Denizen Script Commands

Commands are always written with a '-' before them, and are the core component of any script, the primary way to cause things to happen.
Learn about how commands work in The Beginner's Guide.

Showing 1 out of 183 commands...
Syntaxredis [id:<ID>] [connect:<host> (auth:<secret>) (port:<port>/{6379}) (ssl:true/{false})/disconnect/subscribe:<channel>|.../unsubscribe/publish:<channel> message:<message>/command:<command> (args:<arg>|...)]
Short DescriptionInteracts with a Redis server.
Full DescriptionThis command is used to interact with a redis server. It can run any standard redis commands as well as subscribe for pub/sub redis channel notifications.

Redis is a simple key/value data store that is typically used for caching and sending data between servers.
The redis server runs in memory, meaning requests are insanely fast. If you run redis locally, you can expect responses to take under a millisecond.
It is normally advised to run commands as ~waitable (see Language:~waitable), but because of the usual fast responses when the server is on localhost, you can also run commands without ~waiting.

When running commands, make sure to escape unpredictable values such as player input.
Alternatively, include the main redis command as the 'command' input and further arguments as a ListTag input for 'args'.

This command supports subscribing to pub/sub redis channels. This allows you to listen to published messages to redis from any source, including other servers.
When you subscribe to a channel, matching messages sent to the channel will trigger the Event:redis pubsub message event.
Connections that are subscribed to channels get tied up listening for messages and are unavailable to run redis commands.
The channels you subscribe to support wildcard (*) matchers and other patterns, defined by the redis docs: 🔗

Note: Make sure there are at least a few ticks between opening a subscription and closing it, otherwise strange behavior will occur.

You can publish messages to listening subscribers via publish:<channel> message:<message>.
Note that this has to be done on a separate redis connection if it is already subscribed.
Saving the result of this call returns the number of connected subscribers the message was sent to.

The redis command is merely a wrapper, and further usage details should be gathered from an official redis command reference rather than from Denizen command help.
You can view the official redis documentation and the supported commands here: 🔗
Related Tags<entry[saveName].result> returns an ElementTag or ListTag of the results of your command, depending on the redis command you ran.
<util.redis_connections> Returns a list of all Redis connections opened by Command:redis.
Usage Example
#Use to connect to a Redis server.
- ~redis id:name connect:localhost
Usage Example
#Use to connect to a Redis server with a secret auth key.
- ~redis id:name connect:localhost auth:<secret[my_redis_secret]>
Usage Example
#Use to connect to a Redis server over ssl.
- ~redis id:name connect:localhost port:6380 ssl:true
Usage Example
#Set a key/value pair in the Redis server.
- ~redis id:name "command:set my_key my_value"
Usage Example
#Delete the "foo" key.
- ~redis id:name "command:del my_key"
Usage Example
#Set a key that auto-expires in 60 seconds.
- ~redis id:name "command:setex my_key 60 'value with spaces'"
Usage Example
#Run a command with unpredictable input.
- ~redis id:name command:set args:<list[my_key].include_single[<context.message>]>
Usage Example
#Get a key's value.
- ~redis id:name "command:get my_key" save:result
Usage Example
#Get a key's value in the background via a waitable.
- ~redis id:name "command:get my_key" save:result
Usage Example
#Append values to the front or back of a redis list.
- ~redis id:name "command:rpush my_list a"
- ~redis id:name "command:rpush my_list b"
- ~redis id:name "command:lpush my_list c"
Usage Example
#Retrieve a ListTag of the members stored in a redis list (0 is the start of the list, -1 is the end).
- ~redis id:name "command:lrange my_list 0 -1"
Usage Example
#Subscribe to a redis channel. This will match published messages to channel_1, channel_foo, etc.
- ~redis id:name subscribe:channel_*
Usage Example
#Subscribe to multiple redis channels. Supports wildcards for any list entry.
- ~redis id:name subscribe:a|b*|c|d
Usage Example
#Publish a message to a redis channel. This will trigger the <@link event redis pubsub message> event for any subscribed connections for any server.
- ~redis id:name publish:channel_1 "message:hey look something happened"
Usage Example
#Unsubscribe from a redis channel. Leaves the connection intact.
- redis id:name unsubscribe
Usage Example
#Disconnect from redis.
- redis id:name disconnect