Denizen Script Tags

Tags are always written with a <between these marks>, and are critical to scripts, as the primary way to read data.
Learn about how tags work in The Beginner's Guide.

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DescriptionReturns information at the framed item of a filled map that an entity is currently looking at, if any.
The map contains key "x" and "y" as coordinates in the range of 0 to 128. These will automatically correct for rotation, if the framed item is rotated.
The map contains "entity" as the EntityTag of the item frame.
The map also contains "map" as the ID of the targeted map.
Returns null if the entity is not looking at an item_frame holding a filled_map.
Generated Example
- foreach <player.trace_framed_map> key:key as:val:
    - narrate "<[key]> is set as <[val]>"