out of 3876 meta-documentation entries...Name | discordconnect |
Related Guide Page | https://guide.denizenscript.com/guides/expanding/ddiscordbot.html |
Syntax | discordconnect [id:<id>] [token:<secret>] (intents:<intent>|...) |
Short Description | Connects to Discord. |
Full Description | Connects to Discord.
The connection will automatically specify the following gateway intents: GUILD_MEMBERS, GUILD_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS, GUILD_MESSAGES, GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS, DIRECT_MESSAGES, DIRECT_MESSAGE_REACTIONS, MESSAGE_CONTENT Optionally specify additional Gateway Intents to use as a list of any of: GUILD_BANS, GUILD_WEBHOOKS, GUILD_INVITES, GUILD_VOICE_STATES, GUILD_PRESENCES, GUILD_MESSAGE_TYPING, DIRECT_MESSAGE_TYPING use "intents:clear|SOME_INTENT|etc" (ie the first entry as "clear") to clear out default intents and use only your manually specified choices. Note that you need to enable the 'members' and 'message content' intent on your bot in Discord bot settings https://discord.com/developers/applications And also may need to manually enable other intents if you specify any. If the members intent is not enabled, a significant amount of dDiscordBot's functionality will not work. Store your Discord bot token in the Denizen secrets file at 'plugins/Denizen/secrets.secret'. Refer to SecretTag for usage info. The command should usually be ~waited for. See ~waitable. |
Related Tags | <discord[<bot_id>]> Returns the Discord bot for the given bot ID.
Usage Example |
Group | external |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/commands/DiscordConnectCommand.java#L52 |
Name | DiscordBotTag |
Prefix | discord@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Implements | FlaggableObject |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord bots is the bot ID (as chosen in discord).
For example: mybot |
Description | A DiscordBotTag is an object that represents a Discord bot powered by dDiscordBot.
This object type is flaggable. Flags on this object type will be stored in: plugins/dDiscordBot/flags/bot_(botname).dat |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordBotTag.java#L19 |
Name | DiscordButtonTag |
Prefix | discordbutton@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord button is a map of button data. Do not alter raw button data, use the with.as tag instead. |
Description | A DiscordButtonTag is an object that represents a Discord button for use with dDiscordBot. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordButtonTag.java#L22 |
Name | DiscordChannelTag |
Prefix | discordchannel@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Implements | FlaggableObject |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord channels is the bot ID (optional), followed by the channel ID (required).
For example: 1234 Or: mybot,1234 |
Description | A DiscordChannelTag is an object that represents a channel (text or voice) on Discord, either as a generic reference,
or as a bot-specific reference (the relevant guild is inherently linked, and does not need to be specified). This object type is flaggable. Flags on this object type will be stored in: plugins/dDiscordBot/flags/bot_(botname).dat, under special sub-key "__channels" |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L28 |
Name | DiscordCommandTag |
Prefix | discordcommand@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Implements | FlaggableObject |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord commands is the bot ID (optional), followed by the guild ID (optional), followed by the command ID (required).
For example: 1234 Or: 12,1234 Or: mybot,12,1234 |
Description | A DiscordCommandTag is an object that represents a created slash command on Discord, as a bot-specific reference.
This object type is flaggable. Flags on this object type will be stored in: plugins/dDiscordBot/flags/bot_(botname).dat, under special sub-key "__commands" |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordCommandTag.java#L25 |
Name | DiscordEmbedTag |
Prefix | discordembed@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord embeds is a map of embed data.
The map matches the key set documented at DiscordEmbedTag.with.as, along with a "fields" key as a ListTag of MapTags with keys "title", "value", and "inline". |
Description | A DiscordEmbedTag is an object that represents a Discord embed for use with dDiscordBot. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordEmbedTag.java#L21 |
Name | DiscordGroupTag |
Prefix | discordgroup@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Implements | FlaggableObject |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord groups is the bot ID (optional), followed by the guild ID (required).
For example: 1234 Or: mybot,1234 |
Description | A DiscordGroupTag is an object that represents a group on Discord, either as a generic reference,
or as a bot-specific reference. Note that the correct name for what we call here a 'group' is inconsistent between different people. The Discord API calls it a "guild" (for historical reasons, not called that by *people* anymore usually), messages in the Discord app call it a "server" (which is a convenient name but is factually inaccurate, as they are not servers), many people will simply say "a Discord" (which is awkward for branding and also would be confusing if used in documentation). So we're going with "group" (which is still confusing because "group" sometimes refers to DM groups, but... it's good enough). This object type is flaggable. Flags on this object type will be stored in: plugins/dDiscordBot/flags/bot_(botname).dat, under special sub-key "__guilds" |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L27 |
Name | DiscordMessageTag |
Prefix | discordmessage@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Implements | FlaggableObject |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord messages is the bot ID (optional), followed by the channel ID (optional), followed by the message ID (required).
For example: 1234 Or: 12,1234 Or: mybot,12,1234 |
Description | A DiscordMessageTag is an object that represents a message already sent on Discord, either as a generic reference,
or as a bot-specific reference. Note that this is not used for messages that *are going to be* sent. Note that this often does not contain data for messages that have been deleted (unless that data is cached). This object type is flaggable. Flags on this object type will be stored in: plugins/dDiscordBot/flags/bot_(botname).dat, under special sub-key "__messages" |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L26 |
Name | DiscordReactionTag |
Prefix | discordreaction@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Implements | FlaggableObject |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord reactions is the bot ID, followed by the channel ID, followed by the message ID, followed by the reaction ID.
Or: mybot,12,1234,99 The reaction ID for custom reactions is an ID number, and for default emojis is the unicode text format of the emoji. |
Description | A DiscordReactionTag is an object that represents a reaction to a message already sent on Discord, as a generic reference.
This object type is flaggable. Flags on this object type will be stored in: plugins/dDiscordBot/flags/bot_(botname).dat, under special sub-key "__reactions" |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordReactionTag.java#L27 |
Name | DiscordRoleTag |
Prefix | discordrole@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Implements | FlaggableObject |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord roles is the bot ID (optional), followed by the guild ID (optional), followed by the role ID (required).
For example: 4321 Or: 1234,4321 Or: mybot,1234,4321 |
Description | A DiscordRoleTag is an object that represents a role on Discord, either as a generic reference,
or as a guild-specific reference, or as a bot+guild-specific reference. This object type is flaggable. Flags on this object type will be stored in: plugins/dDiscordBot/flags/bot_(botname).dat, under special sub-key "__roles" |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordRoleTag.java#L26 |
Name | DiscordSelectionTag |
Prefix | discordselection@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord selection menu is a map of menu data. Do not alter raw menu data, use the with.as tag instead. |
Description | A DiscordSelectionTag is an object that represents a Discord selection menu for use with dDiscordBot. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordSelectionTag.java#L24 |
Name | DiscordTextInputTag |
Prefix | discordtextinput@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord text input is a map of relevant data. Do not alter raw text input data, use the with.as tag instead. |
Description | A DiscordTextInputTag is an object that represents a Discord text input for use with dDiscordBot. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordTextInputTag.java#L21 |
Name | DiscordUserTag |
Prefix | discorduser@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Implements | FlaggableObject |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord users is the bot ID (optional), followed by the user ID (required).
