING_DUST, BLOCK_CRACK, or BLOCK_DUST particles, the input is any valid MaterialTag, eg "stone".
- For VIBRATION, the input is <duration>|<origin>|<destination> where origin is a LocationTag and destination is either LocationTag or EntityTag, for example "5s|<context.location>|<player>"
- For ITEM_CRACK particles, the input is any valid ItemTag, eg "stick".

Optionally specify a velocity vector for standard particles to move. Note that this ignores the 'data' input if used.
Related Tags<server.effect_types> Returns a list of all 'effect' types known to the server. (...)
<server.particle_types> Returns a list of all particle effect types known to the server. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to create a fake explosion.
- playeffect effect:EXPLOSION_HUGE at:<player.location> visibility:500 quantity:10 offset:2.0
Usage Example
# Use to play a cloud effect.
- playeffect effect:CLOUD at:<player.location.add[0,5,0]> quantity:20 data:1 offset:0.0
Usage Example
# Use to play some effects at spawn.
- playeffect effect:FIREWORKS_SPARK at:<world[world].spawn_location> visibility:100 quantity:375 data:0 offset:50.0
Synonyms (Search Aid)particle

Syntaxplaysound (<location>|...) (<player>|...) [sound:<name>] (volume:<#.#>) (pitch:<#.#>) (custom) (sound_category:<category_name>)
Short DescriptionPlays a sound at the location or to a list of players.
Full DescriptionPlays a sound to a player or nearby players at a location.
The sound is played through the player's client just like any other sounds in Minecraft.

For a list of all sounds, check 🔗

Sounds are by default played under their normal sound type (eg zombie sounds are under the type Mobs/Animals).
You can optionally instead specify an alternate sound category to use.
For a list of all valid sound categories, check 🔗

Specifying a player or list of players will only play the sound for each player, from their own location (but will not follow them if they move).
If a location is specified, it will play the sound for any players that are near the location specified.
If both players and locations are specified, will play the sound for only those players at those locations.

Optionally, specify 'custom' to play a custom sound added by a resource pack, changing the sound name to something like ''

Optionally specify a pitch value (defaults to 1.0). A pitch from 0.0 to 1.0 will be deeper (sounds like a demon), and above 1.0 will be higher pitched (sounds like a fairy).

Optionally specify a volume value (defaults to 1.0). A volume from 0.0 to 1.0 will be quieter than normal.
A volume above 1.0 however will not be louder - instead it will be audible from farther (approximately 1 extra chunk of distance per value, eg 2.0 is 2 more chunks, 5.0 is 5 more chunks, etc.).
Related Tags<server.sound_types> Returns a list of all sounds known to the server. (...)
Usage Example
# Use to play a sound for a player
- playsound <player> sound:ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP pitch:1
Usage Example
# Use to play a sound at a location for all nearby
- playsound <player.location> sound:ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP
Usage Example
# Use to notify all players with a sound
- playsound <server.online_players> sound:ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP volume:0.5 pitch:0.8
Synonyms (Search Aid)noise

Syntaxschematic [create/load/unload/rotate/save/flip_x/flip_y/flip_z/paste (fake_to:<player>|... fake_duration:<duration>) (noair) (mask:<material_matcher>)] [name:<name>] (filename:<name>) (angle:<#>) (<location>) (area:<area>) (delayed) (max_delay_ms:<#>) (entities) (flags)
Short DescriptionCreates, loads, pastes, and saves schematics (Sets of blocks).
Full DescriptionCreates, loads, pastes, and saves schematics. Schematics are files containing info about blocks and the order of those blocks.

Denizen offers a number of tools to manipulate and work with schematics.
Schematics can be rotated, flipped, pasted with no air, or pasted with a delay.

All schematic command usages must specify the "name" argument, which is a unique global identifier of the schematic in memory.
This will be created by "create" or "load" options, and persist in memory until "unload" is used (or the server is restarted).

The 'create' option requires an area and a center location as input.
The area can be defined as any valid ObjectType:AreaObject, such as a CuboidTag.
Note that all schematics are internally tracked as cuboids, and other area shapes will only constrain the copy region.
Note that the block boundaries of non-cuboid regions are defined by whether the region definition contains the center of a block.
This will create a new schematic in memory based on world data.

The "rotate angle:#" and "flip_x/y/z" options will apply the change to the copy of the schematic in memory, to later be pasted or saved.
This will rotate the set of blocks itself, the relative origin, and any directional blocks inside the schematic.
Rotation angles must be a multiple of 90 degrees.

When using 'paste', you can specify 'angle:#' to have that paste rotated, without rotating the original schematic.

The "delayed" option makes the command non-instant. This is recommended for large schematics.
For 'save', 'load', and 'rotate', this processes async to prevent server lockup.
For 'paste' and 'create', this delays how many blocks can be processed at once, spread over many ticks.
Optionally, specify 'max_delay_ms' to control how many milliseconds the 'delayed' set can run for in any given tick (defaults to 50) (for create/paste only).

The "load" option by default will load '.schem' files. If no '.schem' file is available, will attempt to load a legacy '.schematic' file instead.

For load and save, the "filename" option is available to specify the name of the file to look for.
If unspecified, the filename will default to the same as the "name" input.

The "noair" option skips air blocks in the pasted schematics- this means those air blocks will not replace any blocks in the target location.

The "mask" option can be specified to limit what block types the schematic will be pasted over.
When using "create" and "mask", any block that doesn't match the mask will become a structure void.

The "fake_to" option can be specified to cause the schematic paste to be a fake (packet-based, see Command:showfake)
block set, instead of actually modifying the blocks in the world.
This takes an optional duration as "fake_duration" for how long the fake blocks should remain.

The "create" and "paste" options allow the "entities" argument to be specified - when used, entities will be copied or pasted.
At current time, entity types included will be: Paintings, ItemFrames, ArmorStands.

The "create" option allows the "flags" argument to be specified - when used, block location flags will be copied.

The schematic command is ~waitable as an alternative to 'delayed' argument. Refer to Language:~waitable.

To delete a schematic file, use Mechanism:server.delete_file.
Related Tags<schematic[<name>].height> Returns the height (Y) of the schematic.
<schematic[<name>].length> Returns the length (Z) of the schematic.
<schematic[<name>].width> Returns the width (X) of the schematic.
<schematic[<name>].block[<location>]> Returns the material for the block at the location in the schematic. (...)
<schematic[<name>].origin> Returns the origin location of the schematic.
<schematic[<name>].blocks> Returns the number of blocks in the schematic.
<schematic[<name>].exists> Returns whether the schematic exists.
<schematic[<name>].cuboid[<origin_location>]> Returns a cuboid of where the schematic would be if it was pasted at an origin.
<schematic.list> Returns a list of all loaded schematics.
Usage Example
# Use to create a new schematic from a cuboid and an origin location.
- schematic create name:MySchematic area:<[my_cuboid]> <player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to load a schematic.
- ~schematic load name:MySchematic
Usage Example
# Use to unload a schematic.
- schematic unload name:MySchematic
Usage Example
# Use to paste a loaded schematic with no air blocks.
- schematic paste name:MySchematic <player.location> noair
Usage Example
# Use to save a created schematic.
- ~schematic save name:MySchematic

Syntaxsign (type:{automatic}/sign_post/wall_sign) (material:<material>) [<line>|...] [<location>] (direction:north/east/south/west)
Short DescriptionModifies a sign.
Full DescriptionModifies a sign that replaces the text shown on it. If no sign is at the location, it replaces the location with the modified sign.

