Denizen Script Mechanisms

Mechanisms are found in object properties, the 'adjust' command, and similar. These are used to change the state of an object.
Learn about how mechanisms work in The Beginner's Guide.

Showing 1 out of 651 mechanisms...
Related Tags<LocationTag.structure_block_data> Returns the structure block data of the structure block at the location as a map with the following keys: (...)
DescriptionSets the structure block data of the structure block at the location. Input is a map with the following keys (all keys are optional):
- author: EntityTag: The Structure's author, can also input an ElementTag to set the name directly (set to "?" for most vanilla structures).
- integrity: ElementTag(Decimal): The integrity of the structure (0-1). Lower integrity values will result in more blocks being removed when loading a structure.
used with the seed to determine which blocks are randomly removed to mimic "decay".
- metadata: ElementTag: Can only be set while in DATA mode. sets specific functions that can be applied to the structure,
check the Minecraft wiki (🔗 for more information.
- mirror: ElementTag: How the structure is mirrored; "NONE", "LEFT_RIGHT", or "FRONT_BACK".
- box_position: LocationTag: The position of the structure's bounding box, relative to the position of the structure block. Maximum allowed distance is 48 blocks in any direction.
- rotation: ElementTag: The rotation of the structure; "NONE", "CLOCKWISE_90", "CLOCKWISE_180", or "COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90".
- seed: ElementTag(Number): The seed used to determine how many blocks are removed upon loading of this structure (see "integrity" for more information).
- structure_name: ElementTag: The name of the structure.
- size: LocationTag: The size of the structure's bounding box, The maximum structure size is 48,48,48.
- mode: ElementTag: The structure block's mode; "CORNER", "DATA", "LOAD", or "SAVE". See also Mechanism:MaterialTag.mode.
- box_visible: ElementTag(Boolean): Whether the structure's bounding box is visible, only applies in LOAD mode.
- ignore_entities: ElementTag(Boolean): Whether entities in the structure are ignored, only applies in SAVE mode.
- show_invisible: ElementTag(Boolean): Whether invisible blocks in the structure are shown.