For example: 1234 Or: mybot,1234 |
Description | A DiscordUserTag is an object that represents a user (human or bot) on Discord, either as a generic reference,
or as a bot-specific reference. This object type is flaggable. Flags on this object type will be stored in: plugins/dDiscordBot/flags/bot_(botname).dat, under special sub-key "__users" |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L28 |
Name | <discord_bots> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordBotTag) |
Description | Returns a list of all Discord bots currently loaded in dDiscordBot. |
Generated Example |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L102 |
Name | discord |
Related Guide Page | https://guide.denizenscript.com/guides/expanding/ddiscordbot.html |
Syntax | discord [id:<id>] [disconnect/add_role/start_typing/remove_role/status (status:<status>) (activity:<activity>)/rename] (<value>) (message_id:<id>) (channel:<channel>) (user:<user>) (group:<group>) (role:<role>) (url:<url>) |
Short Description | Interacts with Discord. |
Full Description | Interacts with Discord.
Commands may fail if the bot does not have permission within the Discord group to perform them. When setting the status of the Discord bot, the status argument can be: ONLINE, DND, IDLE, or INVISIBLE, and the activity argument can be: PLAYING, STREAMING, LISTENING, or WATCHING. Streaming activity requires a 'url:' input. The command should always be ~waited for. See ~waitable. |
Related Tags | <discord[<bot_id>]> Returns the Discord bot for the given bot ID.
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Group | external |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/commands/DiscordCommand.java#L38 |
Name | discordban |
Related Guide Page | https://guide.denizenscript.com/guides/expanding/ddiscordbot.html |
Syntax | discordban (id:<bot>) ({add}/remove) [user:<user>] [group:<group>] (reason:<reason>) (deletion_timeframe:<time>/{0s}) |
Short Description | Bans or unbans a member from a group. |
Full Description | Bans or unbans a member from a group.
To ban a user, use the "add" argument. To unban a user, use the "remove" argument. The group is required for both "add" and "remove" arguments, but "reason" can only be used with "add". Reasons show up in the group's Audit Logs. The "deletion_timeframe" argument will, if set, delete all messages sent by the user being banned within the timeframe given. The timeframe defaults to 0 seconds, which will not delete any messages. The timeframe cannot be greater than 7 days. This argument can only be used when adding a ban using the "add" argument, although it is not required. The command should usually be ~waited for. See ~waitable. |
Related Tags | <DiscordUserTag.is_banned[<group>]> returns if the user is banned from a certain group.
<DiscordGroupTag.banned_members> returns a list of all banned members in a group.
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Group | external |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/commands/DiscordBanCommand.java#L27 |
Name | discordcommand |
Related Guide Page | https://guide.denizenscript.com/guides/expanding/ddiscordbot.html |
Syntax | discordcommand (id:<bot>) [create/delete] (group:<group>) (name:<name>) (type:{slash}/user/message) (description:<description>) (options:<options>) |
Short Description | Manages Discord application commands. |
Full Description | Manages Discord application commands.
You can create a new command, edit the permissions of an existing command, or delete an existing command. To create (or delete) a command in a specific Discord guild, use the "group" argument. If not present, a global command will be created. NOTE: Global commands take up to an hour to register. When creating, both a name and description are required. Commands can be slash commands - activated via typing "/", message commands - activated by right-clicking a message, or user commands - activated by right-clicking a user. "Description" and "options" are only valid for slash commands. The "options" argument controls the command parameters. It is a MapTag of ordered MapTags that can sometimes hold ordered MapTags. It is recommended to use definemap or a data script key when creating commands. All option MapTags must have "type", "name", and "description" keys, with an optional "required" key (defaulting to true). The "type" key can be one of: STRING, INTEGER, BOOLEAN, USER, CHANNEL, ROLE, MENTIONABLE, NUMBER, ATTACHMENT. Additionally, the option map can include a "choices" key, which is a MapTag of ordered MapTags that have a "name" (what displays to the user) and a "value" (what gets passed to the client). Instead of choices, the option map can also include an "autocomplete" key controlling whether dynamic suggestions can be provided to the client (defaulting to false). See on discord command autocomplete. Editing application command permissions has been moved to the "Integrations" section in the server settings. Read more about it here: https://discord.com/blog/slash-commands-permissions-discord-apps-bots You DO NOT need to create a command on startup every time! Once a command is created, it will persist until you delete it. Using the "create" instruction on an existing command will update it. Commands and replies to interactions have limitations. See https://gist.github.com/MinnDevelopment/b883b078fdb69d0e568249cc8bf37fe9. See also Discord's internal API documentation for commands: https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands Generally used alongside discordinteraction The command should usually be ~waited for. See ~waitable. |
Related Tags | <entry[saveName].command> returns the DiscordCommandTag of a command upon creation, when the command is ~waited for.
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Group | external |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/commands/DiscordCommandCommand.java#L40 |
Name | discordcreatechannel |
Syntax | discordcreatechannel (id:<bot>) [group:<group>] [name:<name>] (description:<description>) (type:<type>) (category:<category_id>) (position:<#>) (roles:<list>) (users:<list>) |
Short Description | Creates text channels on Discord. |
Full Description | Creates text channels on Discord.
This functionality requires the Manage Channels permission. You can optionally specify the channel description (aka "topic") with the "description" argument. You can optionally specify the channel type. Valid types are TEXT, NEWS, CATEGORY, and VOICE. Only text and news channels can have a description. Categories cannot have a parent category. You can optionally specify the channel's parent category with the "category" argument. By default, the channel will not be attached to any category. You can optionally specify the channel's position in the list as an integer with the "position" argument. You can optionally specify the roles or users that are able to view the channel. The "roles" argument takes a list of DiscordRoleTags, and the "users" argument takes a list of DiscordUserTags. Specifying either of these arguments will create a private channel (hidden for anyone not in the lists). The command can be ~waited for. See ~waitable. |
Related Tags | <entry[saveName].channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag of a channel upon creation when the command is ~waited for.