Specify 'automatic' as a type to use whatever sign type and direction is already placed there.
If there is not already a sign there, defaults to a sign_post.

Optionally specify a material to use. If not specified, will use an oak sign (unless the block is already a sign, and 'type' is 'automatic').

The direction argument specifies which direction the sign should face.
If a direction is not specified, and there is not already a sign there for 'automatic', the direction defaults to south.
If a sign_post is placed, you can specify any specific blockface value as the direction, eg "SOUTH_WEST".
See also Tag:MaterialTag.valid_directions (test in-game for example via "/ex narrate <material[oak_sign].valid_directions>").
Related Tags<LocationTag.sign_contents> Returns a list of lines on a sign.
Usage Example
# Use to edit some text on an existing sign.
- sign "Hello|this is|some|text" <context.location>
Usage Example
# Use to show the time on a sign and ensure that it points north.
- sign "I point|North.|System Time<&co>|<util.time_now.formatted>" <[location]> direction:north
Usage Example
# Use to place a new wall_sign regardless of whether there is already a sign there.
- sign type:wall_sign "Player<&co>|<>|Online Players<&co>|<server.online_players.size>" <player.location>

Syntaxstrike [<location>] (no_damage) (silent)
Short DescriptionStrikes lightning down upon the location.
Full DescriptionCauses lightning to strike at the specified location, which can optionally have damage disabled.

The lightning will still cause fires to start, even without the 'no_damage' argument.

Lightning caused by this command will cause creepers to activate. Using the no_damage argument makes the
lightning do no damage to the player or any other entities, and means creepers struck will not activate.

Use 'silent' to remove the sound of the lightning strike.
NOTE: The 'silent' option appears to have been removed in a Minecraft update and thus lightning will be audible until/unless Mojang re-adds it.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to cause lightning to strike the player.
- strike <player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to strike the player with lightning causing no damage.
- strike no_damage <player.location>
Synonyms (Search Aid)lightning, electrocute

Syntaxswitch [<location>|...] (state:{toggle}/on/off) (duration:<value>) (no_physics)
Short DescriptionSwitches state of the block.
Full DescriptionChanges the state of a block at the given location, or list of blocks at the given locations.

Optionally specify "state:on" to turn a block on (or open it, or whatever as applicable) or "state:off" to turn it off (or close it, etc).
By default, will toggle the state (on to off, or off to on).

Optionally specify the "duration" argument to set a length of time after which the block will return to the original state.

Works on any interactable blocks, including:
- the standard toggling levers, doors, gates...
- Single-use interactables like buttons, note blocks, dispensers, droppers, ...
- Redstone interactables like repeaters, ...
- Special interactables like tripwires, ...
- Bells as a special case will ring when you use 'switch' on them, ...
- Almost any other block with an interaction handler.

This will generally (but not always) function equivalently to a user right-clicking the block
(so it will open and close doors, flip levers on and off, press and depress buttons, ...).

Optionally specify 'no_physics' to not apply a physics update after switching.
Related Tags<LocationTag.switched> Returns whether the block at the location is considered to be switched on. (...)
<MaterialTag.switched> Returns whether a material is 'switched on', which has different semantic meaning depending on the material type. (...)
Usage Example
# At the player's location, switch the state of the block to on, no matter what state it was in before.
- switch <player.location> state:on
Usage Example
# Opens a door that the player is looking at.
- switch <player.cursor_on> state:on
Usage Example
# Toggle a block at the player's foot location.
- switch <player.location>
Synonyms (Search Aid)toggle, lever, activate, power, redstone

Syntaxtime ({global}/player) [<time-duration>/reset] (<world>) (reset:<duration>) (freeze)
Short DescriptionChanges the current time in the minecraft world.
Full DescriptionChanges the current time in a world or the time that a player sees the world in.
If no world is specified, defaults to the NPCs world. If no NPC is available,
defaults to the player's world. If no player is available, an error will be thrown.

If 'player' is specified, this will change their personal time.
This is separate from the global time, and does not affect other players.
When that player logs off, their time will be reset to the global time.
Additionally, you may instead specify 'reset' to return the player's time back to global time.
If you specify a custom time, optionally specify 'reset:<duration>'
to set a time after which the player's time will reset (if not manually changed again before then).
Optionally specify 'freeze' to lock a player's time in at the specified time value.
Related Tags<WorldTag.time> Returns the relative in-game time of this world.
<WorldTag.time.period> Returns the time as 'day', 'night', 'dawn', or 'dusk'.
Usage Example
# Use to set the time in the NPC or Player's world.
- time 500t
Usage Example
# Use to make the player see a different time than everyone else.
- time player 500t
Usage Example
# Use to make the player see a different time than everyone else, with the sun no longer moving.
- time player 500t freeze
Usage Example
# Use to make the player see a different time than everyone else for the next 5 minutes.
- time player 500t reset:5m
Usage Example
# Use to make the player see the global time again.
- time player reset
Usage Example
# Use to set the time in a specific world.
- time 500t myworld

Syntaxweather ({global}/player) [sunny/storm/thunder/reset] (<world>) (reset:<duration>)
Short DescriptionChanges the current weather in the minecraft world.
Full DescriptionBy default, changes the weather in the specified world.

If you specify 'player', this will change the weather in that player's view.
This is separate from the global weather, and does not affect other players.
When that player logs off, their weather will be reset to the global weather.
Additionally, you may instead specify 'reset' to return the player's weather back to global weather.
If you specify a custom weather, optionally specify 'reset:<duration>'
to set a time after which the player's weather will reset (if not manually changed again before then).
Note that 'thunder' is no different from 'storm' when used on a single player.
Related Tags<BiomeTag.downfall_type> Deprecated in favor of Tag:BiomeTag.downfall_at on 1.19+, as downfall is block-specific now. (...)
<> Returns the type of weather the player is experiencing. This will be different (...)
<WorldTag.has_storm> Returns whether there is currently a storm in this world. (...)
<WorldTag.weather_duration> Returns the duration of storms.
<WorldTag.thundering> Returns whether it is currently thundering in this world.
<WorldTag.thunder_duration> Returns the duration of thunder.
Usage Example
# Use to make the weather sunny.
- weather sunny
Usage Example
# Use to start a storm in world "cookies".
- weather storm cookies
Usage Example
# Use to start a storm that's only visible to the attached player.
- weather player storm
Usage Example
# Use to make the player see a storm for 2 minutes.
- weather player storm reset:2m
Usage Example
# Use to let the player see the global weather again.
- weather player reset

