Denizen Script Object Types

Object Types are the fundamental types of data passed around in a Denizen script, often seen as the return type of a tag.
Learn about how objects work in The Beginner's Guide.

Showing 1 out of 72 object types...
Base TypeElementTag
Identity FormatThe identity format for TimeTags is "yyyy/mm/dd_hh:mm:ss:mill_offset"
So, for example, 'time@2020/05/23_02:20:31:123_-07:00'
DescriptionA TimeTag represents a real world date/time value.

TimeTags can also be constructed from 'yyyy/mm/dd', 'yyyy/mm/dd_hh:mm:ss', or 'yyyy/mm/dd_hh:mm:ss:mill'.
(Meaning: the offset is optional, the milliseconds are optional, and the time-of-day is optional,
but if you exclude an optional part, you must immediately end the input there, without specifying more).

This object type is flaggable.
Flags on this object type will be stored in the server saves file, under special sub-key "__time"