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Group | external |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/commands/DiscordCreateChannelCommand.java#L30 |
Name | discordcreatethread |
Related Guide Page | https://guide.denizenscript.com/guides/expanding/ddiscordbot.html |
Syntax | discordcreatethread (id:<bot>) [name:<name>] [message:<message>/parent:<channel> (private)] |
Short Description | Creates a new Discord thread. |
Full Description | Creates a new Discord thread.
You must specify the bot object ID, and the thread name. You can either specify a full DiscordMessageTag instance to create a thread based on that message, OR specify a DiscordChannelTag parent and optionally mark it private (otherwise it's public). The command can be ~waited for. See ~waitable. |
Related Tags | <entry[saveName].created_thread> returns the newly created thread.
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Group | external |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/commands/DiscordCreateThreadCommand.java#L30 |
Name | discordinteraction |
Related Guide Page | https://guide.denizenscript.com/guides/expanding/ddiscordbot.html |
Syntax | discordinteraction [defer/reply/delete] [interaction:<interaction>] (ephemeral) (rows:<rows>) (<message>) (embed:<embed>|...) (attach_files:<map>) |
Short Description | Manages Discord interactions. |
Full Description | Manages Discord interactions.
You can defer, reply to, edit, or delete an interaction. These instructions all require the "interaction" argument. The "ephemeral" argument can be used to have the reply message be visible to that one user. You can defer an interaction before replying, which is useful if your reply may take more than a few seconds to be selected. If you defer, the 'ephemeral' option can only be set by the defer - you cannot change it with the later reply. Replying to an interaction uses similar logic to normal messaging. See discordmessage. If you deferred without using 'ephemeral', the 'delete' option will delete the "Thinking..." message. Ephemeral replies cannot have files. Slash commands, and replies to interactions, have limitations. See https://gist.github.com/MinnDevelopment/b883b078fdb69d0e568249cc8bf37fe9. Generally used alongside discordcommand The command can be ~waited for. See ~waitable. |
Related Tags | <entry[saveName].command> returns the DiscordCommandTag of a slash command upon creation, when the command is ~waited for.
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Group | external |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/commands/DiscordInteractionCommand.java#L31 |
Name | discordmessage |
Related Guide Page | https://guide.denizenscript.com/guides/expanding/ddiscordbot.html |
Syntax | discordmessage (id:<id>) [reply:<message>/edit:<message>/channel:<channel>/user:<user>] (<message>) (no_mention) (rows:<rows>) (embed:<embed>|...) (attach_files:<map>) (post_title:<name>) |
Short Description | Sends a message to a Discord channel. |
Full Description | Sends a message to a Discord channel.
Command may fail if the bot does not have permission within the Discord group to send a message in that channel. You can send the message to: a channel, user, or in reply to a previous message. If sending as a reply, optionally use "no_mention" to disable the default reply pinging the original user. Channels can be specified as either a copied ID, or using any tag that returns a valid DiscordChannelTag. To get IDs, enable "Developer Mode" in your Discord settings, then right click on the channel and press "Copy ID". You can edit an existing message by using "edit:<message>". You can use "attach_file_name:<name>" and "attach_file_text:<text>" to attach a text file with longer content than a normal message allows. Alternatively, you can use "attach_files:<map>" to attach files as a MapTag of the name of the file to the text or a BinaryTag. To send embeds, use "embed:<embed>|...". You can use "rows" to attach action rows of components, such as buttons to the message, using DiscordButtonTag, and DiscordSelectionTag. You can send a message into a Forum Channel with "post_title" specified to create a post in that forum. The command can be ~waited for. See ~waitable. |
Related Tags | <entry[saveName].message> returns the DiscordMessageTag of the sent message, when the command is ~waited for.
<discord[mybot].group[Denizen].channel[bot-spam]> is an example of a tag that will return an appropriate channel object for a named channel in a named group.
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Group | external |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/commands/DiscordMessageCommand.java#L43 |
Name | discordmodal |
Related Guide Page | https://guide.denizenscript.com/guides/expanding/ddiscordbot.html |
Syntax | discordmodal [interaction:<interaction>] [name:<name>] [rows:<rows>] (title:<title>) |
Short Description | Manages Discord modals. |
Full Description | With this command you can respond to an interaction using a modal.
A "modal" is a popup window that presents the user with a form to fill out. You can specify the modal's internal name for matching with in events. You can specify the title as text to display to the user. You can specify rows of user-inputs using DiscordTextInputTag. At time of writing, Selection input is not supported. You can listen to the responses to forms using discord modal submitted. You cannot defer an interaction before using a modal. It must be sent immediately. Note that the interaction can be any button or application command, but cannot be a modal submission - you cannot reply to a modal submit with a second modal. The command can be ~waited for. See ~waitable. |
Related Tags | None
Usage Example |
Group | external |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/commands/DiscordModalCommand.java#L34 |
Name | discordreact |
Related Guide Page | https://guide.denizenscript.com/guides/expanding/ddiscordbot.html |
Syntax | discordreact (id:<bot>) (channel:<channel>) [message:<message>] [add/remove/clear] [reaction:<reaction>/all] (user:<user>) |
Short Description | Manages message reactions on Discord. |
Full Description | Manages message reactions on Discord.
The message can be a DiscordMessageTag, or just the message ID, with a channel ID also given. You can add or remove reactions from the bot, or clear all reactions of a specific ID, or clear all reactions from a message entirely. Reactions can be unicode symbols, or custom emoji IDs. Optionally specify a user for 'remove' to remove only a specific user's reaction. 'Add' requires basic add-reaction permissions. 'Clear' requires 'manage messages' permission. For custom emoji, the ID is the numeric ID. For default emoji, the ID is the unicode symbol of the emoji. In both cases, you can copy the correct value by typing the emoji into Discord and prefixing it with a "\" symbol, like "\:myemoji:" and sending it - the sent message will show the internal form of the emoji. The command can be ~waited for. See ~waitable. |
Related Tags | <DiscordMessageTag.reactions> Returns a list of reaction on this message.
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Group | external |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/commands/DiscordReactCommand.java#L33 |
Name | discordtimeout |
Related Guide Page | https://guide.denizenscript.com/guides/expanding/ddiscordbot.html |
Syntax | discordtimeout (id:<bot>) ({add}/remove) [user:<user>] [group:<group>] (reason:<reason>) (duration:<duration>/{60s}) |
Short Description | Puts a user in timeout. |
Full Description | Puts a user in timeout.
To put a user in timeout, use the "add" argument. To remove the timeout, use the "remove" argument. The group is required for both "add" and "remove" arguments, but "reason" can only be used with "add". Reasons show up in the group's Audit Logs. The timeout duration defaults to 60 seconds. The duration cannot be greater than 28 days. This argument can only be used when putting a user in timeout using the "add" argument, although it is not required. The command can be ~waited for. See ~waitable. |
Related Tags | <DiscordUserTag.is_timed_out[<group>]> returns if the user is timed out in a certain group.