Syntaxworldborder [<world>/<player>|...] (center:<location>) (size:<#.#>) (current_size:<#.#>) (damage:<#.#>) (damagebuffer:<#.#>) (warningdistance:<#>) (warningtime:<duration>) (duration:<duration>) (reset)
Short DescriptionModifies a world border.
Full DescriptionModifies the world border of a specified world or a list of players.
NOTE: Modifying player world borders is client-side and will reset on death, relog, or other actions.
Options are:
center: Sets the center of the world border.
size: Sets the new size of the world border.
current_size: Sets the initial size of the world border when resizing it over a duration.
damage: Sets the amount of damage a player takes when outside the world border buffer radius.
damagebuffer: Sets the radius a player may safely be outside the world border before taking damage.
warningdistance: Causes the screen to be tinted red when the player is within the specified radius from the world border.
warningtime: Causes the screen to be tinted red when a contracting world border will reach the player within the specified time.
duration: Causes the world border to grow or shrink from its current size to its new size over the specified duration.
reset: Resets the world border to its vanilla defaults for a world, or to the current world border for players.
Related Tags<LocationTag.is_within_border> Returns whether the location is within the world border.
<WorldTag.border_size> Returns the size of the world border in this world.
<WorldTag.border_center> Returns the center of the world border in this world.
<WorldTag.border_damage> Returns the amount of damage caused by crossing the world border in this world.
<WorldTag.border_damage_buffer> Returns the damage buffer of the world border in this world.
<WorldTag.border_warning_distance> Returns the warning distance of the world border in this world.
<WorldTag.border_warning_time> Returns warning time of the world border in this world as a duration.
Usage Example
# Use to set the size of a world border.
- worldborder <> size:4
Usage Example
# Use to update a world border's center, and then the size over the course of 10 seconds.
- worldborder <[world]> center:<[world].spawn_location> size:100 duration:10s
Usage Example
# Use to show a client-side world border to the attached player.
- worldborder <player> center:<player.location> size:10

Syntaxtick [rate/step/sprint/freeze/reset] (amount:<#.#>/cancel)
Short DescriptionControls the server's tick rate.
Full DescriptionControls the server's tick rate. MC versions 1.20+ only.

The tick rate affects things such as entity movement (including player movement), entity animations, plant growth, etc.
Be careful when setting the tick rate, as a high tick rate can overload the server.
If tick rate is high, crops will grow faster, animations will speed up, and so forth.
Conversely, if the tick rate is low, crops will grow slower, animations will slow down, and entity movement (including player movement) will slow down and appear to be in slow motion.
For a list of all the things that the tick rate affects, see 🔗

To change the tick rate, use the 'rate' argument and input the amount using 'amount'. The tick rate must be a number between 1.0 and 10000.0 (inclusive).
To reset the tick rate to the normal value (20.0), use the 'reset' argument.

To freeze the tick rate, use the 'freeze' argument. To unfreeze, add the 'cancel' argument.
Freezing the tick rate will cause all entities (except for players and entities that a player is riding) to stop ticking.
This means that entity movement and animations will stop, as well as stop things like crop growth, daylight cycle, etc.

To step the tick rate while the server is frozen for a specific amount of time, use the 'step' argument and input the amount of ticks using 'amount'.
Tick rate stepping is allowing the tick rate to resume for a specific amount of ticks while the server is frozen.
After the amount of specified ticks have passed, the tick rate will refreeze.
Step input should not be a number less than one.
If the server is not frozen when trying to use the 'step' argument, nothing will happen.

To make the tick rate as fast as possible for a specific amount of time, use the 'sprint' argument and input the amount of ticks using 'amount'.
The tick rate will increase as much as possible without overloading the server for the amount of specified ticks.
Sprint input should be not be a number less than one.
For example, if you want to sprint 200 ticks, the tick rate will run 200 ticks as fast as possible and then return to the previous tick rate.
To stop stepping or sprinting early, use the 'cancel' argument.

The tick rate resets to 20.0 on server restart.
For information about tick rate arguments, see 🔗
Usage Example
# Use to set the tick rate to 30 ticks per second.
- tick rate amount:30
Usage Example
# Use to stop stepping early if the server is currently stepping.
- tick step cancel
Usage Example
# Use to reset tick rate.
- tick reset
Usage Example
# Use to freeze the server.
- tick freeze
Usage Example
# Use to unfreeze the server.
- tick freeze cancel
Warning(s)Be careful, this command will affect plugins that depend on tick rate and may cause them to break. For example, setting the tick rate to 1 will cause the Event:tick event to fire once per second.

Syntaxlight [<location>] [<#>/reset] (duration:<duration>)
Short DescriptionCreates a light source at the location with a specified brightness.
Full DescriptionThis command can create and reset a light source at a specified location, regardless of the type of block.
It will be shown to all players near the location until it is reset.
The brightness must be between 0 and 15, inclusive.
Optionally, specify the amount of time the light should exist before being removed.

Note that lights do not persist across server restarts, but will still be visible in the world after a restart until there is a block change near the location (to reset the light).
Related Tags<LocationTag.light> Returns the total amount of light on the location.
<LocationTag.light.blocks> Returns the amount of light from light blocks that is (...)
Usage Example
# Use to create a bright light at a noted location.
- light MyFancyLightOfWool 15
Usage Example
# Use to reset the brightness of the location to its original state.
- light MyFancyLightOfWool reset
Warning(s)May cause lag spikes, use carefully.
Incompatible with Paper in 1.17+. Use Spigot, or use vanilla Light blocks.

Category: Depenizen

Syntaxbossshop [<shop name>]
Short DescriptionOpens a BossShop inventory for a player.
Full DescriptionUse to open up a BossShop inventory for the linked player.
Useful for rewarding players using the BossShop plugin.
Shops are made with the BossShop system.
Related Tags<InventoryTag.is_bossshop> Returns whether the inventory is a BossShop.
Usage Example
# Use to open a bossshop inventory for the linked player.
- bossshop MyShop
RequiresDepenizen, BossShopPro

Syntaxbungee [<server>|...] [<commands>]
Short DescriptionRuns a set of commands on another server.
Full DescriptionThis command runs a set of commands on another server on the Bungee network.
Tags will be parsed on the remote server, but definitions from the originating queue will be used.
The linked player will be available on the remote server if that server has ever seen the player.
Generally, prefer Command:BungeeRun.
Related Tags<bungee.list_servers> Returns a list of known bungee server names.
Usage Example
# Use to run a simple announce command on another server;
- bungee lobby:
  - announce "Wow! Stuff is happening!"
RequiresDepenizen, DepenizenBungee, BungeeCord

Syntaxbungeeexecute [<command>] (as:<player>)
Short DescriptionRuns a command on the Bungee proxy server, or a player.
Full DescriptionThis command runs a command on the Bungee proxy server. Works similarly to "execute as_server".
If you specify "as:", you can use a PlayerTag or a UUID to automatically execute as that player, similar to "execute as_player".
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to run the 'alert' bungee command.
- bungeeexecute "alert Network restart in 5 minutes..."
RequiresDepenizen, DepenizenBungee, BungeeCord

Syntaxbungeerun [<server>|...] [<script name>] (def:<definition>|...)
Short DescriptionRuns a task script on another server.
Full DescriptionThis command runs a task on another server on the Bungee network. Works similarly to the 'run' command.
Related Tags<bungee.list_servers> Returns a list of known bungee server names.
Usage Example
# Use to run a simple task on another server.
- bungeerun lobby my_script def:32
RequiresDepenizen, DepenizenBungee, BungeeCord

Syntaxbungeetag [server:<server>] [<tags>]
Short DescriptionParses tags on another server on a Bungee network and returns the results for this server to process.
Full DescriptionThis command parses tags on another server on a Bungee network and returns the results for this server to process.

