Denizen Script Language Explanations

Language Explanations explain components of Denizen in a more direct and technical way than The Beginner's Guide.

Showing 1 out of 82 language explanations...
NameEscaping System
DescriptionSometimes, you need to avoid having symbols that might be misinterpreted in your data.
Denizen provides the tags Tag:ElementTag.escaped and Tag:ElementTag.unescaped to help deal with that.
Escaped replaces symbols with the relevant escape-code, and unescaped replaces the escape-codes with the real symbols.

Some older style tags and mechanisms may automatically use this same escaping system.

The mapping of symbols to escape codes is as follows:


| = &pipe
< = &lt
> = &gt
newline = &nl
& = &amp
; = &sc
[ = &lb
] = &rb
: = &co
at sign @ = &at
. = &dot
\ = &bs
' = &sq
" = &quo
! = &exc
/ = &fs
ยง = &ss
# = &ns
= = &eq
{ = &lc
} = &rc

Also, you can input a non-breaking space via &sp

Note that these are NOT tag names. They are exclusively used by the escaping system.
GroupUseful Lists