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Usage Example |
Group | external |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/commands/DiscordTimeoutCommand.java#L31 |
Name | discord application|slash|message|user command |
Event Lines | discord application|slash|message|user command |
Triggers | when a Discord user uses an application command. |
Generated Examples | after discord message command:
on discord message command: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
channel:<channel_id> to only process the event when it occurs in a specified Discord channel. group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. name:<command_name> to only process the event for a specified Discord application command. Spaces are replaced with underscores. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.interaction> returns the DiscordInteractionTag.
<context.command> returns the DiscordCommandTag.
<context.options> returns the supplied options as a MapTag.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordApplicationCommandScriptEvent.java#L8 |
Name | discord button clicked |
Event Lines | discord button clicked |
Triggers | when a Discord user clicks a button. |
Generated Examples | on discord button clicked:
after discord button clicked: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
channel:<channel_id> to only process the event when it occurs in a specified Discord channel. group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. id:<button_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord button. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.interaction> returns the DiscordInteractionTag.
<context.button> returns the DiscordButtonTag.
<context.message> returns the relevant message the button was on.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordButtonClickedScriptEvent.java#L10 |
Name | discord channel created |
Event Lines | discord channel created |
Triggers | when a Discord channel is created. |
Generated Examples | after discord channel created: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. type:<type> to only process the event if the channel is a specific channel_type. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.channel> returns the new DiscordChannelTag.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordChannelCreateScriptEvent.java#L11 |
Name | discord channel deleted |
Event Lines | discord channel deleted |
Triggers | when a Discord channel is created. |
Generated Examples | on discord channel deleted:
after discord channel deleted: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordChannelDeleteScriptEvent.java#L11 |
Name | discord command autocomplete |
Event Lines | discord command autocomplete |
Triggers | when a Discord user queries a slash command option that can be autocompleted. |
Example |
Example |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
channel:<channel_id> to only process the event when it occurs in a specified Discord channel. group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. name:<command_name> to only process the event for a specified Discord application command. Spaces are replaced with underscores. option:<option_name> to only process the event for a specified autocompletable option. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.interaction> returns the DiscordInteractionTag.
<context.command> returns the DiscordCommandTag.
<context.options> returns the supplied options as a MapTag.
<context.focused_option> returns the name of the focused option.
Determine | "CHOICES:<ListTag>" to suggest values to the Discord client. Up to 25 suggestions are allowed to be sent. Each entry can be an ElementTag which controls both the value and display of the choice or a MapTag with "name" and "value" keys to control both separately. |
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordCommandAutocompleteScriptEvent.java#L18 |
Name | discord message deleted |
Event Lines | discord message deleted |
Triggers | when a Discord user deletes a message. |
Generated Examples | after discord message deleted:
on discord message deleted: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
channel:<channel_id> to only process the event when it occurs in a specified Discord channel. group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.old_message_valid> returns whether the old message is available (it may be lost due to caching).
<context.old_message> returns the original DiscordMessageTag (data may be missing if not cached).
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordMessageDeletedScriptEvent.java#L18 |
Name | discord message modified |
Event Lines | discord message modified |
Triggers | when a Discord user modified a message. |
Generated Examples | on discord message modified: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
channel:<channel_id> to only process the event when it occurs in a specified Discord channel. group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.new_message> returns the message as it now exists, as a DiscordMessageTag.
<context.old_message_valid> returns whether the old message is available (it may be lost due to caching).
<context.old_message> returns the original DiscordMessageTag (data may be missing if not cached).
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordMessageModifiedScriptEvent.java#L20 |
Name | discord message reaction added |
Event Lines | discord message reaction added |
Triggers | when a Discord user added a reaction to a message. |
Generated Examples | on discord message reaction added:
after discord message reaction added: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
channel:<channel_id> to only process the event when it occurs in a specified Discord channel. group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.message> returns the message.
<context.user> returns the user that added the reaction.
<context.reaction> returns the new reaction.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordMessageReactionAddScriptEvent.java#L10 |
Name | discord message reaction removed |
Event Lines | discord message reaction removed |
Triggers | when a Discord user removes a reaction from a message. |
Generated Examples | on discord message reaction removed:
after discord message reaction removed: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
channel:<channel_id> to only process the event when it occurs in a specified Discord channel. group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.message> returns the DiscordMessageTag.
<context.user> returns the DiscordUserTag that removed the reaction.
<context.reaction> returns the old DiscordReactionTag.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordMessageReactionRemoveScriptEvent.java#L10 |
Name | discord message received |
Event Lines | discord message received |
Triggers | when a Discord bot receives a message. |
Generated Examples | after discord message received: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
channel:<channel_id> to only process the event when it occurs in a specified Discord channel. group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. message:<message> to only process the event if the message matches some matcher text, like 'message:*hello*' to match any message that contains the word 'hello'. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.new_message> returns the message received, as a DiscordMessageTag.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordMessageReceivedScriptEvent.java#L19 |
Name | discord modal submitted |
Event Lines | discord modal submitted |
Triggers | when a Discord user submits a modal. |
Generated Examples | on discord modal submitted:
after discord modal submitted: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
channel:<channel_id> to only process the event when it occurs in a specified Discord channel. group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. name:<modal_name> to only process the event for a specified Discord modal. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.interaction> returns the DiscordInteractionTag.
<context.name> returns the name of the modal.
<context.values> returns a MapTag of the values submitted by the user.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordModalSubmittedScriptEvent.java#L18 |
Name | discord selection used |
Event Lines | discord selection used |
Triggers | when a Discord user uses a selection menu. |
Generated Examples | after discord selection used:
on discord selection used: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
channel:<channel_id> to only process the event when it occurs in a specified Discord channel. group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. id:<menu_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord selection menu. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.channel> returns the DiscordChannelTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.interaction> returns the DiscordInteractionTag.
<context.menu> returns the selection menu as a DiscordSelectionTag.
<context.option> returns the selected option as a MapTag.
