Denizen Script Language Explanations

Language Explanations explain components of Denizen in a more direct and technical way than The Beginner's Guide.

Showing 1 out of 82 language explanations...
NameCommand Syntax
DescriptionAlmost every Denizen command and requirement has arguments after the command itself.
These arguments are just snippets of text showing what exactly the command should do,
like what the chat command should say, or where the look command should point.
But how do you know what to put in the arguments?

You merely need to look at the command's usage/syntax info.
Let's take for example:

- animatechest [<location>] ({open}/close) (sound:{true}/false)

Obviously, the command is 'animatechest'... but what does the rest of it mean?

Anything in [brackets] is required... you MUST put it there.
Anything in (parenthesis) is optional... you only need to put it there if you want to.
Anything in {braces} is default... the command will just assume this if no argument is actually typed.
Anything in <> is non-literal... you must change what is inside of it.
Anything outside of <> is literal... you must put it exactly as-is.
<#> represents a number without a decimal, and <#.#> represents a number with a decimal
Lastly, input that ends with "|..." (EG, [<entity>|...] ) can take a list of the input indicated before it (In that example, a list of entities)
An argument that contains a ":" (like "duration:<value>") is a prefix:value pair. The prefix is usually literal and the value dynamic. The prefix and the colon should be kept directly in the final command.

A few examples:
[<location>] is required and non-literal... you might fill it with a noted location, or a tag that returns one like '<player.location>'.
(sound:{true}/false) is optional and has a default value of true... you can put sound:false to prevent sound, or leave it blank to allow sound.
(repeats:<#>) is optional, has no clear default, and is a number. You can put repeats:3 to repeat three times, or leave it blank to not repeat.
Note: Optional arguments without a default usually have a secret default... EG, the (repeats:<#>) above has a secret default of '0'.

Also, you should never directly type in [], (), {}, or <> even though they are in the syntax info.
The only exception is in a replaceable tag (EG: <npc.has_trait[<traitname>]> will take <npc.has_trait[mytrait]> as a valid actual usage)

Highly specific note: <commands> means a block of commands wrapped in braces or as a sub-block... EG:

- repeat 3:
  - narrate "<[value]>"
  - narrate "everything spaced out as a sub-block (these two narrates) following a ":" ended command (that repeat) is for the <commands> input!"
GroupScript Command System