Denizen Script Mechanisms

Mechanisms are found in object properties, the 'adjust' command, and similar. These are used to change the state of an object.
Learn about how mechanisms work in The Beginner's Guide.

Showing 1 out of 651 mechanisms...
DescriptionShears entities in the same way as a player can do using shears, including drops.
If the entity is not ready to be sheared, there will be no drops but the sound will still play.

This mech will:
- Shear a sheep
- harvest a bogged
- harvest a mushroom cow (note: entity data will be lost as Minecraft will remove the entity and spawn an entirely new cow instead)
- derp a snowman (i.e. remove the pumpkin)

Optionally, specify a sound source to change the source of the sound.
Valid sound sources can be found here: 🔗
# Shears the entity you're looking at.
- adjust <> shear