<context.message> returns the relevant message the selection was on.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordSelectionUsedScriptEvent.java#L11 |
Name | discord thread archived |
Event Lines | discord thread archived |
Triggers | when a Discord thread is archived. |
Generated Examples | after discord thread archived: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. parent:<channel_id> to only process the event for a specific parent channel ID. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.thread> returns the thread DiscordChannelTag.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Warning(s) | Not currently function. Will likely function in the future. |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordThreadArchivedScriptEvent.java#L11 |
Name | discord thread revealed |
Event Lines | discord thread revealed |
Triggers | when a Discord thread is pulled out of archive. |
Generated Examples | after discord thread revealed: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. parent:<channel_id> to only process the event for a specific parent channel ID. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.thread> returns the thread DiscordChannelTag.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Warning(s) | Not currently function. Will likely function in the future. |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordThreadRevealedScriptEvent.java#L11 |
Name | discord user joins |
Event Lines | discord user joins |
Triggers | when a Discord user joins a guild. |
Generated Examples | after discord user joins: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.user> returns the DiscordUserTag.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordUserJoinsScriptEvent.java#L11 |
Name | discord user leaves |
Event Lines | discord user leaves |
Triggers | when a Discord user leaves a guild. |
Generated Examples | after discord user leaves: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.user> returns the DiscordUserTag.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordUserLeavesScriptEvent.java#L11 |
Name | discord user nickname changes |
Event Lines | discord user nickname changes |
Triggers | when a Discord user's nickname change. |
Generated Examples | after discord user nickname changes:
on discord user nickname changes: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.user> returns the DiscordUserTag.
<context.old_name> returns the user's previous nickname (if any).
<context.new_name> returns the user's new nickname (if any).
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordUserNicknameChangeScriptEvent.java#L12 |
Name | discord user role changes |
Event Lines | discord user role changes |
Triggers | when a Discord user's roles change. |
Generated Examples | after discord user role changes: |
Switches | for:<bot> to only process the event for a specified Discord bot.
group:<group_id> to only process the event for a specified Discord group. |
Contexts | <context.bot> returns the relevant DiscordBotTag.
<context.group> returns the DiscordGroupTag.
<context.user> returns the DiscordUserTag.
<context.old_roles> returns a ListTag of the user's previous DiscordRoleTag set.
<context.new_roles> returns a ListTag of the user's new DiscordRoleTag set.
<context.added_roles> returns a ListTag of the user's added DiscordRoleTag set.
<context.removed_roles> returns a ListTag of the user's removed DiscordRoleTag set.
Group | Discord |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/events/DiscordUserRoleChangeScriptEvent.java#L18 |
Name | add_thread_member |
Object | DiscordChannelTag |
Input | DiscordUserTag |
Description | Adds the specified user to this thread. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L444 |
Name | delete |
Object | DiscordChannelTag |
Input | None |
Description | Deletes this channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L518 |
Name | is_thread_archived |
Object | DiscordChannelTag |
Input | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Related Tags | <DiscordChannelTag.is_thread_archived> Returns true if the thread is archived, or false if it is still open. (...)
Description | Changes whether this thread is archived. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L480 |
Name | is_thread_locked |
Object | DiscordChannelTag |
Input | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Related Tags | <DiscordChannelTag.is_thread_locked> Returns true if the thread is locked (cannot be pulled from archive). (...)
Description | Changes whether this thread is locked (can't be pulled from archive by non-moderators). |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L499 |
Name | name |
Object | DiscordChannelTag |
Input | ElementTag |
Related Tags | <DiscordChannelTag.name> Returns the name of the channel.
Description | Renames this channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L530 |
Name | remove_thread_member |
Object | DiscordChannelTag |
Input | DiscordUserTag |
Description | Removes the specified user from this thread. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L462 |
Name | topic |
Object | DiscordChannelTag |
Input | ElementTag |
Related Tags | <DiscordChannelTag.topic> Returns the topic for this channel.
Description | Changes the topic for this channel. The topic can only be 1024 characters or fewer.
Does not work for thread or forum channels. Provide no input to reset the topic. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L544 |
Name | crosspost |
Object | DiscordMessageTag |
Input | None |
Description | Crossposts the message, ie publishes a message in an announcement channel. |
Synonyms (Search Aid) | discordmessagetag.publish |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L459 |
Name | delete |
Object | DiscordMessageTag |
Input | None |
Description | Deletes the message. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L441 |
Name | is_pinned |
Object | DiscordMessageTag |
Input | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Related Tags | <DiscordMessageTag.is_pinned> Returns whether this message is pinned.
Description | Sets whether the message is pinned. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L478 |
Name | color |
Object | DiscordRoleTag |
Input | ColorTag |
Related Tags | <DiscordRoleTag.color> Returns the display color of the role, if any.
Description | Adjusts the specified role's color to the given ColorTag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordRoleTag.java#L258 |
Name | mentionable |
Object | DiscordRoleTag |
Input | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Description | Adjusts whether the specified role is mentionable by anyone (if not, can only be mentioned by users with mention-everyone permission). |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordRoleTag.java#L272 |
Name | move |
Object | DiscordUserTag |
Input | DiscordChannelTag |
Description | If this user is connected to a voice channel, moves them to the specified voice channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L519 |
Name | DiscordInteractionTag |
Prefix | discordinteraction@ |
Base Type | ElementTag |
Implements | FlaggableObject |
Identity Format | The identity format for Discord interactions is the bot ID, followed by the interaction ID.
For example: mybot,5678 |
Description | A DiscordInteractionTag is an object that represents an interaction on Discord, either as a generic reference, or as a bot-specific reference.
Interactions are temporary - they only exist for 15 minutes. This object type is flaggable. Flags on this object type will be stored in temporary memory. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordInteractionTag.java#L28 |
Name | <discord_button[(<button>)]> |
Returns | DiscordButtonTag |
Description | Returns a blank DiscordButtonTag instance, to be filled with data via the with.as tag.
Or, if given an input, returns a Discord Button object constructed from the input value. Refer to DiscordButtonTag. |
Generated Example |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L132 |
Name | <discord_channel[<channel>]> |
Returns | DiscordChannelTag |
Description | Returns a Discord Channel object constructed from the input value.
Refer to DiscordChannelTag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L148 |
Name | <discord_command[<command>]> |
Returns | DiscordCommandTag |
Description | Returns a Discord Command object constructed from the input value.
Refer to DiscordCommandTag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L164 |
Name | <discord_embed[(<embed>)]> |
Returns | DiscordEmbedTag |
Description | Returns a blank DiscordEmbedTag instance, to be filled with data via the with.as tag.
Or, if given an input, returns a Discord Embed object constructed from the input value. Refer to DiscordEmbedTag. |
Generated Example |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L180 |
Name | <discord_group[<group>]> |
Returns | DiscordGroupTag |
Description | Returns a Discord Group object constructed from the input value.
Refer to DiscordGroupTag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L196 |
Name | <discord_interaction[<interaction>]> |
Returns | DiscordInteractionTag |
Description | Returns a Discord Interaction object constructed from the input value.
Refer to DiscordInteractionTag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L212 |
Name | <discord_message[<message>]> |
Returns | DiscordMessageTag |
Description | Returns a Discord Message object constructed from the input value.
Refer to DiscordMessageTag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L228 |
Name | <discord_reaction[<reaction>]> |
Returns | DiscordReactionTag |
Description | Returns a Discord Reaction object constructed from the input value.