As a more technical explanation: All commands in Denizen parse tags in any input arguments prior to processing them further.
This command skips that step, and sends the raw tags out to the specified server to then have that server perform the actual tag processing,
when then gets sent back and allows the command to complete.

Tags will be parsed on the remote server, but definitions from the originating queue will be used.
The linked player will be available on the remote server if that server has ever seen the player.

This command must be held with the '~' prefix. The queue will then wait for the result.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].result> returns the result of the parsed tag.
<bungee.list_servers> Returns a list of known bungee server names.
Usage Example
# Use to read a simple tag from another server.
- ~bungeetag server:lobby <server.motd> save:motd
- narrate "The lobby's MOTD is <entry[motd].result>"
RequiresDepenizen, DepenizenBungee, BungeeCord

Syntaxclientrun [<script>] (path:<name>) (def.<name>:<value>) (defmap:<map>)
Short DescriptionRuns a client script on a Clientizen client.
Full DescriptionRuns a client script on the linked player's client, if they are using Clientizen.

You must specify a client script name to run.

Optionally, use the "path:" argument to choose a specific sub-path within a script.

Optionally, use "def.<name>:<value>" to pass one or more definitions to the client.
Alternately, use "defmap:<map>" to specify definitions to pass as a MapTag, where the keys will be definition names and the values will of course be definition values.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to run a task script named 'MyTask' on the linked player's client.
- clientrun MyTask
Usage Example
# Use to run the sub-script under 'sub_path' in a task script named 'MyTask' on the linked player's client.
- clientrun MyTask path:sub_path
Usage Example
# Use to run 'MyTask' on the linked player's client and pass 2 definitions to it.
- clientrun MyTask def.amount:42 def.location:<server.flag[spawn_location]>
Usage Example
# Use to run 'MyTask' on a specific Clientizen player's client.
- clientrun MyTask player:<[clientizenPlayer]>
RequiresDepenizen, Clientizen

Syntaxeffectlib [type:<effect>] (origin:<entity>/<location>) (target:<entity>/<location>) (for:<player>) (effect_data:<map>)
Short DescriptionShow custom effects using EffectLib
Full DescriptionDisplays EffectLib effects.

Specify which effect to display using the 'type:' argument, note that effect names are CASE-SENSITIVE.

The origin is the entity/location to play the effect at. If an entity is specified, the effect will follow it.
Defaults to the linked player if unspecified.

Some effects (such as the 'Line' effect) require an origin and a target, an effect's target can be a location or an entity.
If an entity is specified, the effect will follow it.

You can optionally use the 'for:' argument to show the effect to one player only.

EffectLib effects can take additional data to change how the effect looks/works, you can specify that data in the form of a MapTag using the 'effect_data:' argument.
See EffectLib's docs for further information on the available options for each effect: 🔗

Note that this should only be used for displaying EffectLib's advanced effect shapes. For more general particle usage, use Command:playeffect.

The effectlib command is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.
When ~waited for, the command will wait until the effect is done playing.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to show a helix of end rod sparks below the linked player for 5 seconds.
- effectlib type:Helix effect_data:[duration=<duration[5s].in_milliseconds>;particle=end_rod;offset=0,-1.5,0]
Usage Example
# Use to show a line of electric sparks between 2 entities for 1 minute.
- effectlib type:Line origin:<[originEntity]> target:<[targetEntity]> effect_data:[duration=<duration[1m].in_milliseconds>;particle=electric_spark]
Usage Example
# Use to show an atom effect at a location, and narrate a message after it's done playing.
- ~effectlib type:Atom origin:<[location]>
- narrate "It's done!"
RequiresDepenizen, EffectLib

Syntaxjobs [promote/demote/join/quit] [<job>] (<#>)
Short DescriptionModifies the specified job of a player.
Full DescriptionThis allows you to promote or demote a player's job level.
This also allows you to force a player to join or quit a job.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.job[<job>]> Returns the job specified with the player's information attached.
<PlayerTag.current_jobs> Returns a list of all jobs that the player is in.
Usage Example
# Use to promote a player.
- jobs promote Woodcutter
Usage Example
# Use to demote a player multiple times.
- jobs demote Builder 3
Usage Example
# Use to make a different player join a job.
- jobs join Worker player:<[player]>
RequiresDepenizen, Jobs

Syntaxlibsdisguise [remove/player/mob/misc] (type:<entity type>) (target:<entity>) (name:<text>) (display_name:<text>) (baby) (id:<item>) (self) (hide_name)
Short DescriptionDisguises an entity as a different entity.
Full DescriptionDisguises an entity using Lib's Disguises.
This hides the true entity and replaces it with a fake entity as a disguise.
The entity mimics the same actions and movement as the entity in a disguise.

The required argument depends on the first argument:
For 'mob':
Specify an entity type.
Optionally, specify if the mob is a baby or not (defaults to false).
For 'player':
Specify the player name.
For 'misc':
Specify a misc disguise type.
Optionally, specify id as an ItemTag.

Removing a disguise shows the true entity again for all players.
Only one disguise can be set per target, if another one is set, the previous disguise is removed.

Optionally specify 'self' to hide the disguise from the target player, so they still see their normal player.

Optionally specify 'baby' to make the disguised mob a baby (where applicable).

Optionally specifiy 'hide_name' to hide the nameplate of a player disguise.

Optionally specify 'display_name' to set the display name of the disguise.
Related Tags<EntityTag.libsdisguise_is_disguised> Returns whether the entity is in a disguise.
<EntityTag.libsdisguise_disguise> Returns the disguise of the entity.
Usage Example
# Use to disguise the linked player as a different player named Bob.
- libsdisguise player name:Bob
Usage Example
# Use to disguise the linked player as a baby Zombie, which can only be seen by other players.
- libsdisguise mob type:ZOMBIE baby:true self:true
Usage Example
# Use to disguise the linked player as a Boat.
- libsdisguise misc type:Boat
Usage Example
# Use to disguise the linked player as a Sponge Block.
- libsdisguise misc type:Falling_Block id:sponge
Usage Example
# Use to remove the disguise from the linked player.
- libsdisguise remove
Usage Example
# Use to disguise an entity as a player named Bob.
- libsdisguise player target:<> name:Bob
Usage Example
# Use to remove a disguise from an entity.
- libsdisguise remove target:<>
RequiresDepenizen, LibsDisguises

