Denizen Script Mechanisms

Mechanisms are found in object properties, the 'adjust' command, and similar. These are used to change the state of an object.
Learn about how mechanisms work in The Beginner's Guide.

Showing 1 out of 637 mechanisms...
Related Tags<BiomeTag.foliage_color> Returns the approximate foliage color of this biome. Foliage includes leaves and vines. (...)
DescriptionSets the foliage color of this biome. Foliage includes leaves and vines.
Colors reset on server restart. For the change to take effect on the players' clients, they must quit and rejoin the server.
# Adjusts the foliage color of the plains biome permanently, using a server start event to keep it applied.
# Now the leaves and vines will be a nice salmon-pink!
on server start:
- adjust <biome[plains]> foliage_color:#F48D8D