Refer to DiscordReactionTag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L244 |
Name | <discord_role[<role>]> |
Returns | DiscordRoleTag |
Description | Returns a Discord Role object constructed from the input value.
Refer to DiscordRoleTag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L260 |
Name | <discord_selection[(<menu>)]> |
Returns | DiscordSelectionTag |
Description | Returns a blank DiscordSelectionTag instance, to be filled with data via the with.as tag.
Or, if given an input, returns a Discord Selection object constructed from the input value. Refer to DiscordSelectionTag. |
Generated Example |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L276 |
Name | <discord_text_input[(<button>)]> |
Returns | DiscordTextInputTag |
Description | Returns a blank DiscordTextInputTag instance, to be filled with data via the with.as tag.
Or, if given an input, returns a Discord TextInput object constructed from the input value. Refer to DiscordTextInputTag. |
Generated Example |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L292 |
Name | <discord_user[<user>]> |
Returns | DiscordUserTag |
Description | Returns a Discord User object constructed from the input value.
Refer to DiscordUserTag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L308 |
Name | <discord[<bot-id>]> |
Returns | DiscordBotTag |
Description | Returns the Discord bot for the given bot ID. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/DenizenDiscordBot.java#L117 |
Name | <DiscordBotTag.command[<name>]> |
Returns | DiscordCommandTag |
Description | Returns the application command that best matches the input name, or null if there's no match. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordBotTag.java#L194 |
Name | <DiscordBotTag.commands> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordCommandTag) |
Description | Returns a list of all application commands. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordBotTag.java#L141 |
Name | <DiscordBotTag.group[<name>]> |
Returns | DiscordGroupTag |
Description | Returns the Discord group (aka 'guild' or 'server') that best matches the input name, or null if there's no match. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordBotTag.java#L160 |
Name | <DiscordBotTag.groups> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordGroupTag) |
Description | Returns a list of all groups (aka 'guilds' or 'servers') that this Discord bot has access to. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordBotTag.java#L122 |
Name | <DiscordBotTag.name> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the name of the bot. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordBotTag.java#L94 |
Name | <DiscordBotTag.self_user> |
Returns | DiscordUserTag |
Description | Returns the bot's own Discord user object. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordBotTag.java#L106 |
Name | <DiscordButtonTag.map> |
Returns | MapTag |
Description | Returns the MapTag internally backing this button tag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordButtonTag.java#L169 |
Name | <DiscordButtonTag.with_map[<map>]> |
Returns | DiscordButtonTag |
Description | Returns a copy of this Button tag, with the map of keys to values applied.
Refer to DiscordButtonTag.with.as. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordButtonTag.java#L101 |
Name | <DiscordButtonTag.with[<key>].as[<value>]> |
Returns | DiscordButtonTag |
Description | Returns a copy of this Button tag, with the specified data key set to the specified value.
The following keys are accepted, with values of the listed type: style: ElementTag of either primary, secondary, success, danger, or link id: ElementTag, can be a URL label: ElementTag disabled: ElementTag(Boolean) emoji: ElementTag |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordButtonTag.java#L132 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.active_threads> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordChannelTag) |
Description | Returns the list of all current (non-archived) thread channels inside this text channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L282 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.archived_threads> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordChannelTag) |
Description | Returns the list of all archived thread channels inside this text channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L304 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.channel_type> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the type of the channel.
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L155 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.connected_users> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordUserTag) |
Description | If the channel is a voice channel, returns the users connected to it. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L411 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.first_message> |
Returns | DiscordMessageTag |
Description | Returns the first message sent in the channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L375 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.group> |
Returns | DiscordGroupTag |
Description | Returns the group that owns this channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L337 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.id> |
Returns | ElementTag(Number) |
Description | Returns the ID number of the channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L167 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.is_thread_archived> |
Returns | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Mechanism | DiscordChannelTag.is_thread_archived |
Description | Returns true if the thread is archived, or false if it is still open.
Only applicable to thread-channels. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L226 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.is_thread_locked> |
Returns | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Mechanism | DiscordChannelTag.is_thread_locked |
Description | Returns true if the thread is locked (cannot be pulled from archive).
Only applicable to thread-channels. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L244 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.is_thread> |
Returns | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Description | Returns true if the channel is a thread, or false if it is some other type of channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L215 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.last_message> |
Returns | DiscordMessageTag |
Description | Returns the last message sent in the channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L391 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.mention> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the raw mention string for the channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L326 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.name> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Mechanism | DiscordChannelTag.name |
Description | Returns the name of the channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L143 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.parent> |
Returns | DiscordChannelTag |
Description | Returns the parent channel of this thread channel (if this channel is a thread). |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L178 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.pinned_messages> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordMessageTag) |
Description | Returns a list of the messages that are pinned in the channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L356 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.thread_members> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordUserTag) |
Description | Returns the list of users joined into this thread channel (if this channel is a thread). |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L195 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.threads> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordChannelTag) |
Description | Returns the list of all (archived or not) thread channels inside this text channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L262 |
Name | <DiscordChannelTag.topic> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Mechanism | DiscordChannelTag.topic |
Description | Returns the topic for this channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordChannelTag.java#L432 |
Name | <DiscordCommandTag.description> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the description of the command. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordCommandTag.java#L199 |
Name | <DiscordCommandTag.id> |
Returns | ElementTag(Number) |
Description | Returns the ID of the command. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordCommandTag.java#L177 |
Name | <DiscordCommandTag.name> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the name of the command. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordCommandTag.java#L188 |
Name | <DiscordCommandTag.options> |
Returns | ListTag(MapTag) |
Description | Returns the option MapTags of the command. This is the same value as the one provided when creating a command, as documented in DiscordCommand. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordCommandTag.java#L210 |
Name | <DiscordEmbedTag.add_field[<title>].value[<value>]> |
Returns | DiscordEmbedTag |
Description | Returns a copy of this Embed tag, with a field added with the given title and value. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordEmbedTag.java#L310 |
Name | <DiscordEmbedTag.add_inline_field[<title>].value[<value>]> |
Returns | DiscordEmbedTag |
Description | Returns a copy of this Embed tag, with an inline field added with the given title and value. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordEmbedTag.java#L341 |
Name | <DiscordEmbedTag.map> |
Returns | MapTag |
Description | Returns the MapTag internally backing this embed tag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordEmbedTag.java#L299 |
Name | <DiscordEmbedTag.output_length> |
Returns | ElementTag(Number) |
Description | Returns the total number of displayed characters this embed contains.
