Denizen Script Language Explanations

Language Explanations explain components of Denizen in a more direct and technical way than The Beginner's Guide.

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NameItem Script Containers
DescriptionItem script containers are an easy way to pre-define custom items for use within scripts. Item
scripts work with the ItemTag object, and can be fetched with the Object Fetcher by using the
ItemTag constructor ItemTag_script_name. Example: - drop <player.location> super_dooper_diamond

The following is the format for the container. Except for the 'material' key (and the dScript
required 'type' key), all other keys are optional.

# The name of the item script is the same name that you can use to construct a new
# ItemTag based on this item script. For example, an item script named 'sword_of_swiftness'
# can be referred to as simply 'sword_of_swiftness'.

    type: item

    # Must be a valid ItemTag. See 'ItemTag' for more information.
    # | All item scripts MUST have this key!
    material: base_material

    # List any mechanisms you want to apply to the item within
    # | Some item scripts should have this key!
      # An example of a mechanism to apply
      unbreakable: true
      # Other common example
      custom_model_data: 5
      # This demonstrates how to add a custom attribute modifier.
          # One subkey for each attribute you want to modify.
          # Valid attribute names are listed at
              # Each attribute can have a list of modifiers, using numbered keys. They will be applied in numeric order, low to high.
                  # Each modifier requires keys 'operation' and 'amount', and can optionally have keys 'name', 'slot', and 'id'.
                  # Operations can be: ADD_NUMBER, ADD_SCALAR, and MULTIPLY_SCALAR_1
                  operation: add_number
                  amount: 5
                  # Slots can be: HAND, OFF_HAND, FEET, LEGS, CHEST, HEAD, ANY
                  slot: head
                  # ID is a UUID used to uniquely identify modifiers. If unspecified the ID will be randomly generated.
                  # Items with modifiers that lack IDs cannot be stacked due to the random generation.
                  id: 10000000-1000-1000-1000-100000000000

    # The 'custom name' can be anything you wish. Use color tags to make colored custom names.
    # | Some item scripts should have this key!
    display name: custom name

    # Lore lines can make items extra unique. This is a list, so multiple entries will result in multiple lores.
    # If using a replaceable tag, they are filled in when the item script is given/created/dropped/etc.
    # | Some item scripts should have this key!
    - item
    - ...

    # If you want an item to be damaged on creation, you can change its durability.
    # | Most item scripts should exclude this key!
    durability: 12

    # Each line must specify a valid enchantment name.
    # | Some item scripts should have this key!
    - enchantment_name:level
    - ...

    # Set this to 'true' to allow the item script item to be used in material-based recipe (eg most vanilla recipes).
    # Defaults to false if unspecified.
    # | Most item scripts should exclude this key!
    allow in material recipes: false

    # You can specify flags to be added to the item.
      # Each line within the flags section should be a flag name as a key, and the flag value as the value.
      # You can use lists or maps here the way you would expect them to work.
      my_flag: my value

    # You can optionally add crafting recipes for your item script.
    # Note that recipes won't show in the recipe book when you add a new item script, until you either reconnect or use the "resend_recipes" mechanism.
    # | Most item scripts should exclude this key, unless you're specifically building craftable items.
            # The type can be: shaped, shapeless, stonecutting, furnace, blast, smoker, campfire, or smithing.
            # | All recipes must include this key!
            type: shaped
            # The recipe can optionally have a custom internal recipe ID (for recipe books).
            # If not specified, will be of the form "<type>_<>_<id>" where ID is the recipe list index (starting at 1, counting up).
            # IDs will always have the namespace "denizen". So, for the below, the full ID is "denizen:my_custom_item_id"
            # Note that most users should not set a custom ID. If you choose to set a custom one, be careful to avoid duplicates or invalid text.
            # Note that the internal rules for Recipe IDs are very strict (limited to "a-z", "0-9", "/", ".", "_", or "-").
            # | Most recipes should exclude this key.
            recipe_id: my_custom_item_id
            # You can optionally add a group as well. If unspecified, the item will have no group.
            # Groups are used to merge together similar recipes in the recipe book (in particular, multiple recipes for one item).
            # | Most recipes should exclude this key.
            group: my_custom_group
            # You can optionally specify the quantity to output. The default is 1 (or whatever the item script's quantity is).
            # | Only some recipes should have this key.
            output_quantity: 4
            # You must specify the input for the recipe. The below is a sample of a 3x3 shaped recipe. Other recipe types have a different format.
            # You are allowed to have non-3x3 shapes (can be any value 1-3 x 1-3, so for example 1x3, 2x1, and 2x2 are fine).
            # For an empty slot, use "air".
            # By default, items require an exact match. For a material-based match, use the format "material:MaterialNameHere" like "material:stick".
            # To make multiple different items match for any slot, just separate them with slashes, like "stick/stone".
            # To match multiple materials, use "material:a/b/c".
            # You can also make a dynamic matcher using '*', like "material:*_log" to match any log block,
            # or 'test_*' to match any item script that has name starting with 'test_'.
            # Note that to require multiple of an item as an input, the only option is to use multiple slots.
            # A single slot cannot require a quantity of items, as that is not part of the minecraft recipe system.
            # | All recipes must include this key!
            - ItemTag|ItemTag|ItemTag
            - ItemTag|ItemTag|ItemTag
            - ItemTag|ItemTag|ItemTag
       # You can add as many as you want.
            # Sample of the format for a 2x2 recipe
            type: shaped
            - ItemTag|ItemTag
            - ItemTag|ItemTag
           # Shapeless recipes take a list of input items.
           type: shapeless
           # Optionally specify the shapeless category for shapeless recipes, as "building", "redstone", "equipment", or "misc". Defaults to "misc" if unspecified.
           # | Only some recipes should have this key.
           category: misc
           input: ItemTag|...
           # Stonecutting recipes take exactly one input item.
           type: stonecutting
           input: ItemTag
           # Furnace, blast, smoker, and campfire recipes take one input and have additional options.
           type: furnace
           # Optionally specify the cook time as a duration (default 2s).
           # | Only some recipes should have this key.
           cook_time: 1s
           # Optionally specify the cooking category for cooking recipes, as "food", "blocks", or "misc". Defaults to "misc" if unspecified.
           # | Only some recipes should have this key.
           category: misc
           # Optionally specify experience reward amount (default 0).
           # | Only some recipes should have this key.
           experience: 5
           input: ItemTag
           # Smithing recipes take one base item and one upgrade item.
           # In versions 1.20 and up, smithing recipes take one template item, one base item, and one upgrade item.
           type: smithing
           template: ItemTag
           base: ItemTag
           # Optionally, choose what values to retain, as a simple pipe-separated list of parts to retain.
           # If unspecified, no values will be retained.
           # Parts can be: 'display', 'enchantments'
           retain: display|enchantments
           upgrade: ItemTag

           # Brewing recipes take one base item and one ingredient item.
           # | Brewing recipes are only available on Paper versions 1.18 and up.
           # | Brewing recipes also have a special input option on 1.20 and above: "matcher:<item matcher>", to allow advanced matchers on the input/ingredient items.
           type: brewing
           input: ItemTag
           ingredient: ItemTag

    # Set to true to not store the scriptID on the item, treating it as an item dropped by any other plugin.
    # | Most item scripts should exclude this key!
    no_id: true/false

    # If your material is a 'written_book', you can specify a book script to automatically scribe your item
    # upon creation. See 'book script containers' for more information.
    # | Most item scripts should exclude this key, though there are certain rare cases it may be useful to.
    book: book_script_name
GroupScript Container System