Syntaxmcmmo [add/remove/set] [levels/xp/xprate/vampirism/hardcore/leader] (skill:<skill>) (state:{toggle}/true/false) (quantity:<#>) (party:<party>)
Short DescriptionEdits mcMMO information.
Full DescriptionThis command allows you to add or remove skill levels and experience for players, add or remove
players to/from parties, set the level, xp, xprate, vampirism state, hardcore state of a player's
skill, or set the leader of a party.
Related Tags<> Returns the name of the player's party.
Usage Example
# Use to add 5 levels to a player's skill.
- mcmmo add levels skill:acrobatics quantity:5
Usage Example
# Use to remove a different player from a party.
- mcmmo remove player:<[player]> party:SerpentPeople
Usage Example
# Use to set vampirism mode for a player's skill.
- mcmmo set vampirism skill:woodcutting state:true
RequiresDepenizen, mcMMO

Syntaxmobarena [<mobarena>] (add:<player>|...) (remove:<player>|...) (spectate:<player>|...)
Short DescriptionMake a player join, remove a player from or make a player spectate a MobArena.
Full DescriptionThis command allows you to make a player join an arena, make them leave an arena or make them spectate an arena.
Follows normal MobArena functionality, so acts as if the player has typed '/mobarena join'.
NOTE: You can use all 3: ("add", "remove", and "spectate") as once, however avoid conflicts.
Related Tags<player.mobarena.in_arena> Returns whether the player is in an arena.
Usage Example
# Use to force the player to join an arena.
- mobarena mobarena@Default add:<player>
Usage Example
# Use to force the player to leave an arena.
- mobarena mobarena@Default remove:<player>
Usage Example
# Use to force a player to join an arena and another to leave.
- mobarena mobarena@Default add:<player> remove:<[player]>
Usage Example
# Use to cause all players who aren't in an arena to spectate.
- mobarena mobarena@Default spectate:<server.online_players.filter[mobarena.in_arena.not]>
RequiresDepenizen, MobArena

Syntaxmythicsignal [<mythicmob>|...] [<signal>] [source:<entity>]
Short DescriptionSends a signal trigger to the target MythicMobs.
Full DescriptionThis allows you to send a signal trigger to multiple MythicMobs.
If those mobs have any triggers configured for that signal, they will fire.
You must specify an entity that acts as the sender.
NOTE: signals are case sensitive.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Used to trigger the player's target's signal "attack".
- mythicsignal <> attack source:<player>
RequiresDepenizen, MythicMobs

Syntaxmythicskill [<skillname>] [<location>|.../<entity>|...] (power:<#.#>) (casters:<entity>|...)
Short DescriptionCast a MythicMob skill from an entity.
Full DescriptionThis will cast a MythicMob skill from any specified entity.
Optionally, you can have multiple entities cast the skill.
You may also specify multiple EntityTag(s) or LocationTag(s) for targets.
You may not have both the Entity and Location targets, one or the other.
The MythicMob configuration must be configured to account for this.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Used to make the player use the MythicMob skill frostbolt on their target.
- mythicskill <player> frostbolt <>
RequiresDepenizen, MythicMobs

Syntaxmythicspawn [<name>] [<location>] (level:<#>)
Short DescriptionSpawns a MythicMob at a location.
Full DescriptionThis allows you to spawn a MythicMob at a location using the mob's internal name.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].spawned_mythicmob> returns the spawned MythicMobsMob.
Usage Example
# Use to spawn a BarbarianMinion at a player's location.
- mythicspawn BarbarianMinion <player.location>
RequiresDepenizen, MythicMobs

Syntaxmythicthreat [<mythicmob>] [add/subtract/set] [<#.#>] (for:<entity>|...)
Short DescriptionModifies the threat table of a Mythic Mob.
Full DescriptionThis allows you to modify a threat table for an active MythicMob.
Optionally, set a list of entities to apply the threat modification to.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Used to add 50 threat to the attached player on the target mob's threat table.
- mythicthreat <> add 50
RequiresDepenizen, MythicMobs

Syntaxnbs [play/stop] (file:<file_path>) (targets:<entity>|...) (at:<location>) (distance:<#>/{16})
Short DescriptionPlays or stops a noteblock song.
Full DescriptionPlays a .nbs file for the targets, being players specified.
If no targets are specified, the target will be the player in the queue.
Optionally specify the location to play the song from using the 'at' argument. Players must still be added using 'targets' in order to hear the song when they are within range.
Setting 'distance' will change the range in blocks that a player must be in to hear the song. Numbers below 16 will decrease volume, not decrease range. Numbers greater than 16 will increase range.
Note block song files are created using NoteBlockStudio or other programs.
The file path starts in the denizen folder: /plugins/Denizen/

The nbs command is ~waitable. Refer to Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.nbs_is_playing> Returns true if the player is currently listening to a note block song.
Usage Example
# Use to play a song to the linked player in a queue.
- nbs play file:MySong
Usage Example
# Use to play a song to everyone online.
- nbs play file:MySong targets:<server.online_players>
Usage Example
# Use to stop the current song playing for the linked player in a queue.
- nbs stop
Usage Example
# Use to stop the current song playing for all online players.
- nbs stop targets:<server.online_players>
Usage Example
# Use to play a song only for the linked player in a queue at a specified location.
- nbs play file:MySong at:<[my_location]>
Usage Example
# Use to play a song to everyone online if they are 30 blocks away from a specified location.
- nbs play file:MySong targets:<server.online_players> at:<[my_location]> distance:30
Usage Example
# Use to wait until the song finishes.
- ~nbs play file:MySong
RequiresDepenizen, NoteBlockAPI

Syntaxplayerpoints [set/give/take] [<#>]
Short DescriptionAdjusts the amount of points the player has.
Full DescriptionTake, give or set the amount of points a player has.
This is useful for plugins supporting this kind of economy
which uses the points instead of money as an alternative system.
This works for offline players.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.playerpoints_points> Returns the amount of points the player has. Only works on online players.
Usage Example
# Use to give 5 points to the player.
- playerpoints give 5
Usage Example
# Use to set 10 points to the player.
- playerpoints set 10
RequiresDepenizen, PlayerPoints

Syntaxquests [add/remove/set] (quest:<quest_id>) (stage:<#>) (points:<#>) (override_checks:{true}/false)
Short DescriptionEdits quest player information.
Full DescriptionThis command allows you to give, quit, or set the stage of a quest for a player, or to add, subtract, or set the amount of Quest Points that a player holds.
When modifying quests, the ID (read: NOT the name) must be specified.
Numerical stage number must be present when setting progress.
'override_checks' indicates whether to bypass associated checks (see Usage).
If not modifying a quest, points must be included as a numerical value.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to force the player to take quest with ID custom1, ignoring requirements.
- quests add quest:custom1 override_checks:true
Usage Example
# Use to force the player to quit quest with ID custom2, notifying said player.
- quests remove quest:custom2 override_checks:true
Usage Example
# Use to force the player into specified stage 2 of quest with ID custom3.
- quests set quest:custom3 stage:2
Usage Example
# Use to give the player 100 Quest Points.
- quests add points:100
RequiresDepenizen, Quests

Syntaxregion [{add} <cuboid>/remove <world>] [id:<name>]
Short DescriptionAdds or removes a protected region.
Full DescriptionAdds a protected region to a region manager based on the specified cuboid,
or removes a protected region from a region manager based on the specified
world. Currently, this command only supports cuboid-shaped regions.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to add a region based on a cuboid.
- region add <[some_cuboid]> id:MyRegion
Usage Example
# Use to remove a region from a world.
- region remove world id:MyRegion
RequiresDepenizen, WorldGuard

Syntaxvivemirror [<npc>] [mirror:<vivecraftplayer>] (targets:{player}/<player>|...)
Short DescriptionMirrors a ViveCraftPlayers pose to the npc, once.
Full DescriptionMirrors a ViveCraftPlayers pose to the npc, once.