Discord rejects embeds with a total character count above 6000. There are other limits for embed objects, refer to https://discordjs.guide/popular-topics/embeds.html#embed-limits |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordEmbedTag.java#L373 |
Name | <DiscordEmbedTag.to_json> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the raw Discord-API-compatible JSON text of this embed. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordEmbedTag.java#L387 |
Name | <DiscordEmbedTag.with_map[<map>]> |
Returns | DiscordEmbedTag |
Description | Returns a copy of this Embed tag, with the map of keys to values applied.
Refer to DiscordEmbedTag.with.as. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordEmbedTag.java#L210 |
Name | <DiscordEmbedTag.with[<key>].as[<value>]> |
Returns | DiscordEmbedTag |
Description | Returns a copy of this Embed tag, with the specified data key set to the specified value.
The following keys are accepted, with values of the listed type: author_name: ElementTag author_url: ElementTag of a URL (requires author_name set) author_icon_url: ElementTag of a URL (requires author_name set) color: ColorTag description: ElementTag footer: ElementTag footer_icon: ElementTag of a URL (requires footer set) image: ElementTag of a URL thumbnail: ElementTag of a URL timestamp: TimeTag title: ElementTag title_url: ElementTag of a URL (requires title set) fields: generally don't use directly, but can be set to a list of maps wherein each sub-map has keys "title", "value", and "inline" (boolean) For fields, instead prefer DiscordEmbedTag.add_field.value and DiscordEmbedTag.add_inline_field.value. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordEmbedTag.java#L247 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.banned_members> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordUserTag) |
Description | Returns a list of all banned users in the group. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L192 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.channel[<name>]> |
Returns | DiscordChannelTag |
Description | Returns the channel that best matches the input name, or null if there's no match. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L269 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.channels> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordChannelTag) |
Description | Returns a list of all channels in the group. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L162 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.command[<name>]> |
Returns | DiscordCommandTag |
Description | Returns the guild command that best matches the input name, or null if there's no match. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L327 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.commands> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordCommandTag) |
Description | Returns a list of all commands in the group. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L222 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.emoji_id[<name>]> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the ID of the emoji that best matches the input name, or null if there's no match. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L371 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.emoji_names> |
Returns | ListTag |
Description | Returns a list of emoji names in the group. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L356 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.id> |
Returns | ElementTag(Number) |
Description | Returns the ID number of the group. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L151 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.member[<name>]> |
Returns | DiscordUserTag |
Description | Returns the group member that best matches the input name, or null if there's no match.
For input of username#id, will always only match for the exact user. For input of only the username, return value might be unexpected if multiple members have the same username (this happens more often than you might expect - many users accidentally join new Discord groups from the web on a temporary web account, then rejoin on a local client with their 'real' account). |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L237 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.members> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordUserTag) |
Description | Returns a list of all users in the group. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L177 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.name> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the name of the group. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L140 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.role[<name>]> |
Returns | DiscordRoleTag |
Description | Returns the role that best matches the input name, or null if there's no match. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L298 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.roles> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordRoleTag) |
Description | Returns a list of all roles in the group. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L207 |
Name | <DiscordGroupTag.users_with_roles[<role>|...]> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordUserTag) |
Description | Returns a list of all users in the group who have all the specified roles. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordGroupTag.java#L400 |
Name | <DiscordInteractionTag.channel> |
Returns | DiscordChannelTag |
Description | Returns the channel that the interaction was created in. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordInteractionTag.java#L168 |
Name | <DiscordInteractionTag.id> |
Returns | ElementTag(Number) |
Description | Returns the ID of the interaction. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordInteractionTag.java#L157 |
Name | <DiscordInteractionTag.is_direct> |
Returns | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Description | Returns true if the interaction was sent in a direct (private) channel, or false if in a public channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordInteractionTag.java#L179 |
Name | <DiscordInteractionTag.target_message> |
Returns | DiscordMessageTag |
Description | Returns the message being targeted by a MESSAGE application interaction. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordInteractionTag.java#L216 |
Name | <DiscordInteractionTag.target_user> |
Returns | DiscordUserTag |
Description | Returns the user being targeted by a USER application interaction. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordInteractionTag.java#L202 |
Name | <DiscordInteractionTag.user> |
Returns | DiscordUserTag |
Description | Returns the user of the interaction. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordInteractionTag.java#L191 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.attachments> |
Returns | ListTag |
Description | Returns a list of attachment URLs for this message. Most messages will return an empty list, or a single-entry list,
however it is possible in some cases for a single message to have multiple attachments. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L425 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.author> |
Returns | DiscordUserTag |
Description | Returns the author of the message. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L283 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.channel> |
Returns | DiscordChannelTag |
Description | Returns the channel that the message was sent to. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L228 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.embed> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordEmbedTag) |
Description | Returns a list of "embed" formatted data on this message. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L343 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.id> |
Returns | ElementTag(Number) |
Description | Returns the ID of the message. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L203 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.is_direct> |
Returns | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Description | Returns true if the message was sent in a direct (private) channel, or false if in a public channel. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L332 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.is_pinned> |
Returns | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Mechanism | DiscordMessageTag.is_pinned |
Description | Returns whether this message is pinned. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L305 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.mentioned_users> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordUserTag) |
Description | Returns a list of users mentioned (pinged) by this message. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L317 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.next_messages[<#>]> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordMessageTag) |
Description | Returns a list of the next (specified number) messages sent in the channel after this message.
The list is ordered from most recent to least recent. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L391 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.previous_messages[<#>]> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordMessageTag) |
Description | Returns a list of the last (specified number) messages sent in the channel prior to this message.
The list is ordered from most recent to least recent. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L373 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.reactions> |
Returns | ListTag |
Description | Returns a list of reaction on this message. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L358 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.replied_to> |
Returns | DiscordMessageTag |
Description | Returns the message that this message was in reply to (if any). |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L409 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.text_display> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the display text of the message (special codes like pings formatted to how they should look for users). |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L261 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.text_no_mentions> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the text of the message, with '@' mentions removed. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L272 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.text_stripped> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the stripped text of the message (format codes like bold removed). |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L250 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.text> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the full text of the message. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L239 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.url> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the full jump URL to this message.
This returns link text that looks something like "https://discord.com/channels/315163488085475337/315163488085475337/980909305589026906" Where the URL is Discord's webserver, followed by Group ID, Channel ID, then Message ID. DM messages follow a slightly different but very similar format. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L214 |
Name | <DiscordMessageTag.was_edited> |
Returns | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Description | Returns whether this message was edited. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordMessageTag.java#L294 |
Name | <DiscordReactionTag.count> |
Returns | ElementTag(Number) |
Description | Returns the amount of times this reaction exists on the message. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordReactionTag.java#L228 |
Name | <DiscordReactionTag.id> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the ID of the reaction emote.
