Denizen Script Language Explanations

Language Explanations explain components of Denizen in a more direct and technical way than The Beginner's Guide.

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NameEconomy Script Containers
DescriptionEconomy script containers

Economy script containers provide a Vault economy, which can be used in scripts by and Command:money
and as well by any other plugin that relies on economy functionality (such as shop plugins).

Note that vault economy bank systems are not currently supported.
Per-world economies are also not currently supported.

Note that in most cases, you do not want to have multiple economy providers, as only one will actually be in use.


Economy scripts can be automatically disabled by adding "enabled: false" as a root key (supports any load-time-parseable tags).

# The script name will be shown to the economy provider as the name of the economy system.

    type: economy

    # The Bukkit service priority. Priorities are Lowest, Low, Normal, High, Highest.
    priority: normal
    # The name of the currency in the singular (such as "dollar" or "euro").
    name single: scripto
    # The name of the currency in the plural (such as "dollars" or "euros").
    name plural: scriptos
    # How many digits after the decimal to include. For example, '2' means '1.05' is a valid amount, but '1.005' will be rounded.
    digits: 2
    # Format the standard output for the money in human-readable format. Use "<[amount]>" for the actual amount to display.
    # Fully supports tags.
    format: $<[amount]>
    # A tag that returns the balance of a linked player. Use a 'proc[]' tag if you need more complex logic.
    # Must return a decimal number.
    balance: <player.flag[money]>
    # A tag that returns a boolean indicating whether the linked player has the amount specified by def "<[amount]>".
    # Use a 'proc[]' tag if you need more complex logic.
    # Must return 'true' or 'false'.
    has: <player.flag[money].is[or_more].than[<[amount]>]>
    # A script that removes the amount of money needed from a player.
    # Note that it's generally up to the systems calling this script to verify that the amount can be safely withdrawn, not this script itself.
    # However you may wish to verify that the player has the amount required within this script.
    # The script may determine a failure message if the withdraw was refused. Determine nothing for no error.
    # Use def 'amount' for the amount to withdraw.
    - flag <player> money:-:<[amount]>
    # A script that adds the amount of money needed to a player.
    # The script may determine a failure message if the deposit was refused. Determine nothing for no error.
    # Use def 'amount' for the amount to deposit.
    - flag <player> money:+:<[amount]>

GroupScript Container System