Ideally should run every tick.

Specify a vivecraftplayer that will be mirrored to the NPC.
Optionally, specify a list of targets to show the NPCs pose to (targets must be in VR to see the effect).
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to mirror the current players pose.
- vivemirror <npc> mirror:<player.vivecraft>
Usage Example
# Use to show your dancing skills to other players.
- vivemirror <npc> mirror:<player.vivecraft> targets:<server.online_players>
RequiresDepenizen, ViveCraft

Syntaxworldedit [create_schematic/copy_to_clipboard/paste] (file:<file path>) (cuboid:<cuboid>) (position:<location>) (rotate:<#>) (undoable) (noair)
Short DescriptionControls schematics and clipboards in WorldEdit.
Full DescriptionControls schematics and clipboards in WorldEdit. You should almost always use Command:schematic instead of this.

The action can be create_schematic, copy_to_clipboard, or paste.

For 'paste':
Specify 'noair' to exclude air blocks.
Specify 'rotate' to rotate the schematic when pasting it.
Specify 'undoable' to attach the paste to the player's WorldEdit history which allows them to undo/redo.

For 'copy_to_clipboard':
Specify either a cuboid or a file.
The file path starts in the folder: /plugins/Denizen/schematics/

For 'create_schematic':
Either specify a cuboid, or the player's clipboard will be used.
Specify a file to save to.
Related Tags<PlayerTag.we_selection> Returns the player's current block area selection, as a CuboidTag, EllipsoidTag, or PolygonTag.
Usage Example
# Use to save a cuboid to a schematic.
- worldedit create_schematic file:<[filepath]> cuboid:<player.we_selection> position:<player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to copy a cuboid to a player's clipboard.
- worldedit copy_to_clipboard cuboid:<player.we_selection> position:<player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to load a schematic into a player's clipboard.
- worldedit copy_to_clipboard file:<[filepath]>
Usage Example
# Use to paste a schematic at a location
- worldedit paste file:<[filepath]> position:<player.location>
Usage Example
# Use to paste a schematic at a location with a player attached to the edit history.
- worldedit paste file:<[filepath]> position:<player.location> undoable noair rotate:90
RequiresDepenizen, WorldEdit

Category: external

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdiscord [id:<id>] [disconnect/add_role/start_typing/remove_role/status (status:<status>) (activity:<activity>)/rename] (<value>) (message_id:<id>) (channel:<channel>) (user:<user>) (group:<group>) (role:<role>) (url:<url>)
Short DescriptionInteracts with Discord.
Full DescriptionInteracts with Discord.

Commands may fail if the bot does not have permission within the Discord group to perform them.

When setting the status of the Discord bot, the status argument can be: ONLINE, DND, IDLE, or INVISIBLE,
and the activity argument can be: PLAYING, STREAMING, LISTENING, or WATCHING.
Streaming activity requires a 'url:' input.

The command should always be ~waited for. See Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<discord[<bot_id>]> Returns the Discord bot for the given bot ID.
Usage Example
# Use to disconnect from Discord.
- ~discord id:mybot disconnect
Usage Example
# Use to add a role on a user in a Discord guild.
- ~discord id:mybot add_role user:<[user]> role:<[role]> group:<[group]>
Usage Example
# Use to remove a role on a user in a Discord guild.
- ~discord id:mybot remove_role user:<[user]> role:<[role]> group:<[group]>
Usage Example
# Use to set the online status of the bot, and clear the game status.
- ~discord id:mybot status "Minecraft" "status:ONLINE"
Usage Example
# Use to set the game status of the bot.
- ~discord id:mybot status "Minecraft" "status:ONLINE" "activity:PLAYING"
Usage Example
# Use to change the bot's nickname.
- ~discord id:mybot rename "<[nickname]>" group:<[group]>
Usage Example
# Use to give a user a new nickname.
- ~discord id:mybot rename "<[nickname]>" user:<[user]> group:<[group]>
Usage Example
# Use to start typing in a specific channel.
- ~discord id:mybot start_typing channel:<[channel]>

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdiscordban (id:<bot>) ({add}/remove) [user:<user>] [group:<group>] (reason:<reason>) (deletion_timeframe:<time>/{0s})
Short DescriptionBans or unbans a member from a group.
Full DescriptionBans or unbans a member from a group.

To ban a user, use the "add" argument. To unban a user, use the "remove" argument.
The group is required for both "add" and "remove" arguments, but "reason" can only be used with "add".
Reasons show up in the group's Audit Logs.

The "deletion_timeframe" argument will, if set, delete all messages sent by the user being banned within the timeframe given.
The timeframe defaults to 0 seconds, which will not delete any messages. The timeframe cannot be greater than 7 days.
This argument can only be used when adding a ban using the "add" argument, although it is not required.

The command should usually be ~waited for. See Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<DiscordUserTag.is_banned[<group>]> returns if the user is banned from a certain group.
<DiscordGroupTag.banned_members> returns a list of all banned members in a group.
Usage Example
# Bans a user with a reason and deletes all messages sent by the user in the past 2 hours.
- ~discordban id:mybot add user:<[user]> group:<[group]> "reason:Was being mean!" deletion_timeframe:2h
Usage Example
# Bans a user with but does not delete any messages sent and does not have a reason.
- ~discordban id:mybot add user:<[user]> group:<[group]>
Usage Example
# Unbans a user.
- ~discordban id:mybot remove user:<[user]> group:<[group]>

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdiscordcommand (id:<bot>) [create/delete] (group:<group>) (name:<name>) (type:{slash}/user/message) (description:<description>) (options:<options>)
Short DescriptionManages Discord application commands.
Full DescriptionManages Discord application commands.

You can create a new command, edit the permissions of an existing command, or delete an existing command.

To create (or delete) a command in a specific Discord guild, use the "group" argument. If not present, a global command will be created. NOTE: Global commands take up to an hour to register.
When creating, both a name and description are required.

Commands can be slash commands - activated via typing "/", message commands - activated by right-clicking a message, or user commands - activated by right-clicking a user.
"Description" and "options" are only valid for slash commands.