For custom emoji, this is a numeric ID. For default emoji, this is the unicode symbol. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordReactionTag.java#L200 |
Name | <DiscordReactionTag.is_animated> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns whether the emote reacted is animated (an "animoji"). |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordReactionTag.java#L253 |
Name | <DiscordReactionTag.message> |
Returns | DiscordMessageTag |
Description | Returns the message this reaction is attached to. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordReactionTag.java#L212 |
Name | <DiscordReactionTag.name> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the name of the emoji. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordReactionTag.java#L242 |
Name | <DiscordReactionTag.reactors> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordUserTag) |
Description | Returns the list of users that added this reaction to the message. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordReactionTag.java#L264 |
Name | <DiscordRoleTag.color> |
Returns | ColorTag |
Mechanism | DiscordRoleTag.color |
Description | Returns the display color of the role, if any. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordRoleTag.java#L212 |
Name | <DiscordRoleTag.group> |
Returns | DiscordGroupTag |
Description | Returns the group that owns this role. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordRoleTag.java#L201 |
Name | <DiscordRoleTag.id> |
Returns | ElementTag(Number) |
Description | Returns the ID number of the role. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordRoleTag.java#L179 |
Name | <DiscordRoleTag.mention> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the raw mention string of the role. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordRoleTag.java#L190 |
Name | <DiscordRoleTag.name> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the name of the role. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordRoleTag.java#L168 |
Name | <DiscordRoleTag.permissions> |
Returns | ListTag |
Description | Returns a list of permissions that the role provides for users. You can get a list of possible outputs here: https://ci.dv8tion.net/job/JDA5/javadoc/net/dv8tion/jda/api/Permission.html |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordRoleTag.java#L243 |
Name | <DiscordRoleTag.users> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordUserTag) |
Description | Returns a list of all users with this role. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordRoleTag.java#L228 |
Name | <DiscordSelectionTag.map> |
Returns | MapTag |
Description | Returns the MapTag internally backing this selection tag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordSelectionTag.java#L222 |
Name | <DiscordSelectionTag.with_map[<map>]> |
Returns | DiscordSelectionTag |
Description | Returns a copy of this Selection tag, with the map of keys to values applied.
Refer to DiscordSelectionTag.with.as. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordSelectionTag.java#L152 |
Name | <DiscordSelectionTag.with[<key>].as[<value>]> |
Returns | DiscordSelectionTag |
Description | Returns a copy of this Selection tag, with the specified data key set to the specified value.
The following keys are accepted, with values of the listed type: id: ElementTag placeholder: ElementTag options: MapTag where the values are also a MapTag consisting of: - label: ElementTag - value: ElementTag - description: ElementTag - emoji: ElementTag |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordSelectionTag.java#L183 |
Name | <DiscordTextInputTag.map> |
Returns | MapTag |
Description | Returns the MapTag internally backing this text input tag. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordTextInputTag.java#L193 |
Name | <DiscordTextInputTag.with_map[<map>]> |
Returns | DiscordTextInputTag |
Description | Returns a copy of this TextInput tag, with the map of keys to values applied.
Refer to DiscordTextInputTag.with.as. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordTextInputTag.java#L122 |
Name | <DiscordTextInputTag.with[<key>].as[<value>]> |
Returns | DiscordTextInputTag |
Description | Returns a copy of this TextInput tag, with the specified data key set to the specified value.
The following keys are accepted, with values of the listed type: style: short or paragraph id: ElementTag label: ElementTag min_length: ElementTag(Number) max_length: ElementTag(Number) is_required: ElementTag(Boolean) value: ElementTag placeholder: ElementTag |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordTextInputTag.java#L153 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.activity_name[<group>]> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the name of the activity of the user, as seen from the given group.
Not present for all users. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L361 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.activity_type[<group>]> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the activity type of the user, as seen from the given group.
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L334 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.activity_url[<group>]> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the stream URL of the activity of the user, as seen from the given group.
Not present for all users. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L387 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.avatar_url> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the URL to the user's avatar. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L243 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.discriminator> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the discriminator ID of the user. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L215 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.display_name> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the global display name of the user, if any.
To obtain a server-specific display name, use DiscordUserTag.nickname. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L416 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.id> |
Returns | ElementTag(Number) |
Description | Returns the ID number of the user. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L289 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.is_banned[<group>]> |
Returns | ElementTag(boolean) |
Description | Returns whether the user is banned from a certain group. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L480 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.is_bot> |
Returns | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Description | Returns a boolean indicating whether the user is a bot. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L229 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.is_in_group[<group>]> |
Returns | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Description | Returns true if the user exists and is recognized, or false if it can't be seen.
If this returns false, some usages of the object may still be valid. It may return false due to caching issues or because the user doesn't share a guild with the bot. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L197 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.is_timed_out[<group>]> |
Returns | ElementTag(boolean) |
Description | Returns whether the user is timed out in a certain group. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L502 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.is_valid> |
Returns | ElementTag(Boolean) |
Description | Returns true if the user exists and is recognized, or false if it can't be seen.
If this returns false, some usages of the object may still be valid. It may return false due to caching issues or because the user doesn't share a guild with the bot. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L184 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.mention> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the raw mention string for the user. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L301 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.name> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the base username of the user. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L170 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.nickname[<group>]> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the group-specific nickname of the user (if any). |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L257 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.permissions[<group>]> |
Returns | ListTag |
Description | Returns a list of permissions that the user has in a certain group. You can get a list of possible outputs here: https://ci.dv8tion.net/job/JDA5/javadoc/net/dv8tion/jda/api/Permission.html |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L455 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.roles[<group>]> |
Returns | ListTag(DiscordRoleTag) |
Description | Returns a list of all roles the user has in the given group. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L432 |
Name | <DiscordUserTag.status[<group>]> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the status of the user, as seen from the given group.
Can be any of: online, dnd, idle, invisible, offline. |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/objects/DiscordUserTag.java#L312 |
Name | <ElementTag.discord_id_to_time> |
Returns | TimeTag |
Description | Returns the TimeTag converted from the given discord ID.
Discord IDs internally are just timestamps in a Discord-specific numeric format. |
Example |
Group | extensions |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/properties/DiscordElementTagExtensions.java#L11 |
Name | <TimeTag.format_discord[(<style>)]> |
Returns | ElementTag |
Description | Returns the time formatted for display on Discord, optionally using the specified style from https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#message-formatting-timestamp-styles.
For example: <util.time_now.format_discord> or <util.time_now.format_discord[R]> Note that style input, if used, is case sensitive. |
Generated Example |
Group | extensions |
Requires | dDiscordBot |
Source | https://github.com/DenizenScript/dDiscordBot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/ddiscordbot/properties/DiscordTimeTagExtensions.java#L10 |