Denizen Script Language Explanations

Language Explanations explain components of Denizen in a more direct and technical way than The Beginner's Guide.

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NameInventory Script Containers
DescriptionInventory script containers are an easy way to pre-define custom inventories for use within scripts.
Inventory scripts work with the InventoryTag object, and can be fetched with the Object Fetcher by using the
InventoryTag constructor InventoryTag_script_name.

Example: - inventory open d:MyInventoryScript

The following is the format for the container.

The 'inventory:' key is required, other keys vary based on the type.
Some types will require you define either 'size:' or 'slots:' (or both).
'Procedural items:' and 'definitions:' are optional, and should only be defined if needed.

# The name of the script is the same name that you can use to construct a new
# InventoryTag based on this inventory script. For example, an inventory script named 'Super_Cool_Inventory'
# can be referred to as 'Super_Cool_Inventory'.

    type: inventory

    # Must be a valid inventory type.
    # | All inventory scripts MUST have this key!
    inventory: inventory type

    # The title can be anything you wish. Use color tags to make colored titles.
    # Note that titles only work for some inventory types, including ANVIL, CHEST, DISPENSER, FURNACE, ENCHANTING, HOPPER, WORKBENCH
    # | MOST inventory scripts should have this key!
    title: custom title

    # The size must be a multiple of 9. It is recommended to not go above 54, as it will not show correctly when a player looks into it.
    # | Some inventory scripts should have this key! Most can exclude it if 'slots' is used.
    size: 27

    # Set 'gui' to 'true' to indicate that the inventory is a GUI, meaning it's a set of buttons to be clicked, not a container of items.
    # This will prevent players from taking items out of or putting items into the inventory.
    # | SOME inventory scripts should have this key!
    gui: true

    # You can use definitions to define items to use in the slots. These are not like normal script definitions, and do not need to be in a definition tag.
    # | Some inventory scripts MAY have this key, but it is optional. Most scripts will just specify items directly.
        my item: ItemTag
        other item: ItemTag

    # Procedural items can be used to specify a list of ItemTags for the empty slots to be filled with.
    # Each item in the list represents the next available empty slot.
    # When the inventory has no more empty slots, it will discard any remaining items in the list.
    # A slot is considered empty when it has no value specified in the slots section.
    # If the slot is filled with air, it will no longer count as being empty.
    # | Most inventory scripts should exclude this key, but it may be useful in some cases.
    procedural items:
    - define list <list>
    - foreach <server.online_players>:
        # Insert some form of complex doesn't-fit-in-just-a-tag logic here
        - define item <[value].skull_item>
        - define list:->:<[item]>
    - determine <[list]>

    # You can specify the items in the slots of the inventory. For empty spaces, simply put an empty "slot" value, like "[]".
    # | Most inventory scripts SHOULD have this key!
    - [] [] [] [my item] [ItemTag] [] [other item] [] []
    - [my item] [] [] [] [] [ItemTag] [ItemTag] [] []
    - [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [other item]
GroupScript Container System