Denizen Script Tags

Tags are always written with a <between these marks>, and are critical to scripts, as the primary way to read data.
Learn about how tags work in The Beginner's Guide.

Showing 1 out of 2462 tags...
DescriptionReturns a list of class names in the current stack history.
More stable than Tag:util.stack_trace
This contains a lot of stray content, the first 4 to 20 or so classes in this list are likely irrelevant to what you're searching for.
Each entry in the list is a raw class name, like "com.denizenscript.denizencore.tags.core.UtilTagBase".
Class names may appear multiple times in a row if that class contains methods that call each other.
Generated Example
- foreach <util.java_class_context> as:entry:
    - narrate "found <[entry]>"