Denizen Script Tags

Tags are always written with a <between these marks>, and are critical to scripts, as the primary way to read data.
Learn about how tags work in The Beginner's Guide.

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DescriptionReturns the damage bonus this enchantment applies against the given monster type.
The input is a MapTag with a level value and a monster type specified, where the type can be any of: ARTHROPOD, ILLAGER, WATER, UNDEAD, or UNDEFINED
See also Tag:EntityTag.monster_type for getting the category of another mob.
# Narrates "With Bane of Arthropods 2, you get a damage bonus of 5 on arthropods!"
- narrate "With Bane of Arthropods 2, you get a damage bonus of <enchantment[bane_of_arthropods].damage_bonus[level=2;type=arthropod]> on arthropods!"