The "options" argument controls the command parameters. It is a MapTag of ordered MapTags that can sometimes hold ordered MapTags. It is recommended to use Command:definemap or a data script key when creating commands.
All option MapTags must have "type", "name", and "description" keys, with an optional "required" key (defaulting to true). The "type" key can be one of: STRING, INTEGER, BOOLEAN, USER, CHANNEL, ROLE, MENTIONABLE, NUMBER, ATTACHMENT.
Additionally, the option map can include a "choices" key, which is a MapTag of ordered MapTags that have a "name" (what displays to the user) and a "value" (what gets passed to the client).
Instead of choices, the option map can also include an "autocomplete" key controlling whether dynamic suggestions can be provided to the client (defaulting to false). See Event:on discord command autocomplete.

Editing application command permissions has been moved to the "Integrations" section in the server settings.
Read more about it here: 🔗

You DO NOT need to create a command on startup every time! Once a command is created, it will persist until you delete it.
Using the "create" instruction on an existing command will update it.

Commands and replies to interactions have limitations. See 🔗

See also Discord's internal API documentation for commands: 🔗

Generally used alongside Command:discordinteraction

The command should usually be ~waited for. See Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].command> returns the DiscordCommandTag of a command upon creation, when the command is ~waited for.
Usage Example
# Use to create a simple slash command without options and save it.
- ~discordcommand create group:<discord[mybot].group[Denizen]> name:hello "description:Hello world!" save:mycmd
- debug log <entry[mycmd]>
Usage Example
# Use to create a global slash command with one option, using definemap.
- definemap options:
      type: string
      name: animal
      description: Your favorite animal
      required: true
- ~discordcommand id:mybot create name:animal "description:Pick your favorite!" options:<[options]>

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdiscordconnect [id:<id>] [token:<secret>] (intents:<intent>|...)
Short DescriptionConnects to Discord.
Full DescriptionConnects to Discord.

The connection will automatically specify the following gateway intents:
Optionally specify additional Gateway Intents to use as a list of any of:

use "intents:clear|SOME_INTENT|etc" (ie the first entry as "clear") to clear out default intents and use only your manually specified choices.

Note that you need to enable the 'members' and 'message content' intent on your bot in Discord bot settings
And also may need to manually enable other intents if you specify any.
If the members intent is not enabled, a significant amount of dDiscordBot's functionality will not work.

Store your Discord bot token in the Denizen secrets file at 'plugins/Denizen/secrets.secret'. Refer to ObjectType:SecretTag for usage info.

The command should usually be ~waited for. See Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<discord[<bot_id>]> Returns the Discord bot for the given bot ID.
Usage Example
# Use to connect to Discord with a token stored in secret file 'plugins/Denizen/secrets.secret' and send a message once connected.
- ~discordconnect id:mybot token:<secret[discord_bot_token]>
- discordmessage id:mybot channel:<[my_log_channel]> "Connected!"

Syntaxdiscordcreatechannel (id:<bot>) [group:<group>] [name:<name>] (description:<description>) (type:<type>) (category:<category_id>) (position:<#>) (roles:<list>) (users:<list>)
Short DescriptionCreates text channels on Discord.
Full DescriptionCreates text channels on Discord.

This functionality requires the Manage Channels permission.

You can optionally specify the channel description (aka "topic") with the "description" argument.

You can optionally specify the channel type. Valid types are TEXT, NEWS, CATEGORY, and VOICE.
Only text and news channels can have a description.
Categories cannot have a parent category.

You can optionally specify the channel's parent category with the "category" argument.
By default, the channel will not be attached to any category.

You can optionally specify the channel's position in the list as an integer with the "position" argument.

You can optionally specify the roles or users that are able to view the channel.
The "roles" argument takes a list of DiscordRoleTags, and the "users" argument takes a list of DiscordUserTags.
Specifying either of these arguments will create a private channel (hidden for anyone not in the lists).

The command can be ~waited for. See Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag of a channel upon creation when the command is ~waited for.
Usage Example
# Use to create a channel in a category.
- discordcreatechannel id:mybot group:1234 name:my-channel category:5678
Usage Example
# Use to create a voice channel and log its name upon creation.
- ~discordcreatechannel id:mybot group:1234 name:very-important-channel type:voice save:stuff
- debug log "Created channel '<entry[stuff]>'"

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdiscordcreatethread (id:<bot>) [name:<name>] [message:<message>/parent:<channel> (private)]
Short DescriptionCreates a new Discord thread.
Full DescriptionCreates a new Discord thread.

You must specify the bot object ID, and the thread name.

You can either specify a full DiscordMessageTag instance to create a thread based on that message,
OR specify a DiscordChannelTag parent and optionally mark it private (otherwise it's public).

The command can be ~waited for. See Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].created_thread> returns the newly created thread.
Usage Example
# Use to create a new thread for a specific message and send a bot message to it.
- ~discordcreatethread id:mybot "name:The bot's awesome thread" message:<context.message> save:thread
- discordmessage id:mybot channel:<entry[thread].created_thread> "Here I made this thread just for you"
Usage Example
# Use to create a new thread in a channel and link to it in some channel.
- ~discordcreatethread id:mybot "name:The bot's awesome thread" parent:<[some_channel]> save:thread
- discordmessage id:mybot channel:<[some_channel]> "I created thread <&lt>#<entry[thread]><&gt>!"

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdiscordinteraction [defer/reply/delete] [interaction:<interaction>] (ephemeral) (rows:<rows>) (<message>) (embed:<embed>|...) (attach_files:<map>)
Short DescriptionManages Discord interactions.
Full DescriptionManages Discord interactions.

You can defer, reply to, edit, or delete an interaction. These instructions all require the "interaction" argument.

The "ephemeral" argument can be used to have the reply message be visible to that one user.

You can defer an interaction before replying, which is useful if your reply may take more than a few seconds to be selected.
If you defer, the 'ephemeral' option can only be set by the defer - you cannot change it with the later reply.
Replying to an interaction uses similar logic to normal messaging. See Command:discordmessage.
If you deferred without using 'ephemeral', the 'delete' option will delete the "Thinking..." message.
Ephemeral replies cannot have files.

Slash commands, and replies to interactions, have limitations. See 🔗

Generally used alongside Command:discordcommand

The command can be ~waited for. See Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].command> returns the DiscordCommandTag of a slash command upon creation, when the command is ~waited for.
Usage Example
# Use to quickly reply to a slash command interaction.
- discordinteraction reply interaction:<context.interaction> "hello!"
Usage Example
# Use to defer and reply to a slash command interaction.
- ~discordinteraction defer interaction:<context.interaction>
- discordinteraction reply interaction:<context.interaction> <context.options.get[hello].if_null[world]>
Usage Example
# Use to defer and reply to an interaction ephemerally.
- ~discordinteraction defer interaction:<context.interaction> ephemeral:true
- discordinteraction reply interaction:<context.interaction> "Shh, don't tell anyone!"

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdiscordmessage (id:<id>) [reply:<message>/edit:<message>/channel:<channel>/user:<user>] (<message>) (no_mention) (rows:<rows>) (embed:<embed>|...) (attach_files:<map>) (post_title:<name>)
Short DescriptionSends a message to a Discord channel.
Full DescriptionSends a message to a Discord channel.

