Denizen Script Mechanisms

Mechanisms are found in object properties, the 'adjust' command, and similar. These are used to change the state of an object.
Learn about how mechanisms work in The Beginner's Guide.

Showing 1 out of 651 mechanisms...
Related Tags<ItemTag.components_patch> (Property) Returns the item's internal component patch. That is, the changes in components on top of the item type's default components. (...)
Description(Property) Sets the item's internal component patch. That is, the changes in components on top of the item type's default components.
The map is in Language:Raw NBT Encoding format.
This is mainly intended for item data persistence, and scripts should prefer using proper item properties instead of setting raw data directly.
If you're trying to control custom data (such as data set by other plugins), use Property:ItemTag.custom_data.
Warning(s)Due to this being a direct representation of internal data, compatibility for script usage across versions is not guaranteed.