Command may fail if the bot does not have permission within the Discord group to send a message in that channel.

You can send the message to: a channel, user, or in reply to a previous message.
If sending as a reply, optionally use "no_mention" to disable the default reply pinging the original user.

Channels can be specified as either a copied ID, or using any tag that returns a valid DiscordChannelTag.
To get IDs, enable "Developer Mode" in your Discord settings, then right click on the channel and press "Copy ID".

You can edit an existing message by using "edit:<message>".

You can use "attach_file_name:<name>" and "attach_file_text:<text>" to attach a text file with longer content than a normal message allows.
Alternatively, you can use "attach_files:<map>" to attach files as a MapTag of the name of the file to the text or a BinaryTag.

To send embeds, use "embed:<embed>|...".

You can use "rows" to attach action rows of components, such as buttons to the message, using ObjectType:DiscordButtonTag, and ObjectType:DiscordSelectionTag.

You can send a message into a Forum Channel with "post_title" specified to create a post in that forum.

The command can be ~waited for. See Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<entry[saveName].message> returns the DiscordMessageTag of the sent message, when the command is ~waited for.
<discord[mybot].group[Denizen].channel[bot-spam]> is an example of a tag that will return an appropriate channel object for a named channel in a named group.
Usage Example
# Use to message a Discord channel with a copied channel ID.
- discordmessage id:mybot channel:1234 "Hello world!"
Usage Example
# Use to reply to a message from a message received event.
- discordmessage id:mybot reply:<context.message> "Hello world!"
Usage Example
# Use to message an embed to a Discord channel.
- discordmessage id:mybot channel:1234 embed:<discord_embed[title=hi;description=this is an embed!]>
Usage Example
# Use to message a Discord channel and record the new message ID.
- ~discordmessage id:mybot channel:1234 "Hello world!" save:sent
- announce "Sent as <entry[sent]>"
Usage Example
# Use to send a message to a user through a private channel.
- discordmessage id:mybot user:<[user]> "Hello world!"
Usage Example
# Use to send a short and simple text-file message to a channel.
- discordmessage id:mybot channel:<[channel]> attach_files:<map[quote.xml=<&lt>mcmonkey<&gt> haha text files amirite<n>gotta abuse em]>
Usage Example
# Use to send a message and attach a button to it.
- define my_button <discord_button.with_map[style=primary;id=my_button;label=Hello]>
- discordmessage id:mybot channel:<[channel]> rows:<[my_button]> "Hello world!"
Usage Example
# Use to send a message to a Discord channel, then edit it after 5 seconds.
- ~discordmessage id:mybot channel:<[channel]> "Hello world!" save:msg
- wait 5s
- discordmessage id:mybot edit:<entry[msg].message> "Goodbye!"
Usage Example
# Use to send multiple embeds in a single message
- ~discordmessage id:mybot channel:<[channel]> embed:<discord_embed[title=embed 1]>|<discord_embed[title=embed 2]>
Usage Example
# Use to send files in a single message, including an image file, using a MapTag.
- ~fileread path:my_information.yml save:info
- ~fileread path:my_image.png save:image
- definemap files:
    text.txt: Wow! Denizen is so cool!
    info.yml: <entry[info].data>
    my_image.png: <entry[image].data>
- ~discordmessage id:mybot channel:<[channel]> attach_files:<[files]>

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdiscordmodal [interaction:<interaction>] [name:<name>] [rows:<rows>] (title:<title>)
Short DescriptionManages Discord modals.
Full DescriptionWith this command you can respond to an interaction using a modal.
A "modal" is a popup window that presents the user with a form to fill out.

You can specify the modal's internal name for matching with in events.
You can specify the title as text to display to the user.
You can specify rows of user-inputs using ObjectType:DiscordTextInputTag. At time of writing, Selection input is not supported.

You can listen to the responses to forms using Event:discord modal submitted.

You cannot defer an interaction before using a modal. It must be sent immediately.

Note that the interaction can be any button or application command, but cannot be a modal submission - you cannot reply to a modal submit with a second modal.

The command can be ~waited for. See Language:~waitable.
Related TagsNone
Usage Example
# Use to create a modal that only requests one single direct text input.
- definemap rows:
         1: <discord_text_input.with[id].as[textinput].with[label].as[Type here!].with[style].as[short]>
- discordmodal interaction:<context.interaction> name:example_modal title:Modal! rows:<[rows]>

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdiscordreact (id:<bot>) (channel:<channel>) [message:<message>] [add/remove/clear] [reaction:<reaction>/all] (user:<user>)
Short DescriptionManages message reactions on Discord.
Full DescriptionManages message reactions on Discord.

The message can be a ObjectType:DiscordMessageTag, or just the message ID, with a channel ID also given.

You can add or remove reactions from the bot, or clear all reactions of a specific ID, or clear all reactions from a message entirely.

Reactions can be unicode symbols, or custom emoji IDs.

Optionally specify a user for 'remove' to remove only a specific user's reaction.

'Add' requires basic add-reaction permissions.
'Clear' requires 'manage messages' permission.

For custom emoji, the ID is the numeric ID. For default emoji, the ID is the unicode symbol of the emoji.
In both cases, you can copy the correct value by typing the emoji into Discord and prefixing it with a "\" symbol, like "\:myemoji:" and sending it - the sent message will show the internal form of the emoji.

The command can be ~waited for. See Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<DiscordMessageTag.reactions> Returns a list of reaction on this message.
Usage Example
# Use to react to a previously sent message.
- discordreact id:mybot message:<[some_message]> add reaction:<[my_emoji_id]>
Usage Example
# Use to remove a reaction from a previously sent message.
- discordreact id:mybot message:<[some_message]> remove reaction:<[some_reaction_emoji]>
Usage Example
# Use to clear all reactions from a message.
- discordreact id:mybot message:<[some_message]> clear reaction:all

Related Guide Page
Syntaxdiscordtimeout (id:<bot>) ({add}/remove) [user:<user>] [group:<group>] (reason:<reason>) (duration:<duration>/{60s})
Short DescriptionPuts a user in timeout.
Full DescriptionPuts a user in timeout.

To put a user in timeout, use the "add" argument. To remove the timeout, use the "remove" argument.
The group is required for both "add" and "remove" arguments, but "reason" can only be used with "add".
Reasons show up in the group's Audit Logs.

The timeout duration defaults to 60 seconds. The duration cannot be greater than 28 days.
This argument can only be used when putting a user in timeout using the "add" argument, although it is not required.

The command can be ~waited for. See Language:~waitable.
Related Tags<DiscordUserTag.is_timed_out[<group>]> returns if the user is timed out in a certain group.
Usage Example
# Put a user in timeout.
- discordtimeout id:my_bot add user:<[user]> group:<[group]>
Usage Example
# Put a user in timeout for a duration of 3 hours with a reason.
- discordtimeout id:my_bot add user:<[user]> group:<[group]> "reason:Was being troublesome!" duration:3h
Usage Example
# Remove a user from timeout.
- discordtimeout id:my_bot remove user:<[user]> group:<[group]>